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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top Tips To Feel Healthy In January

On the JJ Barnes Blog, to improve both my physical and mental health, I check out top tips to feel healthy in January so I can get the most out of 2024.

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Feeling Healthier

January. The month of resolutions, gym memberships, and a collective sigh as we wrestle with the festive hangover and the weight of “starting fresh.” But what if this year, instead of succumbing to the pressure of a complete overhaul, we focused on feeling healthy rather than achieving some arbitrary image of the “new us”? I want to find a way to improve both my physical and mental health, but in a way that is long term sustainable, not a quick fix that I can’t maintain.

Let’s swap the frantic gym sprints for mindful movement, the guilt-ridden salad bowls for balanced, nourishing meals, and the sleep-deprived nights for restorative rest. Forget the rigid goals and embrace the journey. This January, it’s time to cultivate genuine well-being, one gentle step at a time.

With that in mind, sports nutrition experts at Bulk.com have sent over some easy tips to implement in the new year so we can start to feel healthier.

Forget the “new you,” let’s focus on feeling the best you possible. Get ready to embrace a new year that’s all about rediscovering the joy of self-care, the power of small shifts, and the beauty of feeling healthy, inside and out. Buckle up, friends, the journey to a healthier 2024 starts now!

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Top Tips To Feel Healthy In January

1. Walk More

Walking is arguably the simplest and cheapest exercise available to us all. It’s almost entirely free since all you need is a pair of trainers or shoes that you’re comfortable in. Swapping out short drives to the shops or your daily commute is a great way to sneak exercise into your day without really noticing.

Forget the intimidating weights at the gym, and sweaty sprints that (if you’re anything like me) make your knees hurt. Walking offers a low-impact, accessible way to boost your health. It strengthens your heart, burns calories, and tones your muscles, all without putting undue stress on your joints. Plus, it’s free, requires minimal equipment, and can be done anytime, anywhere. Talk about convenience!

Walking is great for your mental health too. Feeling stressed? Walk it off! Walking releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that chase away the blues and leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. A brisk stroll in nature can work wonders for your mental well-being, easing anxiety and boosting your mood like a natural sunshine vitamin.

Stuck in a creative rut? Hit the pavement! Walking gets your blood pumping and oxygen flowing, which can do wonders for your cognitive function. The rhythmic nature of walking also acts as a meditation, allowing your mind to wander, connect dots, and spark new ideas. So, lace up your shoes and let your steps lead you to your next creative breakthrough. I’ve found that going for a long walk has helped me break through a writer’s block crisis so many times!

2. Drink Less Alcohol

Over Christmas, I definitely found myself drinking more alcohol than was sensible. From family parties, to celebrations in the pub, or just Christmas movies with a glass of bubbly, booze became a much bigger part of my life than is sensible!

Ditch the sluggish mornings and say hello to a body that’s firing on all cylinders. Less alcohol means better sleep, leading to increased energy levels and improved cognitive function. Your skin will thank you with a brighter glow, your immune system will get a boost, and your waistline might even start thanking you with a less-huggy feel.

Anxiety got you down? Stress making you want to scream into your pillow? Turns out, alcohol, despite its initial numbing effect, can actually worsen both. Reducing your intake can lead to a calmer mind, less anxiety, and improved mood. Think of it as trading in the rollercoaster of buzzes and crashes for a smoother, more balanced mental landscape.

An effective strategy for cutting back on alcohol intake is substituting alcoholic drinks with alcohol-free alternatives. These are not only delicious but also contribute to better overall health, helping to reduce the negative side effects your body feels from alcohol consumption.

It’s not just about the physical and mental perks. Less alcohol means more money in your pocket, more time for the things you love, and a greater sense of self-control and empowerment. It’s about taking charge of your health and well-being, one conscious choice at a time.

3. Eat More Vegetables

Because I’m vegetarian, I am inclined towards eating more vegetables than many, but that doesn’t mean I’m immune to the lure of a quick pizza or plate of chips if I’m feeling both hungry and lazy.

Processed foods are dangerous, as it can become easy to consume hundreds of calories in small meals. Vegetables are generally much bulkier and less calorie-dense than other foods, they’re also full of essential fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

Filling up your plate with plenty of vegetables can be an easy way to control your calorie intake without feeling like you’re eating less. It can be hard to improve your diet without feeling hungry, but by bulking up your plate with veg you’ll still feel like your stomach is full. Sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and brussels sprouts are among the most filling and lowest-calorie vegetables, consider filling up your plate with these.

Transform leftover roast vegetables into creamy, delicious soups. Roast carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash, then blend them with a touch of broth and spices for a warming and satisfying lunch. Blend up steamed broccoli with cream cheese and Parmesan for a rich and comforting dip for your veggie sticks.

Boost your pasta sauce with veggie power! Finely chopped carrots and zucchini disappear into tomato sauce, adding sweetness and nutrients without compromising taste. Pureed roasted cauliflower makes a creamy base for a healthier Alfredo sauce, while blended beets can even add a vibrant color and earthy depth to your bolognese.

Remember, it’s all about small changes. Start with incorporating just one or two veggie additions into your favorite dishes, and you’ll be surprised at how easily they become second nature. Before you know it, you’ll be a veggie-blending pro, boosting your health and enjoying delicious food all at the same time!

4. Avoid Secret Sugars

Sucrose, fructose, and dextrose are all scientific names for different types of sugar, easily missed by the undiscerning consumer. You might also see high-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, and molasses hidden in the ingredients list, which are all just sugars in a different form.

What’s more, natural sugars are presented as being much less unhealthy, but they’re all still just as calorie-dense and potentially harmful. Watch out for products filled with fruit juices and honey which claim to be a healthy option but can have just as many calories in.

Ketchup, barbecue sauce, even salad dressings – these seemingly savory staples can be sugar bombs in disguise. High fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin, and other sneaky names for sugar can be hiding in every spoonful. Pay attention to the “percent daily value” for added sugars. Aim for foods with 5% or less, and remember, serving sizes can be deceiving.

5. Start Exercising Slowly

The hardest part of exercising regularly is often not getting started but having the strength to maintain a regular routine. This is often due to aches and pains, which can be much worse after taking a Christmas break.

To avoid overworking yourself at the beginning heart rate-based workouts can be a great way to ensure that you’re only pushing yourself as hard as you’re ready for. Start your exercise plan with a frank and honest assessment of your fitness to avoid injuring yourself.

At-home exercise videos are an excellent way to get into fitness in a comfortable and convenient way. There are also many great apps and online services to help guide your fitness journey.

Finally, don’t forget to stretch! Stretching is essential to avoid injury and to reduce the amount of aching you’ll feel in the days after exercise, consider following a stretching tutorial online after every exercise session.

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My Top Tips

  • Move your body, but do it with joy. Find activities that make you smile, not sweat. Walk in nature, dance in your kitchen, cycle with a friend – let your body move in ways that feel good.
  • Nourish your body with colors and textures, not just numbers. Ditch the restrictive diets and embrace the rainbow on your plate. Fill your meals with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein – your taste buds and your body will thank you.
  • Rest is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Prioritize sleep, carve out quiet moments for meditation, and embrace the power of doing absolutely nothing. A well-rested mind and body are the foundation for a healthy you.
  • Connect with loved ones, not just social media. Share a meal, take a walk, have a conversation that doesn’t involve screens. Nurturing your relationships is essential for emotional well-being.
  • Celebrate small victories, not just grand goals. Did you walk an extra mile? Did you choose a salad over fries? Did you laugh until your belly ached? These are all victories worth celebrating!

