How Much Could You Sell Your Old Phone For

How Much Could You Sell Your Old Phone For?

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I share some tips from CasinoBee for how much you could sell your old phones for on Ebay, and which are worth the most.

If you’re anything like me, you have a clutch of old phones stuffed in drawers that were abandoned when you upgraded. Another thing you might have in common with me is a need to try and rake in some extra cash as the cost of living crisis drives the price of even breathing up, and children who insist on both growing out of all their clothes and eating your cupboards out of all your food.

With that in mind, I decided to check out some tips from the experts at CasinoBee who researched how much old phones are going for on Ebay, to see if any of my abandoned handsets are worth any money.

Sell Your Old Phone

Some of the old phones you might have lying around could be worth more than the most recent iPhone, despite the current trend of new models being released and lowering the value of their predecessors., a comparison website, commissioned a new study that looked at eBay to see how much some older models are worth today.

1. iPhone 2G

If you’re one of those people who wait to buy a new iPhone until it’s available, you’re in luck. The cost of an iPhone 2G with accessories can reach up to £4,000. Do not despair if the accessories have been misplaced since its 2007 release; The world’s most popular phone’s first generation can be purchased for up to £1,390.

2. Vertu Constellation X

This list includes a number of Vertu phones, and for good reason. Nokia established the phone brand in 1988 with the intention of selling phones as expensive accessories, which they have clearly accomplished. The Vertu Constellation X, which has a screen made of sapphire crystal and genuine alligator leather, is currently worth £3,950.

3. Vertu Signature Touch

At the time of its release, the Vertu Signature Touch was a popular choice among luxury Android phone fans. It cost around £7,500. You could get £3,500 for your Vertu Signature Touch if you were wealthy enough to purchase it when it first came out in 2014 and still have it in your home.

4. The Motorola Aura R1

The Motorola Aura R1 was intended to be just the first model in a series of Motorola Aura phones, and it was advertised as a high-end product when it was first released in 2008. It turned out to be the only one, and three special editions followed. In the late 2000s, you had to cash out £2,000 for it, but if you were one of the lucky owners of the Motorola Aura R1, you can now get up to £3,280 for it.

5. The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the world’s first portable phone. It was the result of 15 years of work by Dr. Martin Cooper, Rudy Krolopp, and others at Motorola. The revolutionary introduction of a portable phone in the early 1980s is only imaginable to us. If you’re willing to part with this piece of history, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X could fetch you £2,800 today.

6. Vertu Constellation Touch

When it was released in 2011, the Vertu Constellation Touch was an all-time bestseller among Vertu phones. The Constellation Touch was a more affordable phone from the luxury brand. Constellation Touch does not have a camera because, at the time, high-end customers thought it was more acceptable to have a phone without one. In 2011, the first touch screen phone from Vertu would have cost £4,000, but today you could get one for £1,950.

7. Vertu Constellation Glacier

Like all other Vertu phones, the Constellation Glacier’s screen is made of scratch-resistant sapphire crystal glass. It was released in 2011. On eBay, this particular model can be had for as much as £1,690.

8. Vertu Ascent Ferrari 1947 Limited Edition

Several limited editions of Vertu were produced to commemorate the luxury car manufacturer’s 60th anniversary. You could get around £1,500 for the Vert Ascent Ferrari, Vertu Ascent Ti, and Vertu Constellation 24K Gold.

9. Mobira Cityman 900

One of the first handheld cell phones was the Mobira Cityman 900, which was released in 1987. Because it was used in several scenes of the movie, fans of Lethal Weapon will be able to recognize the phone. If you are one of the people who own this phone and want to get rid of it, you can sell it for as much as £750.

10. Ericsson GH337

When the Ericsson GH337 came out in 1994, it was the lightest and smallest digital phone ever, and it had a lot of great features for its time. The phone received a number of honors, the most notable of which was the Caesar Award for Best Mobile Phone of the Year. Currently, you can purchase this phone for £675.


I’m definitely going to have a dig around, and get my parents to check out their older phone models, and see if I can’t dig up a surprising little money mine that is just abandoned under some old notebooks!

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