How To Warm Your Home Without Harming The Planet

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, while I have the goal of a warm, sustainable home, it’s tough when drafts and inefficient heating waste energy, but solutions like better insulation and efficient radiators are key.

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, if you find your home cold, you should be allowed to flick the heating on and warm it up.  If you’re trying to live a greener and more sustainable life then good on you because so many people don’t buy into it.

You want to be able to keep your house warm and you want to keep yourself comfortable, but you don’t want to cause environmental issues at the same time. It’s an admirable thing to do. There’s a lot of heat generated in your house that doesn’t actually stay where you want it, so you need to learn how to warm your home without wasting any of that energy that you’re paying for. 

Companies such a provide radiators that can help with your heating, but how else can you keep the house warm? A lot of the heat generated by the heating in your home won’t stay in the room that you have heated up because buildings leak heat through their windows, out of the cracks around the doors, and even into the ceiling space. Not only is this bad news for your energy bill, but it’s not great for the world either. So let’s take a look at how you can warm your home without harming the planet. 

How To Warm Your Home Without Harming The Planet

  1. Open up the curtains. The best way to remove household chill is to allow the sunlight to come in. It may still be chilly outside, but the sun can sit facing your windows and pump warm air into your house. Sun can sit very low in the sky during the winter and we need it as a natural heating mechanism. Not only will it brighten your day, but you’ll naturally pull the heat through the windows and keep your home warm. 
  2. Be smart with your heat choices. To boost the effect of the sun that’s coming in through your windows. Making sure that the heating you do use is efficient is important. There’s plenty of information and advice on choosing the best heater for your needs, but you can always ask the experts when you go to buy your radiator.
  3. Perform renovations with efficiency in mind. If you have the opportunity to set up any energy efficiency during a renovation or building process, then you should do so. Installing solar panels, for example, is a renewable way to generate electricity for heating and other activities in your home. This is much better for the planet than burning coal in a heater.
  4. Go old fashioned with your draft protection. Do you remember the draft excluders that your grandparents used to have at their house? They may have been in whimsical sausage dog shapes and used to go along the bottoms of the doors. You can make your own modern version or you can track down your grandparents version, but you can reduce how much heat your house loses by making sure that you have draft excluders at the doors and windows.

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