Surprisingly Dirty Things And Effective Cleaning Tips

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out a list of ten surprisingly dirty things in the home, and effective cleaning tips for how to get rid of those nasty germs.

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Did you know that the seemingly clean surfaces of your daily life are actually teeming with germs? It’s true. Your desktop, once a symbol of productivity, is a veritable petri dish, harboring a staggering 20,961 germs per square inch. Your keyboard, those keys you tap with such familiarity, carries a less impressive but still alarming 3,295 germs per square inch. And your trusty mouse? That’s home to 1,676 germs.

But wait, there’s more. Your smartphone, that constant companion you carry everywhere, can be even dirtier than a toilet seat! With a shocking 25,127 germs per square inch, it’s time to reconsider how often you bring it to your face.

Thanks to the experts at Digital PR Agency, I’m going to share the top ten surprisingly dirty things in your home, and some effective cleaning tips to reduce the number of germs you interact with on a daily basis in a quick and easy way.

1. Keyboards and Mice

Keyboards and mice, those everyday tools we rely on, are often overlooked as germ hotspots. These high-touch items can harbor a surprising amount of bacteria.

For instance, with an average of 1,676 germs per square inch, a typical mouse measuring about 10 square inches could be home to a staggering 16,760 germs. Your keyboard isn’t much cleaner, serving as a breeding ground for bacteria with every keystroke.

How To Clean Them

To minimize the spread of germs, make a habit of wiping down your keyboard and mouse with antibacterial wipes or a cloth dampened with a mild cleaning solution at the end of each day.

This simple step can significantly reduce the number of bacteria lurking on these frequently touched surfaces. And remember, to protect yourself further, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.

2. Door Handles and Light Switches

Did you know that door handles can harbor up to 30 times more germs than a toilet seat? That’s right – those seemingly innocuous surfaces we touch multiple times a day can be a breeding ground for bacteria.

High-touch areas like door handles, light switches, and even elevator buttons should be disinfected regularly to help prevent the spread of germs. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy environment.

How To Clean Them

To effectively clean and disinfect high-touch areas like door handles and light switches, use disinfectant sprays or wipes.

Ensure you thoroughly clean all surfaces, paying close attention to crevices and corners. For maximum effectiveness, follow the product instructions regarding contact time for germ killing. Regular cleaning of these surfaces can significantly reduce the spread of germs.

3. Desk Surfaces

While your desk might appear clean at first glance, its cleanliness can be significantly impacted by various factors. The location of your workspace, the frequency of visitors, and the nature of your job all contribute to its germ load.

If you use a hot desk or share your workspace with colleagues, the risk of contamination is even higher. Desks can quickly become breeding grounds for dust, crumbs, and harmful bacteria, especially if you’re prone to eating at your desk.

How To Clean Them

Keeping your desk clean is crucial for a healthy workspace. For a tidy and hygienic environment, wipe down your desk surface daily with a disinfectant wipe or spray.

Don’t forget to use a duster on those often-overlooked areas like behind your monitor and around any decorative items. Regular cleaning will help to remove dust, crumbs, and harmful bacteria, creating a healthier workspace.

4. Phones and Headphones

Our phones and headphones are constant companions, accompanying us everywhere we go. Unfortunately, this constant contact makes them prime breeding grounds for bacteria. From our hands to our ears, these devices are exposed to countless germs throughout the day.

How To Clean Them

To keep your phone and headphones germ-free, use disinfectant wipes to clean them daily, paying particular attention to the mouthpiece and earpiece areas.

For headphones with foam parts, consider replacing them every few weeks due to their tendency to harbor bacteria. If replacement isn’t an option, gently clean them with warm water or a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. Avoid using soap or liquid detergents as these can be difficult to rinse completely from the porous foam.

5. Computer Screens

While computer screens aren’t as notorious for harboring germs as other frequently touched items, they still accumulate dust, grime, and fingerprints over time. These can create a less-than-ideal viewing experience and potentially introduce bacteria.

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain optimal screen performance and hygiene.

How To Clean Them

To maintain optimal screen clarity and hygiene, incorporate a weekly cleaning routine for your computer screens. Use a soft, microfiber cloth specifically designed for screens, along with a screen-safe cleaning solution.

