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On the JJ Barnes Blog, as Spring has arrived, and we’re starting to mow our lawns and throw open the windows, I’m sharing my top tips to survive allergy season.
Ah, spring! The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, the birds are chirping their cheerful melodies, and… achoo!… the relentless onslaught of allergies begins. Yes, as we eagerly throw open our windows to welcome the fresh air and dust off our lawnmowers, many of us are also bracing ourselves for the familiar itchy eyes, runny noses, and general misery that allergy season brings.
But fear not, fellow sufferers! Before you resign yourself to a season of sneezes and sniffles, with the help of experts at London Rubbish Removal Company, I’m here to share my top tips for navigating this pollen-packed period and actually enjoying the beauty that spring has to offer. Let’s reclaim our springtime joy, one antihistamine and helpful hack at a time.
Top Tips To Survive Allergy Season
1. Choose Pollen-Free or Low-Pollen Plants

To minimize hay fever symptoms, opt for pollen-free or low-pollen plants in your garden and home. Outdoors, consider planting geraniums, irises, ferns, hostas, rosemary, begonias, tea plants, clematis, lilies, and daylilies. These plants produce minimal pollen, reducing allergen exposure. Indoors, low-pollen houseplants like pansies, periwinkle, tea plants, marigolds, thyme, golden pothos, lounge palms, and aloe vera can keep your living space fresher without triggering allergies.
- Placement Tips: Avoid placing plants near beds or in bedrooms—designate plant-free zones for sleeping. Keep them away from windows and doorways to prevent pollen from drifting inside.
- Product Recommendation: Purchase seeds for low-pollen plants like geraniums or begonias. For indoor options, grab Golden Pothos or Aloe Vera Plants.
2. Keep Your Home and Garden Fresh

Regular cleaning is critical to prevent pollen buildup. Dust and vacuum your home weekly (or more during peak season) using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Avoid wearing outdoor shoes indoors to prevent tracking pollen inside. Wash bedding, mattress covers, pillowcases, and clothes weekly in hot water to eliminate allergens, and consider switching to hypoallergenic materials.
In the garden, mow grass and trim weeds weekly to reduce pollen sources. Practices like mulching, pruning, and recycling green waste improve air circulation and limit mould growth.
- Product Recommendations:
- Dyson V11 Animal Cordless Vacuum (with HEPA filtration) for powerful allergen removal indoors.
- Hypoallergenic Mattress Protector and Linen Bedding for hypoallergenic comfort.
3. Declutter Your Belongings and Garden Equipment

Decluttering reduces hidden pollen traps. Clear out unnecessary items from your home and garden shed, donating or repurposing what you don’t need. Organize clutter into storage bins to minimize dust and pollen accumulation. Air out rooms regularly for ventilation, but time it outside peak pollen hours.
- Product Recommendations:
- Storage Boxes for organizing indoor items.
- Outdoor Storage Shed to keep garden tools pollen-free.
4. Purify the House and Garden During the Right Hours

Pollen levels peak between 5 AM–10 AM and 7 PM–10 PM, so avoid gardening or opening windows during these times. Instead, tend to your garden in the late afternoon or early evening. Use air purifiers and air conditioners indoors during peak hours to filter pollen from the air.
- Product Recommendations:
- Levoit Core 400S Smart Air Purifier (with H13 True HEPA filter, ideal for rooms up to 403 sq ft) for allergy relief.
- Honeywell HPA300 Air Purifier (covers larger spaces with high CADR ratings).
- Frigidaire Window-Mounted Air Conditioner with Filter to cool and clean air simultaneously.
5. Shower and Wash Your Pets

Showering daily, especially after outdoor time, removes pollen from your skin and hair. Wash pets more frequently during spring, as their fur can harbor pollen, dust, and mould. Limit their access to bedrooms and furniture to reduce allergen spread.
- Product Recommendations:
- Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo for gentle pet cleaning.
- Pet Wipes for quick clean-ups between baths.
Combining these strategies—low-pollen plants, diligent cleaning, strategic timing, and the right products—can significantly reduce allergy symptoms this spring. Stock up on recommended items like HEPA air purifiers, hypoallergenic bedding, and pet care products now, as March 2025 marks the start of allergy season. With these tools and habits, you’ll breathe easier and enjoy the season more comfortably!
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