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The Date Most Brits Buy Their Decorations, And Why It’s Thrify Not To!

On the JJ Barnes Blog, the Christmas season is just about to begin, and with that comes the age-old debate of when you should put your decorations up. This research shows when it’s thriftiest to buy them!

When Do You Put Your Decorations Up?

I LOVE Christmas, but we have a strict rule in our house that we can’t start putting decorations up until we’ve celebrated my mother’s birthday on December 1st. After that, I say it’s time to unleash the tinsel!

photo of christmas balls
Photo by Hert Niks on Pexels.com

Some of my friends get their trees up as early as October. Some Christmas lovers put their decorations up right after Halloween ends. Others stick to the tradition of decorating on the first day of Advent, which is four Sundays before Christmas, so on the 27th of November this year.


Google Search Data

Analysis of Google search data by NewCasinos, reveals the exact date that most Brits choose to get their decorations for the holiday season, based on the average date searches are at their highest each year over the last five years. Searches for Christmas trees and various decorations peak on the first day of Advent each year, and the first week of December being the most popular week to put decorations up.

Following the Christmas tradition of Advent, the fourth sunday before Christmas is the most popular day for Brits to buy their decorations. Data reveals that trees and decorations are searched for the most at this time each year over the last five years, which means that the day most Brits are likely to put their decorations up this year be Sunday, 27th November.

Christmas Decorations

On the first day of Advent, searches for ‘Christmas tree’ spikes by over 1,150 per cent each year, while searches for ‘Christmas decorations’ goes up by 360 percent, and ‘Christmas lights’ surges by 430 per cent. Searches for ‘wreath’ and ‘baubles’ see an uplift of over 490 and 280 per cent at this time each year, respectively.

gift boxes under festive tree
Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Pexels.com

While it appears there is no difference between when Brits put up their outdoor and indoor decorations as both spike simultaneously, searches for Christmas trees and decorations such as wreaths, lights, baubles and ornaments start to pick up as early as September. These searches then taper off one week before Christmas Day.

Why We Should Go Against Tradition

“Tradition dictates that we should put up our decorations on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, but this could come back to bite you,” said spokesperson from NewCasinos. “Popular Christmas items are typically more expensive during this time, as big retailers like Amazon increase prices when demand is highest, especially during busy seasonal periods – so your tree may cost you more in December. 

“As the cost of living is squeezing most Brits’ pockets, those that buy their decorations early could be making huge savings at what is typically the most expensive time of the year for many households. Some tips to avoid price increases at Christmas include avoiding big online retailers who will raise prices at busy times and instead choosing to support local businesses.

“If you need to shop at a big retailer, keeping non-urgent items in your cart for a week or two, watching for the price to come down, or deciding to abandon it altogether, is a way of avoiding impulse purchases and keeping costs down. You can also use incognito mode to check the items you’ve added to your basket and check that you’re getting the minimum price”.

What About You?

I’d love to claim I’m organised enough to follow the advice and keep an eye on prices to score the lowest price possible, but I fear that’s a bit beyond my abilities to be organised. What about you? Are you going to be shopping savvy like the advice? When do you plan on decorating your house?

JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Royalty And Celebrities Named The Most Influential Style Icons In The World

On the JJ Barnes Blog, based on this study by Dalston Mill Fabrics, which of these top style icons in the world would influence your fashion choices the most?

Influential Style Icons

I love dressing up for a night out, and have been known to look to the most stylish celebrities for hints and tips for my looks. A new study by fabric experts Dalston Mill Fabrics who analysed Google search data for various style related terms for over 200 famous women around the world found who has the most influential style.

Are any of these women who you look to for fashion tips?

Ariana Grande

With an average of 59,150 searches being made each month around the world for terms related to her style, Ariana Grande has taken the top spot. In fact, the search term ‘Ariana Grande outfits’ is searched globally at an average of 31,000 times each month.

Kendall Jenner

The second most influential style icon is supermodel Kendall Jenner with an average of 57,190 monthly searches for terms related to her style. The most popular search term is ‘Kendall Jenner style’ which receives an average of 13,000 monthly searches globally.

Billie Eilish

With 52,300 average monthly searches being made globally for her fashion, Billie Eilish comes in third. The search term ‘Billie Eilish outfits’ has 22,000 average monthly searches and ‘Billie Eilish street style’ which has 8,500 monthly searches globally.

Kate Middleton

In fourth place, the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has 41,800 average monthly searches made globally for her fashion. The search term ‘Kate Middleton fashion’ is searched 9,500 times each month around the world, and ‘Kate Middleton style’ is searched 15,000 times monthly.

Kim Kardashian

With 33,800 global searches a month, Kim Kardashian comes in fifth place. The reality television star and fashion magnate has an average of 10,000 global searches made each month for her outfits and 4,900 for her style.

