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Health And Beauty

Top Tips For Summer Skincare

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out top tips for summer skincare so I can keep my skin healthy and feeling fresh as the weather heats up.

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Summer’s here (for the most part) which means it’s time for barbecues in the garden, excursions to the beach, and soaking up the sunshine on dog walks through the countryside. But with that glorious sunshine comes the challenge of keeping our skin healthy and happy as increased sweating, clogged pores, and potential sun damage become major concerns, so I wanted to learn how to adapt my skincare routine to accommodate the change of season.

To help me out, experts at the beauty and wellness marketplace, Fresha, sent over a list of do’s and don’ts for Summer sin care. I’ll be learning how to keep your skin hydrated, protected, and glowing all season long. From sunscreen essentials to lightweight moisturizers and refreshing hacks, get ready to conquer the summer heat with a skincare routine that works wonders.

Top Tips For Summer Skincare

Don’t Skip The SPF

As the days lengthen and the sun climbs higher in the sky, incorporating SPF products into your skincare routine becomes absolutely essential. It’s not just about preventing sunburn (although that’s important too!). Sun exposure can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.

SPF as Your Shield: Think of SPF as a protective shield for your skin. It blocks harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging. By incorporating SPF into your daily routine, you’re taking a proactive step towards keeping your skin healthy and youthful.

The Final Layer of Defense: Apply SPF as the last step in your morning skincare routine with a transparent spray. This ensures it sits on top of your other products, creating a complete barrier against the sun. Think of it like putting on your armor before heading into battle (against UV rays, that is!).

Strength in Numbers: When it comes to SPF, opt for a product with an SPF of at least 30. This indicates the level of protection it offers against UVB rays, the type of UV rays that cause sunburn. Higher SPF numbers (like 50+) offer even more protection, which can be beneficial for extended sun exposure or fairer skin tones.

Give it Time to Work: Don’t underestimate the power of patience! After applying sunscreen, wait at least 20 minutes before venturing outdoors. This allows the product time to fully absorb into your skin and create its protective barrier. Think of it as letting your sunscreen “activate” its superpowers.

Incorporate Vitamin C Serum

Summer is the perfect time to introduce a powerhouse ingredient into your skincare routine: vitamin C serum. This antioxidant superstar offers a plethora of benefits that are especially welcome during the summer months.

SPF Booster: Vitamin C serums work synergistically with SPF products to create a double shield against UV rays. Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals generated by sun exposure, further protecting your skin from sun damage. Think of it as giving your SPF a helping hand to fight off the bad guys (free radicals) that can damage your skin.

Hydration Hero: Summer heat can leave skin feeling parched. Vitamin C serums can help improve your skin’s ability to retain moisture, keeping it plump and hydrated. This translates to a more radiant and healthy complexion, perfect for those carefree summer days.

Glow Getter: Vitamin C serums are known for their brightening properties. They can help reduce hyperpigmentation and even out skin tone, resulting in a luminous and more even-toned appearance. So, ditch the dullness and embrace a healthy summer glow with the help of vitamin C.

Sunburn Soother: Even with the best intentions, sunburns can happen. Vitamin C serums can come to the rescue here as well! Their anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe the discomfort of sunburn and potentially speed up the healing process. Plus, continued use of vitamin C can help minimize long-term sun damage, keeping your skin healthy in the long run.

While vitamin C offers amazing benefits, it’s important to be kind to your skin. When introducing a new product like a vitamin C serum, it’s wise to start gradually. Apply a small amount a few times a week to test how your skin reacts. Once your skin adjusts, you can increase the frequency as needed.

Try Niacinamide Serum  

Winter’s harsh winds and dry air can leave your skin feeling parched and dull. As Summer arrives it’s the perfect time to introduce a hero ingredient into your skincare routine: niacinamide serum.

Hydration Hero: Winter wreaks havoc on your skin’s moisture barrier. Niacinamide comes to the rescue by boosting your skin’s ability to retain moisture. It helps repair the skin barrier, preventing water loss and keeping your skin plump and hydrated. This translates to a noticeable improvement in skin texture and a healthy, dewy glow – perfect for welcoming the sunnier days.

