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How Indoor Plants Can Improve Your Health

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, I learned about how indoor plants can improve your health so we can all feel better in our homes.

Tired of feeling sluggish and unhealthy? Looking for a natural way to boost your mood and improve your overall well-being? Look no further than the humble houseplant! Research has linked houseplants to reduced stress, lower blood pressure and an improved state of mind.

Did you know the average UK resident spends a whopping 90% of their time indoors? Between working from home and hiding from the elements having cozy nights with a blanket and a movie, I definitely land in this category. However, this lack of exposure to nature can take a toll on our mental well-being. Luckily, research shows spending just 120 minutes outdoors per week can significantly improve our health and happiness (source: nature.com).

In this post, with the help of house plant experts, Beards & Daisies, I’ll share how incorporating indoor plants into your living space can have a surprising positive impact on your health. From improving air quality to reducing stress, discover the incredible benefits of bringing nature indoors.

How Indoor Plants Can Improve Your Health

Air Purifying

Indoor air pollution is a silent killer, claiming the lives of nearly 4 million people annually worldwide. While we often associate pollution with outdoor sources, our own homes can harbor harmful toxins that compromise our health. From the chemicals in cleaning products to the byproducts of heating systems, these pollutants can have a significant impact on our well-being.

Some of the most effective air-purifying plants include the Kentia Palm and Peace Lily. These plants have been scientifically proven to absorb toxins and improve indoor air quality, making them a natural and stylish addition to any home.

Common household toxins include formaldehyde, ammonia, and carbon monoxide. Fortunately, some houseplants can remove these toxins, increase oxygen levels, and reduce airborne dust for healthier air

-Jo, founder of Beards & Daisies and author of the houseplant guide ‘The Unkillables,’

Immunity Booster at Leaf of life wellness

Boost Your Mood

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, plants possess a remarkable ability to uplift our spirits and improve our overall well-being. The mere presence of greenery can transform a space, creating a more inviting and calming atmosphere. This, in turn, can have a profound impact on our emotional state.

Research has consistently demonstrated the positive psychological effects of interacting with plants. Studies have shown that tending to plants can lower blood pressure, reduce feelings of anxiety, and increase feelings of calmness and satisfaction. Even simply being in the presence of greenery can have a soothing effect.

Renowned for its calming properties, lavender can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, while low-maintenance nature of succulents can be particularly beneficial for those seeking a stress-free hobby.

JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Calming Effect

Studies have consistently demonstrated the positive physiological effects of interacting with plants. Research has shown that tending to plants can lower blood pressure, reduce heart rate, and decrease cortisol levels, a stress hormone associated with anxiety and stress. This suggests that the simple act of engaging with greenery can have a calming and restorative effect on our bodies.

The process of caring for plants is itself a calming activity, requiring attention and patience, which can foster mindfulness. The gentle acts of watering, pruning, and nurturing plants can be meditative, helping to slow down the mind and reduce anxiety.

Besides its medicinal properties, aloe vera can also help to create a sense of peace and tranquility, and the hardy snake plant is known for its ability to purify the air and reduce stress.

JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Increase Productivity

Are you struggling to stay focused and productive? A simple yet effective solution might be to bring a touch of nature into your workspace. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the presence of plants can significantly enhance cognitive function.

Plants have been shown to reduce distractions and increase your ability to focus on tasks, and have a calming effect, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety, which can hinder productivity. Surrounding yourself with nature can also inspire new ideas and spark innovative thinking.

The spider plant has been shown to enhance concentration and reduce anxiety, making it an ideal choice for the workplace. Associated with good luck and prosperity, the jade plant can also boost your motivation and focus.

Boost Your Immune System

Plants play a vital role in boosting your immune system as they help to remove pollutants from the air, reducing respiratory issues and improving overall lung health. This, in turn, strengthens your immune system’s ability to fight off infections.

Many plants naturally produce antimicrobial compounds that can help combat harmful bacteria and viruses. These compounds can enhance your immune system’s response to pathogens. The presence of plants has been shown to reduce stress levels, which is essential for a strong immune system. Chronic stress can weaken your immune response, making you more susceptible to illness.

Known for its air-purifying properties, the snake plant can help to boost your immune system and the spider plant has been shown to improve air quality and reduce stress, both of which are essential for a strong immune system.

Promote Healing

Plants can serve as a powerful tool for promoting healing and reducing stress in patients. A study conducted at Kansas State University found that the simple presence of plants in hospital rooms can have a significant positive impact on surgical patients.

The study concluded that patients who had plants in their rooms experienced lower levels of anxiety and fatigue compared to those without plants. This suggests that the visual appeal and calming presence of plants can help to create a more supportive and healing environment.

Known for its calming and relaxing properties, lavender can help to reduce anxiety and promote healing. The fragrant jasmine plant has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress, which can aid in recovery.


As you can see, the benefits of incorporating indoor plants into your home are numerous and far-reaching. From improving air quality and reducing stress to boosting your mood and promoting healing, plants offer a natural and effective way to enhance your overall well-being. So, why not add a touch of greenery to your living space? Start small with a few easy-care plants, and watch as they transform your home into a healthier, happier sanctuary.

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