Hailey Bieber

Model and influencer, Hailey Bieber is the sixth most influential style icon, with 32,220 monthly global searches for her style. Out of all the celebrities analysed, Hailey Bieber ranked highest when it came to searches for her street style. ‘Hailey Bieber street style’ is searched 12,500 times each month on average.

Kylie Jenner

Billionaire influencer and member of the Kardashian clan, Kylie Jenner, has 31,200 monthly global searches. Searches for her ‘outfits’ alone gained 13,000 monthly average searches.


Singer and businesswoman Rihanna is the eighth most influential style icon in the world, with 27,700 searches each month around the globe. Her street style in particular gains 3,900 monthly global searches.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid has the ninth most influential style with 27,500 monthly global searches for her fashion. ‘Bella Hadid street style’ is Googled 11,000 times each month on average, and ‘Bella Hadid outfits’ is Googled 7,500 times.

Princess Diana

Despite her death in 1997, Princess Diana is still landing in the top ten of style icons. There are 26,030 searches for Princess Diana’s style each month around the world, with the search term ‘Princess Diana fashion’ being Googled 7,000 times each month globally.

Other Style Icons

Other names that have the most influential style in the world are Audrey Hepburn that ranks 11th with 25,050 monthly global searches for her style, singer Selena Gomez who ranks 12th with 24,300 monthly global searches and Meghan Markle, who’s style is searched 23,880 times, putting her in 13th place.

The women with the world’s most influential style
WomanRankingCombined monthly global searches for their style
Ariana Grande159,150
Kendall Jenner257,190
Billie Eilish352,300
Kate Middleton441,800
Kim Kardashian533,800
Hailey Bieber632,220
Kylie Jenner731,200
Bella Hadid927,500
Princess Diana1026,030
Audrey Hepburn1125,050
Selena Gomez1224,300
Meghan Markle1323,880
Gigi Hadid1423,700

“In a world where the fashion industry becomes more and more reliant on social media and influence, this study offers a fascinating insight into the women that have the most enviable style,” commented a spokesperson for Dalston Mill Fabrics. “Names such as Princess Diana and Audrey Hepburn also highlight the styles that stand the test of time alongside the current trending styles that are typically worn by the likes of Kendall Jenner and Zendaya.”

The study was conducted by Dalston Mill Fabrics, a London based fabric sellers that offer a wide variety of fabrics and materials.

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Five Alarming Signs You Need To Change Your Smartphone

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I share research about why you might need to change your smart phone.

Nothing is more critical for you than your smartphone when you step out. It has become a part of our being that we carry everywhere. If you are unsure about this statement, try living a day without your phone. I bet you will be tempted every second to get your hands on your phone.

As it has become a part of our being, it is the worst nightmare for anyone to wake up to their phone damaged. Your phone may stop functioning without falling etc. It is because you would have ignored the little indications your phone might have been giving you over time. In this article, we will discuss these indications intensely.

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Five warning signs that your phone needs to be changed

Every phone comes with an age beyond which it starts to lose efficiency. As it exceeds its age limit, the phone starts to give you signals that it is moving toward death. Here is a list of the signs that indicate your phone has completed its age;

The battery only lasts for a short time.

Have you ever experienced your phone’s battery dying quickly, although it used to be very well with the battery timing? It is because the battery health of a phone decreases over time. It may be because of using your phone while charging or electricity supply issues. However, it is recently concluded that a phone’s battery health may decrease without apparent reason.

Whatever the reason, the decrease in battery health of a phone is a significant indication of your losing its functionality. iPhone users can check the battery health of their phones in the settings section. Some android phones may offer this option as well.

You experience lagging while using your phone.

You might have the perfect phone with the most robust software, but after some age, it may start to lag while using some heavy apps, especially some gaming apps. The phone might lose touch sensitivity randomly while using the phone, sometimes putting you in a challenging position.

The other worst lagging experience is downloading or playing a video; a one-minute video may take 10 minutes to play. You might try deleting some apps you find faulty, but the phone is actually defective.

smiling woman using smart phone at cafe
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

Phone falling short of memory

While android phones can add external memory with the help of a 128GB sd card that could be inserted into the phone, the ROM cannot be added to a phone. With the addition of apps, the memory becomes compact with time, making your phone work slower than before.

Newborn Lightroom Presets

iPhones have an added problem with memory. They do not allow any external memory card to be attached to the phone, restricting the memory to the one set by the company. In the case of iPhones, the memory warning indicates that you need to change your phone.

Phone updates are no longer there.

The world is transitioning daily, and so are the everyday used devices and apps. Every app introduces its updated version in a month or so, but these versions are only available in the new generations of phones. Even the devices have their early update. When your phone is outdated, the updates won’t appear on your phone, and one by one, the apps will stop working.

You might at first think it is okay not to have updated, but once your everyday use apps no longer work on your phone, you will feel the urge to change your phone as quickly as possible.

The screen is cracked.

Nowadays, phones are coated with an extra layer of protective sheet, which removes all the scratches while ensuring the phone’s screen is safe. However, the phone screen may get cracked under some circumstances, which is an alarming sign.