Oil Control Champion: As the weather warms up, your skin naturally starts to produce more oil. Niacinamide is a champion at regulating oil production. It helps keep your skin balanced, preventing excess oil that can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. So, say goodbye to the greasy feeling and hello to a refreshed, shine-free complexion.

Double Duty Defense: Here’s the beauty of niacinamide – it tackles both dryness and excess oil! This makes it a versatile product suitable for a variety of skin types, especially those experiencing combination skin concerns.

Avoid Heavy Moisturisers   

Moisturizer is a skincare staple, keeping our skin hydrated and healthy throughout the year. But as the seasons change, so too should our skincare routines.

Beat the Heat, Breathe Easier: Summer brings hotter temperatures, which can make your skin feel congested and sweaty. Heavy moisturizers can add to this feeling, acting like a barrier that traps sweat and oil. Switching to a lighter formula allows your skin to breathe more easily, keeping you feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Clogged Pores, No More: Heavy moisturizers can clog pores, especially as your skin naturally produces more oil in warmer weather. This can lead to breakouts and blemishes, the last thing you want when you’re aiming for a clear, glowing complexion. Opting for a lighter moisturizer reduces the risk of clogged pores, keeping your skin breakout-free.

Hydration Hero, Light Version: Don’t be fooled by the lighter formula! While the texture might be different, a light summer moisturizer will still deliver essential hydration. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid or aloe vera, which provide deep hydration without feeling heavy on the skin.

Switch To Gel Cleanser 

Cleansing is the cornerstone of any good skincare routine, and summer is no exception. It helps remove excess oil, sweat, dirt, and sunscreen buildup that can accumulate throughout the day. But just like your wardrobe gets lighter with the seasons, your cleanser needs a refresh too.

The Heavy Handshake: Thick cleansing creams, while great for winter’s dry conditions, can feel heavy and greasy on your skin during the summer. They can leave a residue, potentially clogging pores and leading to breakouts.

The Science of Sweat: Summer brings increased sweating, which helps regulate body temperature. However, thick creams can mix with sweat, creating an occlusive layer that traps oil and bacteria. This can exacerbate acne and leave your skin feeling congested.

Enter the Gel Cleanser: Gel cleansers are your summer skincare heroes. Their lightweight, water-based formula feels refreshing on your skin, effectively removing impurities without leaving a greasy residue. They’re gentle enough for daily use and won’t strip away your skin’s natural oils, which are important for maintaining a healthy moisture barrier.

Put Exfoliating Acids Aside 

As the temperature heats up, it’s incredibly tempting to exfoliate daily to reduce the risk of clogged pores. However, limiting your use of exfoliating acids over the next few months is hugely important.  

When over-used, exfoliating acids, such as salicylic acid and glycolic acid, can reduce the skin’s natural protection against the sun and can dehydrate your skin, making you more susceptible to skin damage.  

Exfoliating acids should be used in moderation and applied around once a week at most to avoid some nasty sunburn this summer. SPF should always be the last step in your morning skincare routine, so make sure you get your exfoliating out of the way before applying SPF products.  

Similarly, face scrubs should also be avoided over the next few months. While these products are a great way to remove dead skin cells, they can also increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, heightening the risk of skin damage.   

Ditch Cleansing Oils  

As the weather start to heat up, your face will naturally begin to produce more oil. As a result, avoiding cleansing oils over the next few months is recommended.  

Applying cleansing oils in warm weather will result in an excessive amount of oil, increasing your risk of a breakout. Because of this, it’s best to dial down during spring and stick to lighter products.  

As the evenings get lighter and the weather becomes warmer, summer is a great time to incorporate some change into your skincare routine. It’s time to ditch those thick winter creams and focus on getting that sought-after glow.  

Throughout summer, it’s important to incorporate lighter and more natural products into your routine to allow your skin to truly radiate thanks to the warmer weather. Now is the time to eliminate that winter dullness and brighten your skin with the help of this guide.

-A spokesperson for Fresha
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