Tips For Decluttering Before Starting Home Renovations

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, as I continue my work on my home, I share top tips for decluttering before starting home renovations so we can start with a fresh slate!

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Home renovations are an exciting endeavor, but sometimes I find it too easy to get overwhelmed by the prospect of transforming my space. There are so many memories and treasures, and (if I’m honest) collections of chaos, that it feels like a daunting task. That’s why I have to remember that there’s one crucial step that often gets overlooked: decluttering. By taking the time to clear out the clutter, you’ll not only create a cleaner workspace for decorating, but also gain a fresh perspective on your home’s potential.

With the help of Danielle Mathews from Reborn Renovations, I’ll share invaluable insight into the pre-renovation decluttering process, and the eight essential items homeowners should consider discarding before embarking on their home transformation journey.

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Tips For Decluttering Before Starting Home Renovations

Kitchen Declutter

Clear the counters: Remove appliances, utensils, and other items to create a clear workspace.

Organize cabinets and drawers: Discard expired items, donate unused kitchenware, and reorganize for efficiency.

Tackle the pantry: Toss expired food, donate unused items, and reorganize shelves for better accessibility.

Bedroom Declutter

Wardrobe overhaul: Sort through your clothes, donating or selling items you no longer wear.

Under-bed storage: Clear out any unnecessary items from under your bed to create additional space.

Nightstand purge: Remove clutter from your nightstand, keeping only essential items.

Living Room Declutter

Furniture evaluation: Decide which pieces will stay and which can be donated or sold.

Entertainment center overhaul: Organize media, cables, and accessories for a clutter-free space.

Decorative items: Curate your decor, removing items that no longer serve your style.

Bathroom Declutter

Cabinet cleanout: Discard expired products and declutter toiletries.

Countertop clarity: Remove unnecessary items to create a clean and spacious feel.

Linen closet refresh: Donate or discard old towels and linens.

Remember, decluttering is an ongoing process. Focus on one room at a time, and don’t be afraid to enlist help if needed. By creating a clutter-free environment, you’ll not only enhance your living space but also create a smoother path for your renovation project.

Top Eight Things To Get Rid Of

1. Items From a Past Phase

Decluttering isn’t just about creating physical space; it’s also about emotional release. Many of us hold onto items from previous life stages, attached to memories and emotions. However, these relics can accumulate, hindering our ability to fully embrace the present and future.

It’s time to let go of the past. Whether it’s those childhood toys, college memorabilia, or baby items, holding onto them can create a sense of stagnation. By decluttering these sentimental items, you’re making space not just physically, but emotionally. This process can be cathartic, allowing you to focus on creating new memories and experiences.

Remember, holding onto the past doesn’t guarantee a brighter future. By letting go, you’re opening doors for new beginnings and exciting possibilities.

Letting go of items from past phases is like shedding old skin. It’s about honouring where you’ve been while embracing who you are becoming, creating room for growth and new experiences in your home.

-Danielle Mathews

2. Anything Expired

A key aspect of decluttering before a renovation is prioritizing health and safety. It’s essential to eliminate expired or unwanted items from your pantry, medicine cabinet, and storage spaces.

Discarding outdated food products not only frees up valuable space but also prevents potential health risks. Similarly, expired medications and cosmetics should be disposed of properly to avoid contamination.

By taking the time to clear out these items, you create a healthier and more organized living space. This not only benefits your well-being but also ensures a safer environment for contractors during the renovation process.

Expired items not only clutter our physical spaces but also impede our ability to stay healthy and thrive, so get rid of it all.

-Danielle Mathews

3. Old Electronics

As technology rapidly evolves, our homes often become cluttered with outdated devices. To make way for new and improved gadgets, it’s essential to declutter and dispose of old electronics responsibly.

From obsolete smartphones to unused gaming consoles, these devices can accumulate quickly, occupying valuable space and creating visual clutter. By recycling or donating these items, you not only free up space but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

Moreover, decluttering your electronic devices can enhance the overall aesthetic of your home and create a more minimalist living environment.

Old electronics can weigh us down with outdated functionalities and clutter, so responsibly dispose of those relics and contribute to a more sustainable future.