While many ignore this sign, it is hazardous as the person using the phone may experience an electric shock while touching the phone on charge because of the current passing out of the cracked screens. The touch sensitivity of the cracked region is lost, making some parts of your phone completely useless.


While one may invest a good amount on the phone and expect it to last for a long, phones come with age and need to be replaced afterward, so you must consider the signs mentioned above and switch your phone before they die, leaving you with no option at the moment.

JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

What Are The Most Popular Twitter Alternatives Right Now?

On the JJ Barnes Blog I look at where Twitter users are flocking to as Ryan Reynolds joins Tumblr and Elon Musk bans Parody accounts… and wonder will I stay or will I go?

I’m a huge fan of Twitter. I use it for work, for socialising, for information. I’m actively involved in the writing community on the platform, and find it an ideal place to promote not only my own work, but the creatives I feature on The Table Read. But… as Elon Musk continues to cause controversy amongst users… new platforms are springing up ready to take over, and a new study from Financial-World.org has found the social media platforms that could soon replace Twitter

Ryan Reynolds ironically trended on Twitter after making annoucing his move to Tumblr, but he isn’t the only one making changes to their social media habits, as data shows searches for ‘Twitter Alternatives’ has increased by 258% globally in the last 30 days. 

But where are social media users moving to? And which platforms are set to become the next big platform?  Using Google Trends data, the experts from Financial World analyzed which new social platforms have received the biggest spikes in searches over the last 30 days

Mastodon – 571.59% increase  

Decentralized social network Mastodon launched six years ago, but searches have skyrocketed 380.76% globally, reaching an all-time high from the last 12 months. This is the option I’ve seen discussed the most and seems to be drawing a lot of the people I follow. It has been reported that over 489,003 users signed up since Oct 27, taking their total number of users to over 1million.

Bluesky – 207.14% increase 

Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, is set to launch Bluesky in the coming months. Social media users seem like they can’t wait to jump ship and follow Dorsey, as searches for the platform increased by 207.14% in the last 30 days, and there are over 30,000 on the waitlist to join.

Counter Social – 159.06% increase  

Jay Bauer’s Counter Social platform promises ‘no trolls’ and searches are also soaring this month (159.06%).  The platform bans several countries, such as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and Syria, for being “origin points” for bots, and states that it does not allow trolls, abuse, ads, fake news or “foreign influence operations”.  

Tribel – 400% increase  

Director and Producer Ken Olin publicly announced on October 28th that he was moving to Tribel Social. This led to a staggering 400% increase in searches for the emerging social network on that date.  

“Unlike Musk’s Twitter, we don’t put ad revenue over decency & truth. Purveyors of racism and pro-Putin propaganda are not welcome on Tribel, our pro-democracy Twitter alternative,” was the platform’s statement after controversially banning Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Kanye West.

Cohost – 146.91% increase  

While still in the beta phase, Cohost is another new social network that’s exploding right now, with global searches for the platform increasing by 146.91% in the last 30 days . In a similar style to Twitter, you follow the posts of other people, and you can request to follow someone’s page or someone can request to follow yours.   

Finanical World

A spokesperson from Financial-world.org commented: “In recent weeks, the controversy around Elon Musk’s plans for Twitter has continued to grow, with more celebrities and public figures publicly declaring they will move away from the platform. As they have such a huge influence over society  it’s no surprise to see such a huge increase in Google searches for Twitter alternatives. 

“2023 will be a very interesting year for social media, and from our study, it’s clear that the likes of Mastodon, Tribel, and Bluesky are set to be the next big internet trends.” 

Will I Stay On Twitter?

If Twitter falls I will be gutted. Over the years I’ve cultivated quite a wonderful feed full of creative and interesting and passionate people I’ve come to really care about. If they disperse across other platforms, I’ll feel stranded. Plus, and this is an age issue, am I too old to learn yet more social media?

I hope these new platforms find success and their users enjoy exploring their features… but I truly hope Twitter gets sorted out!

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What Fashion Trends Will Dominate This Christmas Season?

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I look at predictions from Boohoo about the top fashion trends this Christmas… and whether I’ll suit any of them!

Now is the ideal time to beat the Christmas shopping rush and start planning the perfect festive outfits to wear on repeat this winter! Now normally, I would prefer to spend all Christmas season in my pyjamas, stuffing my face with assorted cheese based products, and guzzling Prosecco. However, I know at some point I’ll need to emerge from my little nest and face the world.

So, whether its dazzling party dresses or tendy Winter fashions, Claire Asher from Boohoo has predicted this year’s hottest trends that will dominate the festive season. 


brunette woman with red lipstick wearing a reindeer headband
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com

Not just for the Strictly dancefloor, sequinned outfits are an essential wardrobe item as we approach party season, and, if you’re on the lookout, are guaranteed to get you noticed on the dance floor.

