Tackling Your Back Pain Woes Without More Medication

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, having struggled with back pain most of my life, and being sick of constantly taking pain relief, I decided to check out top tips for tackling your back pain woes without more medication.

If you live with back pain, then a considerable amount of your time and effort might be spent thinking about what to do about it. However, there are plenty of people who won’t make the call to arrange for more medication, and for good reason. The medicine prescribed for chronic back pain often comes with a risk of health effects, such as opioids which can be addictive. So, what options can you look at to treat it otherwise?

Back Pain, photo credit: CC0 License on the JJ Barnes Blog
Back Pain, photo credit: CC0 License

Be Kind To Your Back

First of all, it’s important to make sure that you’re not putting undue stress on your back throughout the day. Practice good posture, keeping your shoulders, back, and neck aligned, especially when sitting down. Ergonomic furniture, such as a supportive office chair and an adjustable desk can help you do this, too. This is extra important for those who work at their desks.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Although it might sound like too simple a change to make a true difference, improving your quality of sleep really does have a profound impact on back pain. In this case, we’re primarily talking about mattress quality and type, ensuring that you pick the right mattress for your sleeping habits that support you as you sleep. Sleeplessness and back pain are deeply related, not just because poor support puts pressure on your back, but because sleep helps to regulate the stress hormones that, unchecked, cause tension in the back, leading to more pain.

Work On It Yourself

Taking care of your back isn’t just all about resting it, either. A little working out, when you’re able, is important, too. This can include the basics like incorporating gentle stretching or yoga to improve flexibility and relieve tension. Strengthening your core muscles, even with bodyweight exercises, can build up the support your back needs, as well.

Take The Hands-On Approach

Just because you might not be looking for extra medication doesn’t mean that you should ignore the benefits of help from a health professional. You can visit worthingosteopathicwellbeing.co.uk to learn more about proven hands-on back treatments, looking at the neurological connection between the back and the pain that you feel, and finding the adjustments to your back that can help to relieve them. These treatments can also include strength & conditioning plans to help you better build up that aforementioned support.

Consider Your Surgical Options

Another medical approach that might not require you to take as many painkillers is to look at the different surgical options that might be available to you. There is a host of surgical back treatments, which can do things like remove damaged parts of the spine, or fuse them together to make them better support the whole back. If your pain is chronic and worsening, it might be worth asking your doctor about it.

A mixture of more holistic health practices as well as lifestyle changes could make a little difference in your life. Concede the tips above and plan your course of attack on your back pain.

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