Gently wipe away dust, fingerprints, and smudges, ensuring you apply minimal pressure to prevent damage. This simple step will enhance your viewing experience while reducing the potential spread of germs.

6. Waste Bins

From the living room wastebasket to the kitchen bin, these receptacles can harbor a dangerous cocktail of bacteria, including salmonella, E. coli, and listeria.

Regular emptying is essential to prevent unpleasant odors, but it’s equally important to avoid potential contamination, illness, or even infestations. Overfilled bins provide ideal breeding grounds for harmful microorganisms.

How To Clean Them

To maintain a hygienic environment, it’s crucial to empty your kitchen bin at least bi-weekly and general waste bins once a week. Regularly removing waste and using an odour destroyer prevents unpleasant smells and reduces the risk of attracting pests.

For optimal cleanliness, disinfect the inside of your bins weekly using a disinfectant spray or wipes. This will help eliminate harmful bacteria and keep your home fresh.

7. Kitchen Appliances

Shared appliances like microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee machines can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria and grime. To prevent the spread of germs and maintain a healthy workspace, these shared items should be cleaned thoroughly at least once a week.

A recent study revealed a shocking statistic: coffee machines, in particular, were found to harbor an average of 360 different strains of microbial growth, some of which can cause illness. Regular cleaning is essential to mitigate these risks.

How To Clean Them

To effectively eliminate germs and maintain hygiene, thoroughly wipe down all appliance surfaces and frequently touched areas with antibacterial and disinfectant spray or wipes.

Pay particular attention to handles, buttons, and any areas prone to spills or drips. This regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and ensures a healthier environment for everyone.

Use coffee machine cleaning tablets to break down stubborn coffee residue. They’re designed to be used through the coffee machine’s brewing process, allowing the cleaning solution to reach and clean the internal components.

8. Desk Chairs

Desk chairs often become overlooked havens for dust, stains, hair, fur, and unpleasant odors. The problem is compounded for those with pets or long hair.

Shockingly, the average desk chair can harbor up to 21,000 germs per square inch! It’s time to give your office throne the attention it deserves.

How To Clean Them

To maintain your desk chair’s freshness and hygiene, regular cleaning is essential. For fabric chairs, a monthly vacuuming using the upholstery attachment will remove dust, crumbs, and hair.

Leather or vinyl chairs can be revitalized with a gentle wipe-down using a suitable cleaner. This routine care will not only extend the life of your chair but also create a healthier workspace.

9. Carpets and Floors

Carpets and floors can act as magnets for dirt, dust, and allergens, which can significantly worsen allergy symptoms like hay fever. These microscopic irritants become trapped in carpet fibers and upholstery, releasing into the air when disturbed.

Regular cleaning is crucial to reduce allergen exposure and improve indoor air quality.

How To Clean Them

Regular upkeep is essential for maintaining clean and healthy indoor spaces. Vacuuming carpets and mopping hard floors frequently helps remove surface-level dirt, dust, and allergens.

For a deeper clean, consider carpet cleaning or shampooing at least once a month, especially in high-traffic areas or for those with allergies or pets. This comprehensive approach will significantly improve indoor air quality and extend the life of your flooring.

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10. Air Vents and Filters

Air quality is a cornerstone of a healthy home environment. Unfortunately, indoor air can often be more polluted than outdoor air, contributing significantly to year-round allergies and respiratory issues. To combat this, maintaining clean and fresh air should be a non-negotiable part of your cleaning routine.

By prioritizing indoor air quality, you can effectively reduce exposure to airborne germs, pollutants, and allergens, creating a healthier living space for yourself and your family.

How To Clean Them

To optimize indoor air quality and reduce allergens, it’s essential to maintain a clean HVAC system. Regularly clean air vents and replace air filters at least every three month and consider using an air purifier.

This simple yet effective practice helps to remove dust, pollen, and other contaminants, ensuring your home’s air is fresh, clean, and circulated efficiently.

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From the seemingly innocuous computer mouse to the often-overlooked air vents, it’s clear that our homes harbor more germs than we might think. By tackling these often-neglected areas with the right cleaning techniques, you can significantly improve the overall hygiene and health of your living space.

Remember, prevention is key. Regular cleaning, combined with good hygiene practices like handwashing, can help to minimize the spread of germs and create a healthier home environment for you and your family.

So, roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and embark on a deep clean. Your future self will thank you!

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