This January, let’s rewrite the narrative. Let’s ditch the pressure and embrace the journey. Let’s move, nourish, rest, connect, and celebrate ourselves, one gentle step at a time. Remember, feeling healthy isn’t about achieving perfection, it’s about finding a rhythm that works for you.


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How To Get Better Sleep This Winter

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I learn how to get better sleep this Winter to fight off the January blues, and improve both my mental and physical health.

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January Blues

It’s January, and let’s be honest, the world feels a little…bleurgh. The days are short, the nights are long, and that elusive feeling of post-Christmas joy feels like a distant memory. But this year, I’m on a mission: to conquer the January blues and emerge from this hibernation period feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the year ahead.

Now, I’m no stranger to the struggle for a good night’s sleep. Tossing and turning, listening to various sleep hypnosis podcasts, and staring at the ceiling in the dead of night – I’ve been there, done that, bought the melatonin gummies. But this year, I’m determined to break free from the cycle of sleep deprivation and embrace the transformative power of a truly restful night.

To help me out, health-focused sleep experts Zoma Sleep have sent over their top tips on how to get better sleep this January to help improve your mood, energy levels and more.

How To Get Better Sleep This Winter

Oversleeping can WRECK your entire day 

While it’s incredibly important to get enough rest for your health and wellbeing, it is equally important to ensure you aren’t oversleeping. With less daylight hours and longer, dark nights in January, people find it increasingly difficult to leave their bed in the morning. Experts say adults need up to nine hours sleep a night, but if you find yourself oversleeping, this may have a negative impact on your mood, productivity, and overall health.  

Instead of spending those extra hours in bed at the weekend or taking daytime naps, it is recommended to maintain a daily routine which enables you to relax and unwind each night. Whether you prefer taking a warm bath, reading a book or meditating, these practices can help you develop a nighttime ritual which means you can keep your schedule on track. 

Unlock better sleep with a 15-minute daytime stroll 

Naturally, our body’s internal clock associates things like darkness with nighttime, which can be a struggle during the winter months when daylight hours are massively reduced. Often people find themselves waking up to a dark morning and working until it is dark again in the evening. Seasonal affective disorder, or “winter depression”, is more common and severe during the winter months, with less daylight exposure resulting in low moods, depression and more. 

While it may seem gloomy and cold outside, a 15-30-minute walk every day can do wonders for your mood and overall sleep schedule. Where possible, experts even recommend going for a walk in the morning daylight or simply spending time outside. In the brighter months, we are acclimated to waking up to daylight, so if you are able to spend some time enjoying the morning daylight during winter, this will let your body know it’s daytime.

If going outside isn’t feasible during the cold months, even spending some time by a window in your home where you are exposed to lots of natural light will help your body thrive. 

As well as helping regulate your body’s circadian rhythms for a good night’s rest, exercise is particularly key in relieving any stress of the holidays, resolutions, financial strain, loneliness, and more that are particularly common at the beginning of a new year. The endorphins released from exercise will help alleviate some of the burden, lifting your mood and reducing anxiety levels, allowing you to properly unwind before bed.

The NHS recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity every week. 

Make your bedroom a phone-free zone for a better night’s rest 

Electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets and more are so embedded in our everyday lives that controlling the time we spend on screens can prove incredibly challenging. While many may choose to unwind by doomscrolling on social media, this common practice often sees one video become 10, 20 or even 30.

Screens emit a blue light which disrupts your natural sleep schedule by convincing your body that it is in fact daytime. This often halts the release of sleep hormone melatonin, which helps us regulate and prepare our bodies for sleep each night. By making our bedrooms a screen-free zone, you will help foster a better environment to relax and unwind. 

Winter Sleep Problems

Sleeping in the winter can be more challenging because of several factors.

First, the lack of sunlight during shorter days can disrupt the body’s internal clock and affect the production of sleep-regulating hormones.

Second, temperature fluctuations and dry air from indoor heating systems can make it harder to maintain a comfortable sleeping environment. Additionally, some individuals may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during the winter, leading to changes in sleep patterns. 

It’s important to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, ensure a comfortable sleeping environment, and manage stress through relaxation techniques and exercise.

-Dr, Jordan Burns DC, MS, a sleep wellness expert and spokesperson for Zoma Sleep
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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out top tips for how to tell if someone is lying so I can spot a poker face in both my professional and my personal life.

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Spotting Liars

We’ve all been there: that sinking feeling when you realize someone you trust isn’t being entirely truthful. Maybe it’s a white lie, a harmless fib to avoid an awkward conversation, which I have definitely done and personally believe is excusable. Or maybe it’s something bigger, a web of deceit that leaves you questioning everything you thought you knew… something I’ve been affected by but am not guilty of.

Whatever the reason, the ability to spot a lie can be a valuable asset in any relationship, personal or professional. Nobody wants to live with a liar, and working with liars can be incredibly damaging to your business. But how do you do it? How do you sift through the carefully crafted words and nervous laughter to uncover the truth that lies beneath?

The answer, in part, lies in the realm of microexpressions – fleeting, involuntary facial movements that can betray a person’s true emotions, even when they’re trying their best to hide them.

Think of it like this: when you tell a lie, your brain has to work overtime to concoct a believable story. This cognitive strain can manifest in subtle physical cues, like a twitch of the eye, a flicker of the nostrils, or a barely-there tightening of the jaw. By learning to recognize these microexpressions, you can gain a powerful edge in detecting deception, so you can live an honest life around people you trust.

So, whether you’re trying to navigate a tricky negotiation, suss out a potential date, or simply improve your communication skills, this blog post is for you.

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

To help decipher what’s going on beneath the surface, experts at Casino.co.uk have sent over their guide on how to read a poker face.

Poker faces are something we see very often, but might not have any idea. In situations like job interviews, business meetings or at any casino table there are poker faces everywhere, its knowing how to suss them out that is the challenge.

There is however one way to see straight through a poker face and that is to look out for microexpressions, which happen subconsciously. Microexpressions cannot be deliberately hidden or suppressed and are difficult to spot, as they don’t last for long. However with some practice, you can learn how to spot them.

-A spokesperson from Casino.co.uk

It’s important to focus as quick-fire facial movements like microexpressions will last only half a second, this is why its important to concentrate and try to focus on every little change in expression.


If someone is surprised, their eyebrows are likely to be raised and curved, and you may notice horizontal wrinkles across the forehead. Without staring, notice if their eyelids are open, with the white of the eye showing above and below the pupil. Their jaw may slightly open, too, but there will be no tension or stretching of the mouth. 

Reasons To Fake Surprise

1. To appear credible: Surprise is a genuine emotion that often accompanies unexpected information. By feigning surprise, a liar can create the impression that they are hearing something for the first time, adding a layer of believability to their fabricated story.

2. To shift attention: A well-timed expression of surprise can draw your attention away from the content of the lie and towards the liar’s reaction. This can give them precious seconds to regroup and re-calibrate their story, especially if you’re caught off guard by their feigned shock.

