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Home And Garden

Protect Your Home: Essential Tips To Prevent Theft And Catch A Thief

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out how to protect your home, and ways to prevent theft and catch a thief so I can keep my home and my family as safe as possible.

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Our homes are supposed to be our sanctuaries; the places where we feel safe, relaxed, and surrounded by loved ones. But that sense of security can be shattered if we fall victim to a break-in. The thought of a stranger invading my personal space is unsettling, to say the least.

Because I care deeply about keeping my home and my family safe, I wanted to take a deep dive into home security. I’ll be exploring a range of strategies to deter would-be burglars, and how to maximize the chances of catching the culprit and restoring peace of mind should the worst happen.

Did you know a home burglary happens every 26 seconds, with an average loss of $2,799? It’s true. Most break-ins occur during daylight hours, as thieves assume you’ll be at work, school, or out running errands.

Even the most secure neighborhoods aren’t immune to intruders. To help protect your home and learn how to catch a thief, consider these tips:

Strengthen Your Sliding Doors:

Sliding doors often come with less secure locks, making them an easy target for burglars. To bolster their security, consider adding a security bar in the tracks and applying a transparent safety film. This extra layer of protection makes it nearly impossible to smash the glass and gain entry.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, if it takes a thief more than four or five minutes to break into a home, they’re likely to move on to an easier target.

Secure Your Doors and Windows:

Did you know that 34% of burglars come in through the front door, and 81% enter through the first floor? This shows that most thieves are looking for easy access. To make your home less inviting to them, always close and lock your doors and windows before you leave, even for a short errand, and before going to bed.

Consider Changing Your Locks:

When you moved into your home, condo, or apartment, did you change the locks? If not, think about how many copies of your key might be out there. To ensure no strangers can enter your home, consider changing the locks.

Install a deadbolt and add a strike plate, both of which can be found at your local home improvement store or online. You might also want to upgrade to a smart lock or enhance your security with a video doorbell.

Enhance Your Outdoor Lighting:

Thieves often avoid well-lit homes, so it’s essential to audit your outdoor lighting. Brighter is always better. Ensure you have lights by your garage, porch, and back door, as well as around your yard and along walkways. If you find any dark areas, consider adding lights.

For added convenience, use smart bulbs, timers, or motion sensors. Motion sensors are particularly effective, as they illuminate when needed most, potentially scaring off intruders and preventing a crime.

Update Your Keypad or Passcode:

Frequent use can wear out your keypad, making your code easier to decipher due to faded numbers and letters. To prevent this, consider replacing your keypad regularly. Alternatively, you can change your passcode periodically to keep it secure from potential criminals.

View Your Home Through a Thief’s Eyes:

Take a moment for a quick experiment: Open all your first-floor curtains and blinds, then step outside and walk around your property. Make a mental note of what’s visible. If you can see expensive electronics or other valuables, so can potential thieves.

To reduce temptation, consider rearranging items to keep them out of sight. If that’s not feasible, keep the shades drawn or invest in privacy film. Remember, open windows allow thieves to take inventory and assess your home’s layout.

Protect Your Wi-Fi Network:

If you use smart devices like cell phones and tablets, it’s crucial to keep hackers off your home network. A strong security system is essential; otherwise, criminals could access your gadgets and even your home.

To ensure devices like video doorbells, smart locks, and lights remain secure, protect your wireless router, install antivirus and anti-malware software, and create strong passwords to safeguard your personal information.

Dispose of Boxes Discreetly:

Leaving boxes from new purchases out for recycling might seem eco-friendly, but it also advertises your recent big-ticket buys to potential thieves. Fortunately, the solution is simple. Break down boxes and bag them up, or take them directly to a local recycling center. This way, you keep your expensive purchases under wraps and away from prying eyes.

Plant Thorny Shrubs for Extra Security:

Thorny shrubs not only enhance your home’s beauty but also act as a deterrent to burglars. Thieves are less likely to attempt a break-in if there’s a risk of injury. Additionally, keep your plants and trees trimmed to eliminate potential hiding spots and further secure your property.

Keep Your Car Keys Handy:

Instead of hanging your car keys on a hook near the door, keep them close to your bed where you can easily reach them. This way, if you hear something suspicious or suspect a break-in, you can quickly press the panic button on your car remote to activate the alarm. This can startle intruders and potentially deter them from entering further.


By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance the security of your home and reduce the risk of theft. From securing doors and windows to optimizing outdoor lighting and keeping valuables out of sight, each step plays a crucial role in safeguarding your property. Remember, it’s about being proactive and thinking like a thief to anticipate vulnerabilities. With these measures in place, you’re better prepared to protect your home and catch a thief before they strike. Stay vigilant and keep your home safe.

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