Runways from Valentino, Oscar de la Renta and more have been covered in sequins, so this Christmas, we can expect to see many dazzling sparkly dresses, tops and accessories. In the last three months, Google searches for ‘sequin dress’ have increased 185% in the UK, while searches for ‘sparkly dress’ have increased 300%. 

Don’t think sequinned clothing needs to be saved for special occasions and Christmas parties. Make every day a sparkly day with sequins and embellishments elevating any everyday look. For instance, sequinned accessories and handbags are perfect for adding more depth to everyday outfits. Or, of course, sequined dresses are the perfect glamourous occasion wear for Christmas parties.  


A major trend that has come about this year has been feathers! Searches for ‘feather dresses’ is up an amazing 733% in the last month alone, and the term ‘feather dress’ has received an average of 20,000 monthly Google searches in the UK. 

This Christmas season will be all about textures, prints and patterns, to add more depth to our fashion choices. From catwalks to high streets, feathers are popping up just about everywhere, including trouser hems, stilettos, blazer cuffs and multiple accessories. Feathers are the perfect fashion trend for those who prefer dressing in more neutral colours, as a way to spice up your looks without stepping too far outside your comfort zone. 


woman wearing black jacket holding pink flowers
Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on Pexels.com

Leather is a fashion trend sure to be big this Christmas, and is continuously one of the best investments you can make for your winter wardrobe. The term ‘leather jacket’ receives a huge 74,000 average monthly searches in the UK, ‘leather trousers’ receives 41,000 searches, and ‘leather blazer’ receives 19,000.

Many leather bottoms usually have a mid or high-waisted design, perfect for extra warmth needed to brace against the cold during the Christmas season. In the last three months alone, searches for ‘leather trousers’ have increased 250% in the UK. 

Faux leather trousers and leggings are definitely the popular choices, and more suited to vegetarian shoppers like myself, and effortless to style, providing a more elevated look when compared to jeans. Pair your trousers with an oversized cosy jumper and chunky boots for a casual Christmas day look, or with your favourite ‘going out’ top to head into town with friends for Christmas cocktails. 

Chunky Boots 

Just as many trends from the 90s have come back into style, (low-rise jeans, slip dresses aren’t my favourites…) but chunky boots are are definitely a Christmas wardrobe essential I can get on board with. Remain on trend whilst withstanding the harsh depths of winter! Currently, the term ‘chunky boots’ receives 29,000 monthly searches in the UK, and searches for ‘chunky ankle boots’ have risen 270% in the last month alone.

Whether you are wearing your boots with bare legs, jeans or a midi dress, chunky boots allow for endless styling options and also offer a fabulous and comfortable alternative to heels for Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties. Chunky boots will never really go out of style, but this winter season they place at the very top of our shopping list as a must-have, rather than just a basic staple. 

Statement Outerwear 

Whether it’s a trench coat or an aviator jacket, statement and oversized coats will always prevail year after year, and are always a simple way to spruce up your winter wardrobe. Consider using your outerwear to make the most of block colours, bold prints and fluffy faux furrs, all guaranteed to enhance any minimalist outfit. 

Searches for ‘aviator jacket’ have increased 180% in the last three months in the UK, while the term ‘trench coat’ receives 74,000 average monthly Google searches.

Extreme Knitwear 

Although it might seem like an obvious choice, extremely oversized knitted pieces will be a major hit as we head into Christmas, and perfect for me because my mother loves knitting!

The fantastic thing about a statement knitted jumper is that it is so easy to style. Simply throw it on with your favourite midi skirt, faux leather leggings or jeans to create effortless but fabulously balanced looks that will keep you warm this Christmas season. 

JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

As New Series Of The Crown Debuts, Harry and Meghan Are Considered More Influential Than King Charles

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I look at research from Financial World into social media searches that shows Harry and Meghan are now the most influential members of the royal family.

With the new series of The Crown getting loads of attention, it’s no real surprise that the royal family are the subject of a new round of curiosity and interest. The Charles, Diana and Camilla affair is taking centre stage on screen, but with Royal Family drama out of the TV studio also getting lots of attention, it’s interesting to see how people respond to them.

Influential Royals

New research by Financial World, analysed global Google searches, TikTok views and Instagram hashtags for 29 of the Royal family members to see which are the most popular, searched for, and influential.

Royal Rank TikTok ViewsInstagram Hashtags  Average monthly searches  Influence Score out of 30
Queen Elizabeth  18.7 billion1,600,0004,700,00030
Kate Middleton6.3 billion1,400,0002,900,00024
Meghan Markle5.9 billion1,200,0004,500,00023
Prince Harry7.3 billion1,100,0001,400,00021
Princess Diana 9.8 billion1,106,000927,00020
Prince William  5.5 billion1,042,300966,00015
King Charles  3.2 billion418,0001,104,00014
Princess Anne878 million86,400367,0008
Princess Margaret706 million76,600471,0007
Camilla Parker Bowles  10 191 million34,600281,0003

The late Queen Elizabeth pulled in a total of 4.7 million Google searches a month, features in 1.6 million Instagram hashtags, and has had 18.7 billion views on TikTok under her hashtag making her the most influential and searched for royal ever.