3. To buy time: Sometimes, even the most skilled liars need a moment to think on their feet when confronted with unexpected questions or accusations. Faking surprise can provide them with a brief pause to formulate a response that further bolsters their deception.

4. To manipulate your emotions: Seeing someone genuinely surprised can trigger empathy and understanding in the listener. A liar can exploit this by faking surprise to deflect negative reactions or garner sympathy, hoping to make you less skeptical of their story.

5. To establish control: In some cases, feigning surprise can be a power play by the liar. By seeming genuinely shocked at your accusations or questions, they attempt to shift the dynamic of the conversation, implying that you are the one being unreasonable or outlandish.


When a person is trying to hide fear or anxiety, their eyebrows will be raised and drawn together, usually in a straight line. They many also show wrinkles in the centre of the forehead just between the eyebrows – but not across. Their eyes may have the upper white showing, but not the lower white. 

Reasons To Hide Fear

1. To maintain an appearance of confidence: Fear can manifest in subtle physical cues like trembling, sweating, or stammering. By suppressing these involuntary reactions, a liar can project an air of confidence and assurance, hoping to make their story more believable.

2. To avoid suspicion: Fear is often associated with guilt and deceit. If a liar lets their fear show, it might raise red flags and make you question their honesty. By masking their fear, they aim to avoid scrutiny and maintain the facade of innocence.

3. To protect themselves: The fear of being caught in a lie can be intensely unpleasant, triggering anxiety and stress. By holding back their fear, a liar attempts to protect themselves from these negative emotions and avoid the potential consequences of their deception.

4. To maintain control of the situation: Fear can make someone appear vulnerable and open to attack. By hiding their fear, a liar hopes to retain control of the conversation and the situation, deflecting any potential accusations or confrontations.

5. To manipulate your own fear: A skilled liar might even attempt to turn the tables on you by subtly projecting their own fear onto you. They might feigned shock, anger, or even victimhood, hoping to trigger your own fear or defensiveness and divert attention away from their own deception.


Hiding disgust is difficult, however there are some subconscious facial movements to look out for. The eyes may be narrow, and the nose may be slightly wrinkled. Look out for a quick flash of the upper teeth, too. 

Reasons To Hide Disgust

1. To maintain a positive image: Disgust is a powerful emotion that can be interpreted as a sign of disapproval or judgment. By suppressing their disgust, a liar attempts to maintain a positive and likable image, hoping to avoid negativity or rejection from you.

2. To avoid revealing their true feelings: The object or topic of the lie might actually inspire genuine disgust in the liar. However, they might choose to hide this reaction because it could expose their true feelings and motives, potentially jeopardizing their deception.

3. To deflect suspicion: Disgust can sometimes be misinterpreted as anger or disapproval. By masking their disgust, a liar can subtly shift the focus of the conversation and avoid giving you the impression that they are judging you or the situation negatively.

4. To maintain cognitive coherence: Sometimes, lying can create internal dissonance, a conflict between the fabricated story and the liar’s actual feelings. Hiding disgust can be a way for them to maintain a sense of cognitive coherence, convincing themselves and you that their words and actions align with their true beliefs.

5. To manipulate your emotions: A skilled liar might even weaponize disgust by subtly expressing it towards something unrelated to the lie. This can be a way to manipulate your own emotions, potentially triggering feelings of empathy or defensiveness that distract you from their deception.


If you’re having a heated conversation, or perhaps said something out of line in the workplace, these are easy ways to spot if someone is angry at you. Look at the person’s eyebrows, and notice if they are lowered and drawn together, with vertical lines between them. Their lips may also become tense, with corners down, or in a square shape. Another good way to know for sure, is if their nostrils dilate. 

Reasons To Hide Anger

1. Maintain Control: Anger can be perceived as a loss of control, both externally and internally. By suppressing their anger, the liar aims to appear calm and collected, hoping to maintain control of the situation and the conversation. This prevents you from potentially using their anger against them to probe deeper or press for the truth.

2. Avoid Confrontation: Openly expressing anger can escalate the situation and lead to a confrontation. The liar might want to avoid conflict, especially if the truth behind the lie is sensitive or could trigger a strong negative reaction from you.

3. Project Positive Image: Anger can come across as aggressive or unpleasant, potentially damaging the liar’s image or reputation. By hiding their anger, they project a more positive and amiable persona, hoping to maintain your trust and good will.

4. Protect Themselves: Anger can be a vulnerability, making the liar open to criticism or attack. Suppressing their anger can be a way of self-preservation, shielding themselves from potential emotional backlash or consequences of the lie being exposed.

5. Manipulate Your Emotions: A cunning liar might even use their suppressed anger to manipulate your emotions. Subtle hints of frustration or annoyance can trigger your guilt or defensiveness, diverting your attention from the lie and potentially making you more susceptible to their deception.


Happiness is the most difficult emotion to fake, and it’s easy to spot a fake smile if you know the trick. Notice if they have crow’s feet near the outside of the eyes, if they don’t, and their lips are open in a smile, chances are they aren’t conveying genuine happiness. 

1. Maintain Plausibility: Happiness is often associated with honesty and openness. By feigning joy, a liar attempts to bolster their story’s believability, making it appear more genuine and in line with their supposed emotional state.

2. Disarm Suspicion: Genuine happiness can be contagious, putting the receiver at ease and lowering their guard. A calculated display of happiness can be a disarming tactic, making you less likely to question their words or scrutinize their behavior.

3. Shift the Focus: A forced smile can be a subtle way to direct your attention away from their deception and towards their seemingly positive emotional state. This can distract you from digging deeper or analyzing inconsistencies in their story.

4. Manipulate Your Emotions: Happiness is often considered a desirable emotion, and mirroring it can trigger a sense of empathy or validation in you. By projecting happiness, the liar subtly attempts to influence your emotional response, making you more receptive to their fabricated tale.

5. Mask Internal Dissonance: Lying can create internal conflict, especially when the deception contradicts the liar’s genuine feelings. Faking happiness can be a way to maintain a sense of cognitive coherence, convincing themselves and you that their words align with their desired emotional state.


Sad microexpressions are not very large or noticeable and can be difficult to detect. However, they usually last slightly longer than the other microexpressions. However, look to see if the inner corners of the eyebrows are drawn in and then up, and the corners of the lips are drawn down. The lower lip may also very slightly pout out. 

Reasons To Hide Sadness

1. Maintain Credibility: Sadness can be associated with guilt and dishonesty. By suppressing emotional cues of sadness, a liar aims to project an image of confidence and sincerity, making their fabricated story more believable.

2. Avoid Vulnerability: Expressing sadness can make someone appear weak or open to attack. A liar might choose to hide their sadness to avoid exposing this vulnerability and potentially jeopardizing their deception.

3. Deflect Suspicion: Tears or a downcast demeanor can raise red flags and trigger suspicion. By masking their sadness, a liar can deflect attention away from their emotional state and towards the content of their story, hoping to avoid scrutiny.

4. Protect Themselves: Sadness can be a painful emotion, especially when tied to the act of lying. Hiding it can be a way of self-preservation, shielding themselves from the emotional discomfort or potential consequences of the deception.