-Danielle Mathews

4. Basically, Your Entire Junk Drawer

The infamous junk drawer – a black hole for miscellaneous items. It’s time to liberate your home from this chaotic abyss. By tackling this cluttered space, you’ll not only create a sense of order but also uncover valuable items that may have been forgotten.

From old keys to expired batteries, the junk drawer is a treasure trove of forgotten items. Take the time to sort through the chaos, discarding unnecessary items and finding new homes for those that still serve a purpose. By reclaiming this space, you’re taking a significant step towards a decluttered and organized home.

Remember, a decluttered junk drawer is more than just tidiness; it’s a symbol of a fresh start and a renewed sense of control.

Everyone has a junk drawer where we put all of our miscellaneous things, but sometimes this drawer can be a reflection of the chaos that can accumulate in our lives, so take some time to clear up this space.

-Danielle Mathews

5. Abandoned Hobby Items

Free up space and reignite your creativity by decluttering unused hobby supplies. Whether it’s unfinished art projects, neglected sports equipment, or dormant musical instruments, these forgotten items can accumulate and hinder your home’s potential.

By letting go of these unused possessions, you create a physical and mental space for new hobbies and interests to flourish. Consider donating or selling items in good condition to give them a new life and make room for fresh inspirations.

Remember, decluttering isn’t just about tidiness; it’s about unlocking your home’s potential and creating space for new experiences.

Hobby items represent untapped potential waiting to be rediscovered. By releasing what no longer resonates with us, we create space for new hobbies and passions to flourish, enriching our lives and homes with creativity and fulfilment.

-Danielle Mathews

6. Outdated Decor

Transform your living space by bidding farewell to decor that no longer resonates with your personal style or reflects your current aesthetic. Whether it’s faded artwork, worn-out furniture, or dusty knick-knacks, it’s time to refresh your surroundings.

By decluttering outdated decor, you create a blank canvas for a new design vision. This process not only enhances the visual appeal of your home but also frees up valuable space and allows your personal style to shine.

Remember, your home should be a reflection of who you are and how you live. By letting go of outdated pieces, you’re making way for a space that truly inspires and rejuvenates.

Outdated decor can stifle creativity and hinder self-expression. It’s important to create space for new design inspirations and personal expressions.

-Danielle Mathews

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7. Clothes That Don’t Fit

Embrace a new chapter in your style journey by decluttering your wardrobe. Letting go of clothes that no longer fit your body or reflect your personal style is essential for creating a functional and inspiring closet space.

By parting ways with items that no longer serve you, you’ll not only free up valuable closet real estate but also gain a clearer sense of your personal style. This decluttering process empowers you to focus on pieces that make you feel confident and beautiful.

Remember, a wardrobe that reflects your current lifestyle and aspirations is key to feeling your best.

Our clothing should empower and uplift us, not weigh us down with unrealistic expectations. We need to make space for clothing that embraces and celebrates our bodies as they are.

-Danielle Mathews

8. Things That Bring Up Bad Memories

Your home should be a sanctuary, a place of peace and rejuvenation. To cultivate this environment, it’s essential to declutter beyond the physical and delve into the emotional realm.

Letting go of items tied to negative experiences can be challenging but incredibly liberating. Whether it’s gifts from ex-partners, souvenirs from difficult times, or objects associated with past failures, holding onto these items can hinder your emotional well-being. By creating physical space, you’re also making room for emotional healing and growth.

Remember, your home is a reflection of your inner world. Decluttering to enhance your mental and emotional well-being is an investment in your overall happiness.

Our homes should be sanctuaries of peace and joy, free from the weight of negative memories. By releasing items that no longer serve us positively, we create space for new beginnings and happier moments, shaping a home that uplifts and supports us in our journey toward emotional well-being.

-Danielle Mathews

About Reborn Renovations

Reborn Renovations is Calgary’s renovation contractor of choice. Specialising in all aspects of home renovations and remodels, whether you’re looking for a more a complex project like adding more square footage with a home addition, bringing the heart of your home into this decade by giving your kitchen a modern update, or a complete overhaul with a full interior or main floor renovation, the Reborn team has the experience, know how and track record to show you that we’re your best choice when it comes to modernising or improving your home.

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