On the JJ Barnes Blog, I talk about how I am growing dreams for a dream home that has space for me to work and my children to play. I’m on a mission to move to a new house. As well as wanting space for my children to play and grow, I am evolving more […]
Category: Home And Garden
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I discovered which are the most popular poisonous plants you could be decorating your home with this summer! If you’re anything like me, the warm weather will make you want to get out in nature, smell the flowers, and enjoy the greenery. I love to walk the dog in the […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips from experts in Feng Shui for how to improve your sleeping patterns, including getting rid of clutter and avoiding mirrors! Feng Shui Feng Shui is said to encourage harmony between our life and environment by keeping a positive and balanced energy around the house that will […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out top tips from an interior design experts, Raf Michalowski from Meble Furniture and Zara O’Hare from Land of Rugs, for how to protect furniture and carpet from cat scratches. Although cats adore scratching, it can be a problem for your carpet and furniture, and dealing with the […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out the AirBnB Barbie’s Malibu DreamHouse available to book now, and ask how much it would cost to buy one myself! The Barbie Movie The Barbie Movie is coming, and I am here for it! The merch, the music, and the movie are all delighting my love of […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips from the experts at Bed Kingdom for how to reduce allergens at home this Summer to avoid sniffles and snurts! It’s definitely hayfever season, and that means constant snot and sniffles. I’m always trying to avoid anything that makes my kids sleep worse at night, obviously, […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips from an expert at Land Of Rugs for how to transform your outdoor space to get the most out of it this summer. I’m on the lookout for a new home, somewhere I can start over with my daughters and create a new life. I’ve got […]
On the JJ Barnes blog, I check out advice from A-Plan Insurance for how to get ready to leave your house and car before your holidays so you can have a safe and enjoyable trip. As lots of us, or at least the lucky ones, prepare for our Summer holidays, it can be hard to […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips from expert Huw Richards about how to grow edible flowers and pants. I’ve never been very green fingered. I mow the lawn so my kids can play out, and I hack back the weeds so they don’t turn into Triffids and storm our house in a […]
On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out tips for how to save money on household bills this summer from the experts at A Plan Insurance. The bills coming in are always scary, but when things are tight and a cost of living crisis is deeply bedded into our lives, it’s extra scary. Because I’m […]