Kate Middleton is the royal with the second biggest score, with 1.4 million Instagram hashtags, 2.9  million Google searches per month and 6.3 billion views on TikTok of videos that contain her. However, from what I’ve seen on Twitter, it’s not all positive as her relationship with Prince William is judged as cold, and accusations of bullying against Megahan Markle are regularly thrown about.

In third place is the aforementioned Meghan Markle. The Duchess of Sussex left her official royal role in 2020, but is the second most Googled royal of all, being searched 4.5 million times per month around the world. Meghan has spoken candidly about her struggles with royal life and the media attention that’s piled on her, but it seems, for now anyway, that the attention is becoming more positive from many corners.

Prince Harry ranks fourth with 1.4 million Google searches a month and 1,1 million Instagram hashtags. The hashtag #PrinceHarry has been viewed 7.3 billion times on TikTok.  

Despite having passed away 25 years ago, Princess Diana still pulls in 927,000 searches a year and reigns as the fifth most influential royal on the list, ahead of former husband King Charles. Her portrayal by Elizabeth Debicki in the latest season of The Crown is going to only increase the searches and social media chat, as people debate how much of the show is based on fact, and how much is purely fiction. This, combined with the Princess Diana hashtag on TikTok being viewed 9.8 billion times, and the nearly 1.2 million Instagram hashtags on the list, makes her one of the most influential royals.  

Financial World

“This year has seen the monarchy transform with the death of the beloved Queen Elizabeth II in September. As King Charles begins his reign, many will be curious to see how he chooses to adapt the royal family to a new era and who he will choose to help him do so.” said a spokesperson for Financial World. “Popularity and influence are vital for the tenure of the royal family, and this study provides a fascinating insight into the royals that have the widest reach and remain in the public’s favour. With a new season of the hit Netflix show, The Crown, set to revisit the trials and tribulations of the King’s relationship with former wife, Princess Diana, it will be interesting to see how these rankings evolve.”  

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Looking For The Perfect Fashion Gift For The Man You Love This Christmas? These Are The Trends To Look Out For!

On the JJ Barnes Blog, thinking about gifts for the man in my life, I look at the men’s fashion trends that are most popular this Winter.

If, like me, you have a fella to buy gifts for, it’s always good to know what trends are hot! Whether it’s cords, puffer jackets, baggy jeans or balaclavas, James Pryer, menswear expert and Head Buyer at BoohooMAN, has shared his must-follow menswear trends for Winter 2022.

James and the buying team anaylsed trends from AW22 Fashion Weeks, and used their insider knowledge and Google Search data to reveal which staple items are starting to surge in popularity right now, as the cold weather starts to set in and Christmas gift buying season is upon us.

From Top Gun-esque aviator jackets to cool Y2K cargo pants, here are the nine biggest trends expected to be everywhere in the coming months.  

Shearling jackets 

Earlier this year, Top Gun also brought shearling collard flight jackets back to our screens, and the colder weather means you could be on the hunt for a new coat. Google Trends data shows an incredible 614% rise in searches for shearling coats the last 12 months, with the term ‘mens shearling coat’ currently soaring.

A shearling jacket would make a timeless addition to your man’s wardrobe. Not only do they keep you warm, but they are also extremely versatile. They ca be layered over a hoodie for a casual look, or teamed with a chunky knit or roll-neck jumper for a smarter style. 

Not only that, but as faux-fur collars stormed the AW22 catwalk, expect to see men embrace this revamped 90’s look in the coming months.

Leather Look 

AW22 fashion week designers giving the traditional leather jacket a whole new look as the catwalk was flooded with ‘Matrix style’ longline leather and PU coats, teamed with leather and PU trousers. This could means a gothic style with with leather and leather-look PU being the key fabrics for Christmas 2022.

The “Gothcore” trend means black is a key colour here, and you can expect to see a lot of it this winter. From sportswear to tailoring, dark colours were prevalent at the AW22 Fashion shows, with designers showcasing dark and dramatic looks. Perfect for giving mens going-out looks a fresh approach. 

Introducing Men's Sustainable Outerwear by Bernardo

Puffer Jackets  

Puffer jackets were a staple on the fashion scene when I was growing up, and in the last 90 days there has been a 147% increase in global Google searches for the term men’s puffer jackets. This Winter wardrobe staple is cool and versatile, so the perfect coat to keep warm in. You could even make a statement with a bold colour. Red is set to be a key colour for winter menswear, sure to set you apart from the crowd. 

However, if the heavy-duty style doesn’t work for you, these jackets don’t always have to be bulky. Lightweight puffer jackets look great when layered with hoodies, and scarves, and are easy to pack if you’re on the move.  

Cargo pants  

As the Y2K trend continues, Cargo pants will be another key staple for winter 2022. In the last 12 months, searches for ‘mens cargos’ have increased by 81% and are currently rising. 