5. Manipulate Your Empathy: A skilled liar might even weaponize their suppressed sadness by subtly hinting at it through indirect means. This can trigger your own empathy and understanding, potentially making you more susceptible to their deception and less likely to question their sincerity.


If you think someone dislikes you, or disagrees with your opinion, there is one thing to look out for. If one side of their mouth slightly raises, chances are you’re right. This is the only asymmetrical microexpression and it’s one of the easiest to spot. 

Reasons To Hide Contempt

1. Maintain Plausibility: Contempt often betrays underlying negativity and disbelief. By suppressing it, a liar attempts to project an image of acceptance and understanding, making their fabricated story appear more believable and aligned with their supposed positive attitude.

2. Avoid Escalation: Openly expressing contempt can be inflammatory and lead to conflict. A liar might choose to hide their disdain to avoid escalating the situation, especially if the truth behind the lie is sensitive or could trigger a strong negative reaction from you.

3. Project Power and Control: Masking contempt can be a power play, showcasing the liar’s ability to maintain composure and control the conversation despite their underlying disdain. This can make you less likely to question their authority or challenge their story.

4. Disarm Suspicion: A hint of subtle disdain can raise suspicion, indicating underlying disapproval or skepticism. By hiding it completely, a liar can disarm your guard and make you less likely to scrutinize their words or behavior.

5. Manipulate Your Emotions: A manipulative liar might even weaponize their hidden contempt by subtly directing it towards something unrelated to the lie. This can trigger feelings of defensiveness or guilt in you, distracting you from the deception and potentially making you more agreeable to their fabricated story.


Remember, the key lies not in spotting a single telltale sign, but in observing the symphony of microexpressions, speech patterns, and subtle shifts in behavior that paint a portrait of genuine emotions hiding beneath fabricated words.

Most importantly; trust your gut instinct. It’s often your early warning system, picking up on discrepancies before your conscious mind can fully articulate them. Don’t hesitate to ask clarifying questions, delve deeper into inconsistencies, and observe how the person responds to your inquiries.

Ultimately, understanding the motivations behind deception empowers you to make informed decisions and build stronger relationships based on trust and sincerity. Remember, communication is a two-way street, and open conversations where honest expression is valued are the strongest defense against the shadows of deceit.

So, the next time you encounter someone whose words seem to shimmer with doubt, equip yourself with the knowledge you’ve gained from this exploration. Embrace the power of observation, listen to your intuition, and untangle the web of deception with confidence. In doing so, you’ll foster authenticity in your interactions and pave the way for relationships built on a foundation of genuine connection.

And above all, remember, the quest for truth is not about becoming a human lie detector, but about nurturing open communication and cultivating relationships where trust reigns supreme.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top Tips For Budget Interior Design

On the JJ Barnes Blog, with an eye on making my house look lovely while also keeping costs down, I check out top tips for budget interior design.

Interior Design

Interior Design On A Budget on the JJ Barnes Blog
Interior Design On A Budget

Does your bank account shudder at the mere mention of “interior design”? If like me, you dream of a beautiful and stylish home, but spend most of your money on bills, food, and entertaining your assorted off spring, it can feel like a dream you’ll never be able to realise.

Well, throw open the windows and let in a breath of fresh, (affordable!) air, because I’m about to unlock the secrets to transforming your humble abode into a haven of style, without selling your soul (or kidney) to Pinterest.

To help me out, Barratt London has teamed up with interior design expert from IKEA, Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo, sent over their thoughts about creating a beautifully interior designed home, even on a budget. 

Top Tips For Budget Interior Design

A mood board can help unify the home 

1. Start with Inspiration: Dive into the vast ocean of visual inspiration! Scour magazines, browse Pinterest boards, explore online design blogs, and even peek into Instagram interiors that make your heart skip a beat. Tear out images, save pins, and gather whatever speaks to your soul.

2. Theme Time: Don’t just throw everything together! Identify a central theme or a general vibe you want to capture. Do you crave earthy, natural elements? Or are you drawn to sleek, modern lines? Define your style direction before you start collecting.

3. Color Counts: Let’s talk palettes! Grab paint swatches, fabric samples, or even magazine pages in colors that resonate with your chosen theme. Don’t be afraid to experiment – unexpected combinations can create stunning results.

4. Texture Tales: It’s not just about the visuals – think about the feel of your space. Include tactile elements like rough wood, soft linen, or metallic accents. Textures add depth and dimension, inviting touch and creating a truly multi-sensory experience.

5. Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches: Spruce up your mood board with decorative elements like wallpaper patterns, furniture silhouettes, or even light fixtures. Remember, it’s all about capturing the essence of your dream space.

A mood board can be a helpful starting place when designing your home. Keeping to a consistent style and colour scheme throughout the property ensures a cohesive look and feel across the home.

Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for inspiration online, and good old-fashioned interior design magazines and brochures are brilliant too.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

It’s all about balance 

1. Multitasking Marvels: Embrace furniture that moonlights like a superhero! Ottomans with storage, pull-out beds disguised as sofas, and nesting tables that shrink and grow like magic – these space-saving wonders maximize function without sacrificing style. Think sleek lines, bold colors, or unexpected textures to keep things visually interesting.

2. Upcycle Like a Pro: Give discarded treasures a second lease on life! Grandma’s dusty dresser? Transform it into a trendy media console with a fresh coat of paint and stylish knobs. Old suitcases stacked neatly? They become instant side tables with vintage charm. Embrace the imperfections and let your personality shine through.

3. DIY Delight: Don’t underestimate the power of your own two hands! Learn basic carpentry skills to build a bookshelf from recycled wood or whip up cozy throw pillows with leftover fabric. These personalized touches add warmth, character, and a sense of accomplishment (plus, bragging rights!).

4. Maximize the Magic: Light and space are your best friends on a budget. Ditch bulky furniture and embrace airy silhouettes. Let natural light flood in with sheer curtains, and use mirrors strategically to amplify space and bounce light around. A well-lit room feels instantly bigger and more inviting.

5. Accessorize with Intention: Skip the impulse buys and choose accents that serve a dual purpose. Decorative baskets hold clutter (and look beautiful doing it), colorful throws add splashes of personality while warming chilly evenings, and scented candles fill your space with fragrance while creating a cozy ambiance.

6. Borrowed Beauty: Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Friends, family, even online communities can be treasure troves of hidden gems. Borrow vintage lamps, swap furniture to refresh your look, or barter skills – a DIY expert might trade painting your bookshelf for a homemade batch of cookies.

7. Think Vertical: Walls are prime real estate! Utilize them with floating shelves, hanging storage solutions, or even vertical gardens. This keeps your floor space clear, maximizing room for living and creating a dynamic, visually interesting space.

A professionally designed show home will combine elements of luxury, functionality and style. It will be a well-curated space with a balanced mix of colours and textures. 

A great show home will also feel inspirational, welcoming and, importantly, achievable.  When we are designing show homes we’re showcasing tips and tricks for buyers that can be easily replicated in their own homes.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

The right furniture and mirrors give the illusion of more space 

Size Matters: Ditch the bulky behemoths! Opt for sleek, low-profile furniture that allows light and air to flow freely. Choose sofas with legs, chairs with open backs, and coffee tables with glass or acrylic surfaces. Remember, less is more when it comes to creating an airy feel.

