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Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

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On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the Summer holidays approach, I check out five summer drinks to boost your immunity so we can have a happy and healthy break and make the most out of the sunshine.

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Sunshine, barbeques, and endless fun – summer holidays are just around the corner and I am ready! But amidst the excitement, staying healthy can sometimes fall by the wayside. This year, it’s time to ditch the fizzy pop and embrace delicious summer drinks that not only quench your thirst but also give your immune system a welcome boost.

Join me as I explore five refreshing drinks packed with vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for keeping you cool, energized, and ready to conquer all the adventures summer throws your way!

To help me out, Richard Smith-Bernal from The Juice Smith sent over five drinks you have to try this summer to stay energised and fresh while boosting your immunity.

Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

Hemp & Cashew Milk

Ditch the cow’s milk this summer and swap it for hemp or cashew milk, both loaded with zinc, a mineral vital for fighting off infection.

Why zinc? Zinc helps your body produce immune cells, keeping you healthy and ready to conquer summer adventures.

How to incorporate it? It’s easy! Substitute hemp or cashew milk wherever you use cow’s milk. Blend it into a refreshing smoothie, add it to your cereal, or simply enjoy a chilled glass on its own. These creamy, plant-based alternatives keep you hydrated and cool, all while giving your immune system a lift. So go forth, enjoy the sunshine, and sip your way to a healthy summer!

Both these milks are rich in plant proteins and healthy fatty acids, which will help your skin, heart, and brain health.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Lemon Ginger Tea

This delicious beverage isn’t just a delightful sip; it’s a natural immune booster packed with goodness.

Why lemon ginger tea?

Antioxidant Powerhouse: Fight inflammation and keep your body healthy with the antioxidant punch in every cup.

Vitamin C Superstar: Give your immune system a boost with a dose of Vitamin C, naturally found in lemons.

Ginger Power: This wonder root not only supports your immunity but also aids in digestion, keeping you feeling your best.

Hot or cold, lemon ginger tea is a perfect companion. Sip on a steaming mug for a cozy winter warmer or a refreshing glass on a hot summer day. Hydrate and feel good knowing you’re giving your body a natural wellness boost.

Similarly, green tea contains one of the highest concentrations of immune-boosting antioxidants. Just make sure you skip the sugar to avoid counteracting the health benefits.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Blended Fruit Juice

There’s nothing quite like a freshly blended fruit juice to rehydrate and revitalize you on a warm day.

Citrus Superstar: Think refreshing orange juice or a tangy grapefruit cooler. These vitamin C powerhouses are your first line of defense against those pesky summer colds. Vitamin C helps protect your cells from harmful invaders, which is why many people reach for it at the first sign of a scratchy throat.

Watermelon Wonder: But citrus isn’t the only summer fruit hero! Watermelon, with its vibrant color and refreshing taste, is also a natural source of Vitamin C. Plus, it boasts Vitamin A, magnesium, and arginine – all superstars for keeping your immune system strong.

Ready to create a taste explosion? Richard suggests a delicious and hydrating summer treat:

  • Blend together a medium-sized watermelon
  • Add a handful of fresh mint leaves for a touch of coolness
  • Squeeze in the juice of half a lime for a zesty kick

This vibrant concoction is not only refreshing but also packs a powerful immune-boosting punch. So grab your blender and get ready to sip your way to a healthy and happy summer!

From berries to citrus to green veggies, the possibilities of what you could concoct in your blender are endless. However, not everyone has the time to get creative in the kitchen, so reaching for a 100% fruit concentrate bottled juice is perfectly acceptable–so long as it does not contain any added sugars like high fructose corn syrup.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Fermented Drinks

Kerfir is a cool, creamy probiotic drink boasts a delightful yogurt-like texture and packs a powerful punch. Here’s why you should add kefir to your routine:

Probiotic Powerhouse: Kefir is loaded with Lactobacillus kefiri, a friendly bacteria that keeps your gut happy and healthy. A happy gut is linked to a stronger immune system, making you more resistant to illness.

Vitamin D Defense: This essential vitamin acts like a shield, helping your body fight off infections. Kefir is a natural source of Vitamin D, giving your immune system an extra boost.

Kefir is a Versatile Champion:

Enjoy a refreshing glass of kefir on a hot afternoon for a cool pick-me-up. Feeling peckish? Kefir makes a fantastic breakfast too! Simply pour it in a bowl, top it with some granola and fresh fruit, and you’ve got a gut-friendly and delicious meal that will leave you feeling energized.

Fermented drinks like kombucha and kefir are rich in probiotics which contribute to your overall gut health. Introducing new microbes into your gut through fermented food and drinks diversifies your gut microbiome. According to a Stanford School of Medicine study in 2021, a diverse gut microbiome is important because it is better equipped to defend against various pathogens.

-Richard Smith-Bernal


It might sound simple, but water is your ultimate summer BFF! Staying hydrated is crucial all year round, but especially during the hot summer months.

How much water do you need? The Mayo Foundation recommends around 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women daily. Remember, about 20% of that comes from food, so factor that in.

Plain water not your jam? No worries! Here are some ways to jazz it up:

Sparkle it Up: Liven things up with sugar-free sparkling water for a bubbly twist.

Fruity Fusion: Infuse your water with slices of citrus fruits like lemon, lime, or orange for a refreshing and subtly flavored drink.

Air Up Bottles: Air Up uses scent pods that fit into the bottle’s spout. While you take a sip, you breathe in the refreshing aroma of your chosen flavor, like juicy watermelon or tangy lime. It tricks your senses into thinking you’re drinking flavored water, all while you’re actually enjoying the health benefits of pure hydration.

Water is essential for immune function because it aids in the absorption of vitamins, antioxidants, and many other nutrients humans need for a healthy, well–maintained immune system. It helps deliver these nutrients throughout the body and is also vital for flushing toxins.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

The Juice Smith

The Juice Smith is a health-focused company founded by Richard Smith-Bernal in 2013 with a mission to promote wellness through unprocessed, natural foods. They offer a diverse range of products, including cold-pressed juices, raw treats, dehydrated snacks, and wellness items, all made in-house using high-quality ingredients. Committed to quality, craftsmanship, and community, The Juice Smith emphasises organic sourcing, cold-press juicing, and a collaborative approach to health and sustainability.


The statistics about daily water intake came from:


About fermented foods and the boost they provide to your immunity:


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