A look I saw every day growing up in the 90’s, team this skatewear influenced style with a long-sleeved top underneath an oversized graphic tee.

Dressing gown coats  

While I’m not convinced by this one, it seems dressing gowns are being given a whole new lease of life – and it’s totally okay to wear them outside the house.

Belted coats made from soft fabrics with shawl lapels are getting more and more popular, as data shows people are very interested in this comfortable trend. The search term ‘men’s dressing gown coat’ rose by an average of 251% in September. 

This trend comes in at just the right time as we find ways to combat the increase in the cost of living this winter. Try teaming this style with a fleece or borg jacket and finish with essential winter warmers, a scarf, gloves, and a hat. 

Cord trousers 

A firm favourite with my Grandad, if you’re looking for an alternative to jeans, corduroy trousers are expected to be huge over the next few months. Searches for ‘men’s cords’ have increased by 92%, suggesting this is another key trend to watch. 

A great option for autumn, these are a practical alternative to chinos as they offer warmth, whilst still ensuring you look smart yet stylish. Team them with sneakers for an on-trend look, or leather boots, mules, clogs, or loafers for a more formal occasion.  


Not just for bankrobbers, balaclavas are another trend that emerged from the AW22 catwalks, and as we edge into winter, experts at BoohooMAN expect this accessory to be huge.  

Pair with other winter pieces such as puffer jackets, tracksuits, and scarves to complete the look or layer over a baseball cap, which is the key to nailing laid- back street style. A perfect gift for keeping cosy.

Oversized jeans  

If you’re still trying to squeeze into your Noughties drainpipes, you can finally breathe out. It’s time to embrace the baggy jean trend, with Justin Bieber being one of the most iconic faces to bring skater style into the spotlight.

In the last 12 months, searches for the term “baggy jeans for men” has increased by 190%, whilst the term ‘oversized jeans men’ is surging right now, too.  

If you’re keen to try out the skater look, take influence from Bieber and co. with oversized hoodies, sweaters, and tees, not to mention a fresh pair of sneakers.

Men’s Christmas Gifts

Mens fashion has always boggled me, so a huge thanks to James Pryer at BoohooMAN for helping me work out what lovely warm treats I could buy this Winter.

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10 Tips For Safe Online Shopping For Black Friday

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I look at the 10 tips given by cybersecurity experts for safe shopping online this Black Friday .

Christmas is fast approaching and there are many deals to be had, which is certainly useful given the cost of living crisis we’re all facing. Previously I’ve looked at saving tips for making DIY gifts at home, but what about when you do want to buy gifts from the shops? I love online shopping, but online shoppers are targeted by hackers and scammers, and it’s important to keep ourselves safe.

Online safety expert Chris Bluvshtein at VPNOverview.com has shared his top ten tips for keeping yourself safe while shopping online this Black Friday. 

Stick to websites you know 

Before you click that tempting link that promises an amazing deal, look at the name. Hackers can use similar names to high-street brands to try trick you into giving up your data. Double check the site is the one you know, and if you have any doubts, don’t go there. Google will also tell you if you’ve visited the site before so it’s worth taking your time and checking for those details. 

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Safe Online Shopping Tips

Check the URL bar 

Every website should have a valid security certificate and you can tell by the little padlock icon next to the URL. If a website doesn’t have one of these then don’t give your bank details or valuable information. 

Check your bank statements 

Get in the habit of checking your bank account and statements regularly. You might not even be aware of your details being stolen until it’s too late, but the earlier you catch it the better. Your bank will have information on any time limits they have for fraudulent purchases, so be sure to keep an eye on your records.

Use a password manager 

The safest thing you can do is use a unique, randomised password for all your accounts. But instead of writing those down on post-it notes or in notebooks, use a password manager to keep them all in one place. Password managers lock your information behind a master password and many of them autofill the website logins for you, keeping you safe from keylogger attacks. 

Don’t shop on public Wi-Fi 

Public Wi-Fi rarely has safety protocols such as passwords in place and hackers can piggyback and steal unsecured banking details. While it’s tempting to do a bit of online shopping on your phone while you’re having a coffee at your local cafe, remember that a public wi-fi connection can be extremely dangerous to use.

Sustainable outerwear for fall 2022

Use mobile payments 

Apps like Apple Pay and Google Pay can protect your banking details so if a website accepts them, it’s best to use them instead of your debit card. 

Use a credit card 

Credit cards also have more protections than debit cards, so if something you’re buying is high value, don’t use your debit card to pay for it. Consumer law in the UK means that with credit cards you could get refunds or claim your money back if your card is stolen.

Set up a temporary bank account 

By opening an online only bank account such as Revolut or Monzo, you can control the amount of money you have access to with transfers from your usual account. This way, even if your details are compromised, the hacker can’t do anything to your real bank account. 

