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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out research from into the top five TikTok money saving hacks we can use to combat the cost of living crisis in 2023.
We’re all broke, right? Even if you’re not totally broke, you’re probably noticing the pinch as the cost of living crisis is causing a massive headache, and bank account ache, across the nation. The global increase in searches for “how to save money in 2023” over the past month suggests that one of the most popular new year’s resolutions is to replenish our bank accounts by saving as much money as possible.
Habitual changes such as seeking a watch battery replacement instead of a new timepiece or using appliance repairs will help. Switching to cheaper brands and reducing your food waste builds a solid foundation for financial health too. Still, when it comes to active savings, it’s vital to follow a strategy that works for you.
So, with this in mind, I checked out a list of the top five best money-saving hacks found on TikTok, and compiled by experts at
I use TikTok for making daft videos and talking about books, so why not use it to try and save a bit of money?
TikTok Money-Saving Hacks For 2023 That Will Change Your Life
The “Cash Stuffing” Method
Purchase a cash wallet and label each of the sleeves with your budgeting categories. This can include things like bills, goals, vacations, and luxuries you might want, like clothes and shoes. Divide any money you get paid or receive into each of these categories. It’s a fun, easy hack that makes you feel organized and ahead of the game. The hashtag #cashstuffing has received over 230 million views.
The Savings ‘Ladder’
@jandralee adds a twist rather than saving a predetermined amount each month: Select a reward for yourself and divide its cost by 2, 3, or 4 (based on how much money you want to save). For instance, if you want to buy Apple Airpods (£119), multiply that number by three to get £357. This means you can buy the Airpods and save £238. Start small and work your way up the savings ladder over time!
The 100 Envelope Challenge
The “100 Envelope Challenge” can save you £5,050 in just 100 days or over the entire year to get the most out of your savings. To begin, you will require 100 envelopes, one for each number from 1 to 100. Put all of the envelopes in a box, and every day, choose one of them and put money in it based on the number on it. For instance, you insert £10 into the envelope if it bears the number 10. If you complete the challenge for all 100 days, you can easily save £5050!
The Penny Challenge
This straightforward challenge can help you save just over £650 annually! You only need to save one pence each day, adding one pence for each day. Therefore, your first day will cost 1p, your second day will cost 2p, and so on. Easy!
The 50, 30 And 20 Budget Rule
A fantastic and easy method for organizing your finances! Simply divide your budget into three distinct categories is all that is required. 50 percent—this is for necessities like rent or mortgage, bills, and food. The “wants” category, which includes things like dining out, hobbies, entertainment, and travel, comes next with 30%. Finally, the 20% category contains your investments and savings.
- sought to determine the most useful money saving tips and hacks for 2023.
- To determine these tips and hacks, searched for keywords such as ‘saving tips’, ‘saving hacks’ and ‘money tips for 2023’ on the social media site, TikTok
- They then recorded the most ‘viral’ videos, by identifying the most viewed and the most liked on the site.
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