Room for Flow: Arrange furniture to allow for easy movement. Avoid blocking traffic flow with oversized pieces, and create conversation zones with cozy groupings. Leave pathways clear and make sure doorways remain accessible. A smooth flow fosters a sense of spaciousness.

Reflection Revolution: Mirrors are your allies in the quest for visual expansion. Hang large mirrors opposite windows to bounce light and double the visual depth of your space. Strategically placed mirrors can even create the illusion of extra windows or hidden rooms.

Angled Alchemy: Don’t just stick to flat walls! Tilt your mirrors slightly upwards to reflect interesting ceiling details or architectural features, drawing the eye upwards and making the space feel taller. Get creative with angles and watch your room’s dimensions magically stretch.

Framed and Fabulous: Don’t underestimate the power of a stylish frame. A statement mirror with a bold frame can become a focal point, adding visual interest and drawing attention away from the size of the room. Choose frames that complement your decor and tie the space together.

There are a number of ways that you can make a space look and feel bigger.  Multifunctional furniture is particularly useful in small spaces because it can serve multiple purposes without the space becoming cluttered.

Another budget-friendly tip is to use mirrors. These can be purchased very affordably and give the illusion of spaciousness by reflecting light. It’s also a good idea to keep the floors visible as it creates a sense of continuity.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

Start by choosing a colour scheme

1. Know Your Vibe: Before diving into swatches, take a moment to define the feeling you want your space to evoke. Do you crave the calming serenity of a coastal breeze or the energizing buzz of a city night? Do you yearn for warm, earthy tones or a crisp, minimalist vibe? Identifying your desired mood will guide your color choices.

2. Look for Inspiration: Let the world be your canvas! Take note of color combinations that make your heart sing, whether it’s a vibrant sunset, a lush forest scene, or a favorite work of art. Don’t limit yourself to home decor magazines – nature, fashion, even food can spark inspiring palettes.

3. The Rule of Three: Aim for a harmonious trio of colors. Choose a dominant hue for walls or large furniture, a secondary shade for accents and smaller pieces, and a pop of a contrasting color for visual interest. Remember, the 60-30-10 rule: 60% dominant color, 30% secondary color, and 10% accent color creates a balanced and aesthetically pleasing scheme.

4. Consider the Light: Natural light plays a crucial role in how colors come alive. Warm colors like yellows and oranges shine in well-lit spaces, while cooler blues and greens can brighten up dim corners. Test paint samples in different areas and at different times of day to see how they adapt to the light.

5. Get Friendly with the Color Wheel: This is your compass! Explore complementary colors opposite each other on the wheel for bold contrast, or analogous colors next to each other for a harmonious flow. Don’t be afraid to experiment with triadic combinations (three equidistant colors) for a vibrant pop.

6. Sample Mania: Don’t rely on paint chips alone! Bring home actual paint samples or even apply tester patches directly to your walls. Live with the colors in different lighting conditions and see how they interact with your furniture and existing decor.

7. Don’t Fear the Dark: Dark walls can add drama and sophistication, especially in large spaces. Just remember to balance them with lighter accents and pops of color to avoid a cave-like feel.

8. Texture Plays a Part: The textures of your furniture, fabrics, and flooring can influence how colors read. Rough wood tones might require bolder hues, while sleek surfaces can handle subtler shades. Consider the interplay of textures when choosing your palette.

9. One Size Doesn’t Fit All: There are no hard and fast rules in color choice! Don’t be afraid to break the mold and create a palette that’s uniquely you. Trust your instincts, embrace personal touches, and let your personality shine through.

10. Have Fun! Experiment, mix and match, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Choosing a color palette is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, enjoy the playful exploration, and most importantly, have fun creating a space that reflects your unique spirit and brings you joy.

Charlotte explained that you should start with a clear vision and a mood board to define the style you want to achieve. Then, tackle the following step by step: 

  1. Choose a colour scheme 
  2. Select key pieces of furniture and decor 
  3. Incorporate textures, lighting, and artwork 

Remember the 60-30-10 rule 

Think about the mood you want to create. For example, do you want the room to feel serene, vibrant or cosy? Also, consider the room’s natural light and size. 

It’s important to balance primary and accent colours, and a colour wheel can help with this.  A lot of interior designers use the 60-30-10 rule whereby around 60% of the room has the background colour, 30% is in a secondary colour and 10% has an accent colour. Lots of ideas for colour schemes can be found online.

Also remember that colour is such a personal choice and we all have our own favourites.  Choose colours you love and that make you feel good.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

Simplicity is key 

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Declutter first! Purge the “just in case” piles and forgotten treasures. A clean slate is your blank canvas, ready for a sprinkle of magic. Donate, sell, or recycle – let go of the clutter and make room for the things you truly love.

Skip the impulse buys and choose accents that serve a dual purpose. Decorative baskets hold clutter while looking beautiful, colorful throws add personality and warmth, and scented candles fill your space with fragrance while creating a cozy atmosphere. Less is more, so select pieces that truly add value and reflect your style.

Prioritise simplicity and quality. It’s important to keep the design uncluttered. And also focus on timeless elements and invest in well-crafted furniture and decor that will stand the test of time.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

Avoid short-term trends 

1. The fleeting nature of trends: Trends, by definition, come and go. What’s sizzling today could be yesterday’s news tomorrow. Investing in trendy pieces risks your space feeling dated and requiring frequent updates, draining your decorating budget over time.

2. The high cost of trendiness: Trendy items often come with a hefty price tag, riding the wave of their fleeting popularity. You could snag timeless classics for the same price or even less, stretching your budget further and creating a space with staying power.

3. Difficulty in matching: Trendy pieces, with their bold colors, unique patterns, or specific style, can be tricky to blend with existing decor. You might end up needing to overhaul your entire space to accommodate a single trendy piece, ballooning your expenses.

4. The risk of buyer’s remorse: It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a trend and make impulse purchases. Later, when the trend fades, you might be left with pieces you no longer love and a lighter wallet.

5. The timeless appeal of classics: Classic pieces, built with quality materials and neutral palettes, stand the test of time. They’ll adapt to different trends and styles, providing a solid foundation for your space without requiring constant updates.

Avoid overly bold or niche trends that may quickly go out of style. Instead, opt for classic elements and use trends as accents such as throw cushions, prints and ornaments that can be easily and affordably updated.

-Mahnaz Heidari Orojloo

Barratt London and IKEA

Barratt London has collaborated with IKEA to make furnishing your new home in London even easier. Start with a free, remote appointment where an IKEA expert will give you personalised interior design advice. 

Then choose from one of our carefully-designed packages or customise your look to suit your needs. Plus, save time as well as money with free delivery and installation. 


Before you go, remember, your home is a living canvas, ever-evolving and reflecting your story. Don’t be afraid to experiment, tweak, and personalize. Swap out throw pillows, add new artwork, and rearrange furniture to keep things fresh. Your budget-friendly masterpiece is never truly finished, it’s a symphony of creativity that plays on, always ready for the next verse.

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Immediate Benefits Of Going Smoke Free

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I share motivation for anybody who quit smoking for new years with the immediate benefits of going smoke free.