Use a VPN 

A VPN protects your data from prying eyes. Everything you send is encrypted so even if a hacker can see you on a network, they won’t be able to access your sensitive information. VPNs connect you to a remote server and hide your IP, using one along with any of our other tips can make your online shopping super secure. 

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! 

Be careful with any adverts for amazing deals. You might never get the item or there could be hidden dangers. This old saying still rings true with online shopping. 

JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Cut The Cost Of Christmas With DIY Christmas Gifts For Less Than £10 

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I look at how the cost of living crisis is impacting Christmas and the advice from Bed Kingdom about how to save money with DIY gifts.

In September 2022, a YouGov survey found that six in ten people in the UK, are planning to spend less on Christmas this year as a direct result of the cost-of-living crisis.

Giving gifts is one of my favourite things any time of year, but especially at Christmas, and especially for my children. Sharing gifts with loved ones is such a beautiful thing but I’m stressing about it this year more than usual, so I bet you are too. With this in mind, I’m sharing the advice for Christmas gift ideas for those struggling in the cost-of-living crisis that experts that has come from experts from Bed Kingdom.

DIY Christmas gifts can be much cheaper than buying in the traditional way, and the kind gesture and thought will be much appreciated. All these DIY gifts can be given individually, or wrapped together in a big homemade Christmas hamper for families and friends.

Cosy night in hamper – £10 

Lots of us love a big night out to celebrate Christmas, but that can be very expensive, so out of the question for many of us. Making a cosy night in gift hamper can give your loved ones a stress-free night that still lets them enjoy the indulgence of the festive season.

Sleepy tea, hot chocolate, cosy bed socks, facemasks, and a mug would make an excellent gift for someone who loves to relax on a cold winter’s evening. Putting all or some of these items into a box or basket decorated with ribbon will transform the gift into an expensive-looking hamper.

Baked goods – £5-10 

Christmas is a time for tasty treats, so baking a loved one’s favourite treat makes a perfect cheap and thoughtful gift. For a bigger gift, putting an assortment of baked goods and favourite snacks into a hamper is a special touch for everybody in the family.

Gingerbread men, brownies, cookies, or mince pies would all make a wonderful gift. Add a special touch by personalising the decorations using writing icing edible glitter. The baked treats could be wrapped in a simple box or placed in food-safe cellophane bags. 

Gingerbread men recipe: 

 350g/12oz plain flour, plus extra for rolling out 

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 

2 tsp ground ginger 

1 tsp ground cinnamon 

125g/4½oz butter 

175g/6oz light soft brown sugar 

1 free-range egg 

4 tbsp golden syrup 

  1. Sift together the bicarbonate of soda, flour, cinnamon, and ginger and pour into a mixing bowl. Add the butter and blend until the mix looks like breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar.
  2. Lightly beat the egg and golden syrup together, add to the mixing bowl and stir until the mixture clumps together. Tip the dough out and knead it until smooth, wrap in cling film and leave to chill in the fridge for 15 minutes. 
  3. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4. Line two baking trays with greaseproof paper. 
  4. Roll the dough out to a 0.5cm/¼in thickness on a lightly floured surface. Using cutters, cut out the gingerbread men shapes and place on the baking tray, leaving a gap between them. 
  5. Bake for 12–15 minutes or until lightly golden brown. Leave on the tray for 10 minutes and then move to a wire rack to finish cooling. When cooled, decorate with the writing icing and cake decorations. 

Compile a cookbook – Free 

I LOVE cooking, and I’m always posting the food I cook. If you’re like me and a proud chef who loves creating your own meals from scratch, letting friends or family in on your best cooking secrets is a meaningful and free gift. Try writing out your best-tested recipes for a present will only cost you time.

For an extra special touch to this gift:

  • Write the recipes into a nice notebook  
  • Take photographs of completed dishes and stick these into the book with annotations
  • Curate the book with defined sections, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner or starters, mains, and desserts. 
  • If a particular recipe has a heartfelt story attached to it or was created by another family member, add in little notes and anecdotes.   

Recycled Christmas candle – £0-5 

Getting crafty can be tricky at first, but the results can be amazing. Reuse and make a brand-new-looking Christmas candle by taking old Christmas candles from the previous year that still have wax left. Candle wicks can be purchased in bulk at craft shops such as Hobbycraft or countless online craft retail websites, whilst the candle container can be old teacups, glass jars or ramekins you have lying around the house.  

To make a DIY candle: 

  • Clean the bottom of the chosen vessel and dry it thoroughly.  
  • Use super glue to attach the wick to the base of the container; central is best.  
  • You can extract the wax from your old candle jar by placing it in the freezer overnight; cold temperatures cause the wax to harden and shrink. The wax should pop out easily. Alternatively, you can pour boiling water over the candle, which will allow the wax to float up to the top for easy removal once cooled.
  • Place the wax into a microwavable container that will not be used for food prep, and heat for one minute at a time until pourable.  
  • Place a pencil or cocktail stick across the new candle container and gently wrap the wick around it. This will prevent the wick from moving during the pouring. 
  • Once the glue from the bottom of the wick is completely dry, you can proceed to pour in the candle wax.  
  • Let the wax set for at least 48 hours before wrapping and giving it as a gift.  

