JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

Chinese Lipstick Paper – Bright, Bold, And Worth The Practice

I recently decided to try something a little different in the world of lip colour: Chinese Lipstick Paper. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a unique, innovative product that promises long-lasting colour in a way that’s totally unlike your typical tube of lipstick. I’ve been testing it out for a while now, and I’m ready to share my thoughts—warts and all—on this quirky beauty find.

JJ Barnes Author, Writer, Filmmaker, YouTuber, Screenwriter, Artist

Top Tips To Survive Allergy Season

Ah, spring! The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, the birds are chirping their cheerful melodies, and… achoo!… the relentless onslaught of allergies begins. Yes, as we eagerly throw open our windows to welcome the fresh air and dust off our lawnmowers, many of us are also bracing ourselves for the familiar itchy eyes, runny noses, and general misery that allergy season brings.