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Quitting Smoking

New Year’s resolutions often fade faster than fireworks on a cold night. But this year, let’s rewrite the script, especially if cigarettes are still clinging to your “to-quit” list. Ditch the smoke, embrace the freedom, and discover the immediate benefits of going smoke-free that will keep your resolve burning brighter than a January bonfire!

The detrimental effects of smoking on health are pervasive, affecting respiratory function, cardiovascular health, energy levels, sensory perception, skin health, and mental well-being. As you take the bold step to break free from nicotine addiction, you will unlock a cascade of positive changes that manifest rapidly.

Experts at Go Smoke Free sent over details of the immediate rewards of quitting smoking, portraying a vivid picture of the revitalization that occurs within the body and mind.

Immediate Benefits Of Going Smoke Free

1. Improved Respiratory Function

One of the immediate benefits of quitting smoking is the rapid improvement in respiratory function. The tar and toxins from cigarettes begin to clear from the lungs, allowing them to function more efficiently. Within days, bronchial tubes relax, leading to increased lung capacity. This results in a profound difference in the ability to breathe deeply and effortlessly. As the respiratory system starts to recover, individuals may notice reduced coughing and improved overall lung function.

2. Enhanced Cardiovascular Health

The positive impact of quitting smoking on cardiovascular health is immediate and far-reaching. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, elevating blood pressure and heart rate. Upon quitting, these effects rapidly subside, allowing blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to normalize. This swift adjustment significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular issues, including heart attacks and strokes. Improved blood circulation means that the heart can efficiently pump oxygen-rich blood to all body parts, enhancing overall cardiovascular efficiency and reducing the strain on this vital organ.

3. Increased Energy Levels

Ceasing smoking leads to a cascade of improvements that contribute to a notable surge in energy levels. With the decrease in carbon monoxide levels (because yes, that is one of the substances in cigarettes), the blood can carry more oxygen to various tissues and organs. This increased oxygen delivery, coupled with the heart’s reduced workload, translates into heightened vitality. This newfound energy can be your shifting point towards a more active and fulfilling lifestyle, allowing for pursuing activities that you may have previously found challenging.

4. Improved Sense of Taste and Smell

Have you ever heard a smoker say they don’t think that the extremely salty pasta is, in fact, salty? Well, that might be because smoking dulls the senses of taste and smell, but quitting can swiftly reverse these effects.

The intricate network of taste buds and olfactory receptors begins to recover from the damage caused by exposure to cigarette chemicals. Within a short period, individuals often report a heightened sensitivity to flavors and aromas. Food becomes more enjoyable and vibrant as taste buds regain their ability to discern subtle nuances.

5. Better Skin Health

    Smoking accelerates skin aging through the reduction of blood flow and the introduction of harmful chemicals that damage collagen and elastin. Quitting prompts a rapid improvement in skin health. As blood flow to the skin increases, essential nutrients and oxygen nourish the cells, promoting a healthier complexion. The reduction in oxidative stress and inflammation associated with smoking contributes to a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

    6. Enhanced Mental Well-being

      Not everyone might know this, but your stress and your anxiety might have something (or everything) to do with your smoking addiction, and not the other way around. In fact, nicotine has stimulating and anxiety-inducing effects, and while for some smoking might seem to alleviate these symptoms, it is harmful in the long run, progressively making them worse. As quitting smoking detoxifies the body and mind, getting rid of the harmful substances, mental clarity improves, as well as focus, memory and mental acuity overall.

      7. Increased Sense of Control

        Overcoming nicotine addiction is not an easy task, nor a quick journey; however, if one is really determined to do so, it is a highly rewarding experience. As being addicted to smoking is as harmful and worrying as many other substances, it is necessary to not underestimate how hard it can be to cope with withdrawal, but it is also important to keep focusing on the goal and remember the benefits that the body and mind will enjoy, like the ones we listed above, as well as gaining personal empowerment and a deeper sense of self-control.

        How To Quit Smoking

        Hack #1: Befriend the Buddy System: Quitting alone is like battling a dragon with a butter knife. Find a friend, family member, or fellow smoke-free warrior to share the struggles and triumphs. Text each other when cravings hit, celebrate milestones together, and be each other’s cheerleaders. Remember, misery loves company, but so does success!

        Hack #2: Weaponize Your Willpower: Replace cigarettes with healthier habits that satisfy your need to fidget. Chew on gum, doodle in a notebook, or take a quick walk. Channel your inner MacGyver and create your own stress-busters. Remember, when you’re busy conquering cravings, you’re too busy to light a smoke.

        Hack #3: Ditch the Triggers: Identify your smoking triggers – that post-meal cigarette, the coffee break smoke, the nervous puff before a meeting. Then, like a ninja avoiding laser beams, devise alternative routes. Swap that coffee break smoke for a power walk, replace the post-meal cigarette with a healthy snack, and combat meeting jitters with deep breaths. Outsmart your triggers, and watch your cravings crumble.

        Hack #4: Embrace the Power of Apps & Tools: Technology is your friend, not your foe, in the quit-smoking game. Download apps that track your progress, offer motivational messages, and provide practical tips. Consider nicotine replacement therapy like patches or gum, or explore mindfulness techniques to manage cravings. Remember, every tool in your arsenal is a weapon against your smoking habit.

        Hack #5: Reward Yourself (Without Lighting Up): Celebrate every smoke-free milestone! Treat yourself to a massage after a week, buy a new book after a month, or plan a weekend getaway after three months. Reward your resolve, not your relapse. Remember, positive reinforcement is the ultimate motivator, and you deserve to be spoiled for kicking butt!


        Congratulations on taking the first step. Now, go forth and conquer, smoke-free warrior! The world awaits you with open lungs and endless possibilities. And hey, if cravings ever cloud your vision, remember, this blog is always here to offer a virtual high five and remind you that you’ve got this. Now, go get ’em!

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        JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

        7 Things You Should Never Post Online

        On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out advice about the seven things you should never post online to help keep you and your family safe.

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        As a mum, I’m constantly juggling a million responsibilities. From scraped knees to school plays, every day is a whirlwind of love, laughter, and the occasional meltdown (sometimes mine, sometimes theirs…). But amongst the chaos, one concern rises above the rest: online safety.

        In the age of instant gratification and social media dominance, it’s easy to get swept up in the digital tide. We share our lives online, from the mundane to the monumental, often without a second thought. But as I watch my kids navigate this digital landscape, a nagging worry takes root: are we sharing too much?

        The truth is, the internet is a double-edged sword. It can connect us, inform us, and entertain us in ways unimaginable just a generation ago. But it also harbors hidden dangers, lurking in the shadows of every innocent selfie and vacation photo.

        While it can be tempting to post constant updates to social media to show your friends what you’ve been up to, there are some things about you that should stay off the internet for good. Trevor Cook, a technology specialist at EarthWeb, sent over rundown of seven key things that you should never ever post to the internet.

        JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

        7 Things You Should Never Post Online

        Personal Information

        You should always avoid sharing sensitive data like your home address, phone number, or social security number on public platforms. This information can be exploited by cybercriminals for identity theft or other malicious activities, and could also be used to “dox” you if you become involved in a targeted online harassment campaign. “Doxxing” involves sharing your personal details to a large group of people online as an intimidation tactic. 