Photo album – £10 

Sharing photos is a wonderfully nostalgic gift for a loved one, especially if handmade. Buy a ring-bound scrapbook and order photo prints to put together this gift. Guaranteed hit for grandparents and relatives who love to watch children growing up or live far away so will enjoy reliving special memories from when you were together.

The album could be arranged with photos in time order for a real trip down memory lane, or it could be curated to feature the funniest memories you have with the other person. Annotating each picture with dates, locations and stories would make the gift all the more special.

Tesco and Boots stores often have instant photo printing services with prices starting at just £0.07p per 6 x 4 print, so you could fill an 80-page scrapbook for less than £6.  

Monogrammed Pyjamas – £10+ 

If you’re handy with a needle and threat, regular pyjamas can be made to look more expensive and thoughtful by personalising them with embroidery. Whether the pyjamas are a gift for a child, family member or partner, stitching a name, phrase or meaningful logo onto the sleeve or pocket can be a thoughtful and truly appreciated gesture. All you must do is choose your pyjamas, pick up some embroidery thread and a needle and plan out your design.

Follow these steps for beginners to embroidery: 

  • Choose your phrase, and decide on the size of your lettering. 
  • Sketch the design very lightly in pencil if you are nervous about going straight into the fabric. 
  • Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end. 
  • A backstitch technique is the easiest way to hand embroider and is perfect for lettering.  
  • To start the backstitch, come up underneath the fabric and pull the needle and floss through. Make your first stitch, then bring the needle back up underneath the fabric a full stitch length, leaving a space between the needle and the previous stitch. (Lots of stitchers recommend using a length about the same as a grain of rice.)  
  • Bring the needle back and pass through at the end of the previous stitch to create an entire line. Pull the needle through and move forward in the same way until you stitch the whole letter. 

Bed Kingdom

 A spokesperson from Bed Kingdom commented: 

“Spending lots of money on gifts may not be a realistic option for many Brits amidst the cost-of-living crisis. Fashioning your own carefully handmade and curated gifts will show the people you love that you care about them, regardless of how much money is spent. Each of these gift ideas can be created for less than £10, or slightly more if embellishments are opted for, allowing those struggling with money to focus on paying for absolute essentials this Christmas.”  

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Too Soon? This Is The Exact Date Other Brits Start Playing Christmas Music

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I look at stats from Slotbox.com that show when OTHER Brits start playing their Christmas music, compared to when Jon and I start.

Christmas Music

Jon and I have always loved Christmas, and we start listening to Christmas music far sooner than most of our friends.

Music is a big part of our lives. Our evenings are usually spent listening to music and cooking together, taking turns to choose the songs. If we go out, we aim for the nearest juke box, and blast out our many and varied favourites for all to hear. Because of our love of Christmas, it makes sense that Christmas music takes centre stage the moment the festive season hits.

JJ Barnes in a Christmas Dress
JJ Barnes

However, we also love Halloween. So, out of respect for spooky season, our Christmas music season usually starts at the beginning of November!


Searching Trends

Online entertainment experts at Slotbox.com have done an analysis of Google searching trends to find the exact dates other Brits start searching for Christmas songs – and it’s sooner than you might think.

The data reveals that audiences in the UK start searching for christmas songs’ at the same time every year, between October 25 to 31, to be precise. Even sooner than us!

The searches then continue to soar as Christmas approaches, with the peak coming between December 17 to 25 on average each year.

The End Of Christmas

In our house, as soon as Christmas Day is over, it’s time to move on. I spend Boxing Day cleaning away the decorations and attempting to make sense of the chaos of wrapping paper and gifts tht are scattered across the rug. However, most Brits enjoy the festive music for a little big longer than us. Anaylsis shows that searches for Christmas music take a huge plummet from January 2, when the traditional festivities come to a halt.

Mariah Carey

Slotbox have also found that, for the last five years, audiences have been searching for ‘Mariah Carey’ from the last week in October, suggesting we really do only want her for Christmas.

The iconic Christmas diva is well aware of our love for her, too. Just this week she posted a festive Instagram video to excite her fans, and “All I Want for Christmas” in our heads!

Festive Season

Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson from Slotbox.com said: “There’s always a lot of conversation around when is the right time to start playing Christmas songs, so it’s interesting to see that searches start to increase from the end of October. Typically, radio stations and retail outlets start playing festive songs from the beginning of December, however, as Brits are keen to get the festivities started two months in advance, perhaps we’ll start to hear Mariah Carey and Michael Bublé even earlier this year.”

Whenever it comes in your house, I hope you manage to enjoy it. With everything being so bleak and stressful out there in the world, may the frothy fun of Christmas music bring you some joy in the darkness.

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