JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

Top Tips To Avoid Dead Butt Syndrome

Sitting all day at my desk, I’ve become intimately acquainted with a rather unpleasant condition: Dead Butt Syndrome. You know the feeling – that sluggish, achy sensation in your bum after hours of sitting? It’s not just uncomfortable; it can lead to serious issues like lower back pain, hip problems, and poor posture. But fear not, fellow desk dwellers!

JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

Can Your Dog Get Anxiety?

For years, I’ve been open about my own mental health journey on this blog, sharing advice and experiences with tackling anxiety and other challenges. But lately, I’ve been reflecting on the mental well-being of my furry companions. Can our beloved dogs experience anxiety too? And if so, how can we, as responsible pet owners, recognize and address it?

JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

How To Wear Glitter Eye Make Up As An Adult

Remember those days? When more glitter was always better? Sticky roll-on body glitter coating every inch of exposed skin, greasy hair mascara clinging to every strand, and eyeshadow that resembled a disco ball explosion. Ah, the teenage years. While I may have traded in my sequined crop tops for something a bit more… grown-up, my love for glitter never truly faded.

JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

Best Wallpaper Of 2025

Christmas is officially over, and it’s back to reality! Which for me, means finally getting back to those home renovation plans. I’ve been dreaming of a fresh new look for my walls, so I decided to do some research on the hottest wallpaper trends of 2025. Let’s see what’s in store!