        To make certain your sensitive information is never widely available online, be careful not to enter any details on untrustworthy websites, and check social media posts – especially photos – to make sure they have no identifying details before you hit post.

        Financial Details

        Never post pictures of your credit cards, bank statements, or checks. Cybercriminals can use this information to steal your financial assets or commit fraud. Check carefully before entering your financial details on any website, and ask yourself whether that site is trustworthy. If you see a closed padlock icon in the address bar at the top of your browser window, that’s a good indication that the website you’re using is secure.


        Holiday Plans 

        Though it can be tempting to share your travel plans far and wide, be cautious about what information you share about your upcoming holidays. Broadcasting your forthcoming absence from home can make your property a target for burglars.

        Be cautious about sharing detailed travel itineraries publicly. Don’t share the exact dates you’ll be away on a public post, and for maximum safety, only share your holiday photos after you’ve returned home. Sensitive information like flight numbers and hotel names should only be shared through secure channels, and only with close family and friends.

        A top tip from us is to never share a picture of your boarding pass on social media, either before or after your flight. Cybercriminals can use the numbers and barcodes on the pass to access your accounts to commit identity theft or for targeted scams.

        Sensitive Conversations

        Avoid having sensitive or private conversations on public social media posts or messenger apps. Always use secure and private channels for discussing confidential matters like legal or business details.

        Never vent online about personal conflicts with colleagues or family members, as you never know who might see your posts. As well as permanently impacting your relationships, both current and future employers could see these posts, giving them a negative opinion of your professionalism and potentially costing you that promotion or new position.

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        Car Accidents

        Though it can be tempting to vent about an accident on social media to receive help and support, you should never discuss car accidents and insurance claims until the matter is settled. Sharing information about the incident on social media can potentially harm your case as insurance companies and legal authorities may scrutinise your public statements, and may be allowed to use your posts as evidence. Any conflicting information could jeopardise your chances of receiving fair compensation or legal resolution. 

        Expensive Purchases

        We know that if you’ve just bought some new electronics, jewellery, or appliances, you might want to show them off on social media. However, it’s best not to mention big new purchases online, as this could attract potential thieves and increase the risk of break-ins. 

        Children’s Information

        No matter how much you might want to celebrate your child’s achievements or just show off how cute they are, you should never post personal details about children online. These include their full names, birthdates, and where they go to school.You should especially avoid photos that reveal their location, and some experts recommend not posting any pictures of your child online if you can help it. Protecting their privacy and safety is paramount, as this information could be exploited by malicious individuals.


        About Earthweb

        Many people are unwise about what they post online. As a result, they make themselves vulnerable to burglars, cybercriminals, and more.

        -Trevor Cook, a technology specialist at EarthWeb

        EarthWeb helps you discover the best research guides and resources for tech and online privacy. Their mission is to help you simplify processes and make informed buying decisions. Trevor Cooke is the online privacy expert at EarthWeb. His personal mission is to help keep consumers safe by keeping them informed of privacy tips and common online scams. 

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        JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

        Top Tips To Avoid Dust Mites

        On the JJ Barnes Blog, I decide to give myself the creeps and learn how to avoid dust mites, what to do if you get them, and what the signs are that you’ve got them already.

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        Dust Mites

        Having already given myself the creeps learning the ins and outs of bed bugs, I decided to turn my attention to another icky threat that might invade my home; dust mites.

        Don’t let their miniscule size fool you, dust mites are microscopic menace that can lurk in the shadows of your home. These eight-legged arthropods, about the size of a grain of sand, live and thrive in warm, humid environments, particularly fond of mattresses, pillows, carpets, and upholstery. While they don’t bite or sting, their presence can unleash a barrage of misery in the form of allergies and asthma.

        How Do Dust Mites Hurt Us?

        Dust mites feast on dead skin flakes, shedding microscopic fecal pellets and body parts that trigger allergic reactions in millions of people. These allergens can cause a cascade of symptoms, including:

        • Sneezing
        • Runny or itchy nose
        • Itchy, watery eyes
        • Difficulty breathing
        • Wheezing
        • Eczema

        How To Get Rid Of Dust Mites

        The good news is, you can combat the dust mite menace with smart prevention tactics:

        • Clean regularly: Vacuum often, especially upholstered furniture and carpets. Wash bedding in hot water (at least 130°F) weekly.
        • Control humidity: Keep humidity levels below 50% using a dehumidifier.
        • Air it out: Open windows to promote air circulation and sunlight exposure.
        • Encase your mattress and pillows: Dust mite covers create a physical barrier, trapping the critters inside.
        • Invest in hypoallergenic filters: Use allergen-capturing filters in vacuums and air purifiers.

        DON’T make your bed and enjoy some health benefits 

        A perfectly made bed is a hotspot for dust mites, serving as an ideal, warm space for these insects to survive and thrive. The experts at Zoma Sleep recommend leaving your bed unmade in the morning to help eliminate some of the dust mites found within your sheets.

        Making your bed in the morning allows them to survive and reproduce, multiplying and growing, which in turn may trigger asthma, eczema, or possible allergies similar to hay fever. Symptoms may include nasal congestion, skin rashes, sneezing and watery eyes.  

        Simply leaving your bed sheets unmade for 30 minutes or one hour can starve dust mites, removing many of them from your bedding. This period will allow moisture and sweat obtained overnight to be released from your bed. The lack of moisture and vulnerability to the air means this quick and easy task will make your bedroom a healthier environment.  

        Change your bed sheets every week to reduce dust mites 

        While not making your bed is a quick and easy hack to eliminate dust mites, there are a few other measures you can take to keep your bed as dust-mite-free as possible. Maintaining a fresh, well-ventilated bedroom leaves less space for dust mites to live and reproduce.

        Experts recommend washing your bed sheets once every week to help combat this issue. By washing your sheets or changing your bedding, you remove the build-up of moisture from used sheets, killing the dust mites that are festering in those warm spots of your bedding.  

        Hoovering your mattress, chairs and all other upholstery, as well as maintaining a well-ventilated bedroom, will also kill dust mites and make your home less hospitable to them. You can also invest in wool bedding to reduce moisture for a more peaceful sleep free from dust mites.  

        Unfortunately, completely eliminating all dust mites is impossible, but by following these simple steps, you will create a healthier, cleaner bedroom to enjoy a better night’s sleep.  

        When Prevention Of Dust Mites Fails

        If dust mites have already taken root and your allergies are flaring, don’t despair! These strategies can offer relief:

        • Over-the-counter medications: Antihistamines and decongestants can help manage allergy symptoms.
        • Prescription medication: Severe cases may require prescription medication or immunotherapy.
        • Professional deep cleaning: Consider hiring a professional carpet and upholstery cleaning service to tackle entrenched dust mite populations.


        Remember, conquering dust mites is a battle, not a one-time skirmish. Consistent prevention and, if necessary, treatment are key to keeping these microscopic terrorists at bay and reclaiming your home as a haven of allergy-free peace.

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        JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

        Top Tips To Avoid The Pink Tax

        On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out what the “pink tax” is, how it impacts women’s finances, and top tips for how to avoid the pink tax!

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        Pink Tax

        Ugh, the Pink Tax. That infuriating phenomenon where seemingly identical products cost more simply because they’re adorned with florals and marketed to women. This price discrepancy can range from a few percentage points to over 70% in some cases.

        Several factors contribute to the pink tax:

        • Targeted marketing: Companies leverage the perception that women are willing to pay more for products marketed as “higher quality” or “specially formulated” for their needs. This perception, fueled by advertising and branding, can inflate prices.
        • Ingredient hype: Some women’s products may contain specialized ingredients, like anti-aging or sensitive skin formulas, which can increase the cost compared to basic men’s products.
        • Packaging paradox: Feminine aesthetics like floral designs, pastel colors, and fancy packaging can be associated with a higher price tag compared to the more utilitarian packaging often used for men’s products.

        The pink tax is not just a financial burden for women; it also raises concerns about equality and fairness. It implies that women’s needs are somehow more “expensive” or that their purchasing power is less vulnerable to price hikes. This reinforces harmful stereotypes and perpetuates a system where women pay a premium simply for being women.

        Bathroom Products

        Women’s personal care products often cost significantly more than their male counterparts, despite seemingly offering the same functionality. A recent study found that women’s toiletries can cost up to 76% more than men’s, a discrepancy that raises eyebrows and pocketbook anxieties, and means that taking a shower and staying clean is more expensive for women!

        During a cost of living crisis, and where women are more likely to be raising a family on a single income, this added financial pressure just for the privilege of hygiene is awful. But I know we can avoid it! By raising awareness, making informed choices, and advocating for fair pricing, we can push back against the pink tax and work towards a more equitable marketplace for all.

        With this in mind, industry experts at Showers to You sought to uncover the extent of the impact the ‘Pink Tax’ has on bathroom products. To do so, the recommended retail prices of a variety of everyday toiletries per 100ml for men and women were analysed.

        Key findings: 

        • Women’s toiletries are over three quarters more expensive on average than products marketed towards men (76%) 
        • Shampoo and conditioner for women are almost twice (96%) as expensive
        • Hair styling products cost nearly £1 more per 100ml for women compared to men 
        • Womens face creams are 82% more expensive on average per 100ml 

        Average price of toiletries per 100ml 

        Product type Men’s average price per 100mlWomen’s average price per 100ml Average price increase per 100ml (%)
        Shampoo and conditioner £2.60£5.1196%
        Hair styling £6.13£7.0916%
        Face cream £53.88£97.98 82%

        Showers to You uncovered a significant price disparity between women’s and men’s shampoo and conditioners, with women’s products being almost double the price (96%) on average per 100ml.  Men’s shampoo and conditioner cost approximately £2.60 per 100ml, while women’s products average at a staggering £5.11 per 100ml. 

        Despite efforts by some brands to avoid the ‘Pink Tax’ on certain products, such as Toni & Guy, with their Damage Repair Shampoo for women and their Deep Clean Shampoo for men both retailing at £2.88 per 100ml—the overall prevalence of price increases associated with the ‘Pink Tax’ remains significant. 

        Women’s hair styling products are, on average, £0.96 (16%) more expensive per 100ml compared to men’s equivalents. For example, TIGI Bed Head HeadrushTM and TIGI Bed Head Power Play products both promise shine, frizz control, a smooth feel and a professional quality. Despite these similar product outcomes, Power Play, marketed towards men, is priced at £3.98 per 100ml, while Headrush marketed for women costs £6 per 100ml. This represents a substantial 51% price increase for the women’s product.

        When it comes to face creams, women’s options are 82% more expensive on average, per 100ml, compared to men’s face creams. In summary, women’s everyday bathroom products are over three quarters (76%) more expensive on average than the closest equivalent products for men.

        While some discrepancies in pricing can be attributed to differences in ingredients, it is often merely a result of different marketing strategies. Therefore, being aware of the ‘pink tax’, shopping around for various brands, and opting for gender-neutral products instead of those specifically marketed towards women is important.

        How To Avoid The Pink Tax

        1. Ditch the Pink Aisles: Venture beyond the land of glitter and pastel hues. Compare prices of men’s and women’s versions of similar products. Often, the men’s version of razors, shaving cream, or even body wash could be the same product at a fraction of the price. Just grab some blue packaging and fight the stereotypes!

        2. Embrace the Generic: Who needs fancy branding when you can have quality ingredients at a fraction of the cost? Generic brands often pack the same punch as their big-name counterparts, without the inflated price tag. Bonus points for avoiding all that unnecessary plastic packaging!

        3. Befriend DIY: Whip up your own scrubs, hair masks, or even cleaning solutions. It’s surprisingly easy, budget-friendly, and allows you to personalize the ingredients to your needs. Plus, you’ll impress your friends with your newfound herbalist skills.

        4. Think Outside the Box: Skip the overpriced razors and consider reusable options like safety razors or epilators, or learn about the No-Poo Method. Invest in a high-quality menstrual cup, or explore natural alternatives like cloth pads. Your wallet and the planet will thank you.

        5. Share the Knowledge: Spread the word about the Pink Tax! Educate your friends, family, and fellow shoppers. Collective awareness is key to putting pressure on companies to adopt fair pricing practices.

        6. Support Neutral Brands: Seek out companies that actively dismantle the Pink Tax and offer equally priced products for everyone. Your purchasing power speaks volumes, so use it to support those who stand for equality.

        7. Get Vocal: If you see blatant pricing disparities, don’t be afraid to speak up! Contact companies directly and express your concerns. Sharing your experiences on social media can also spark important conversations and create positive change.

        The ‘Pink Tax’, where women pay more for toiletries than men, isn’t just about cost. It reflects broader problems like gender inequality and the need for consumer empowerment. Companies should adopt transparent pricing practices and clearly communicate the reasons behind pricing disparities to consumers. 

        This transparency fosters trust and allows consumers to make informed decisions, encouraging brands to justify their pricing models and strive for gender-neutral product pricing. It is crucial that products are priced based on their actual value rather than inflated costs due to gender-specific marketing. 

        On the consumer side, shoppers can take proactive steps to avoid falling prey to the pink tax. One effective strategy is to opt for gender-neutral or toiletries marketed towards men that often feature similar formulations but come with a more reasonable price tag. 

        For example, using men’s razors or shower gel can be a practical and cost-effective alternative, as many of these products have been found to deliver comparable performance without the unnecessary markup associated with versions marketed towards women.

        -Martin Smith, the founder of Showers to You
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        JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

        Top Tips For Lazy Gardeners

        On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check top tips for lazy gardeners as Jonathan Creber, Commercial Director of Modern Garden Rooms shares his top eight garden hacks for low effort, high results garden care!

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        I’ve shared my resolution to get control of the clutter and mayhem inside my house, but what about outside? My garden is more of a playground for my children than an elegant space for relaxing in the sun, but I would like to try and make it look at least a little bit prettier, but my idea of horticultural bliss involves more lounging in a hammock than lugging mulch.

        To help me out, Jonathan Creber, Commercial Director of Modern Garden Rooms has sent over his top tips for the easiest ways to maintain a stunning garden with minimal effort. So grab your coffee (or beer, no judgment), settle in, and get ready to learn the secrets of a low-maintenance, high-reward garden that’s as beautiful as it is effortless.

        Top Tips For Lazy Gardeners

        1. Tidy up garden borders

        A freshly mowed lawn is a garden’s crown, but achieving the perfect finish is about mastering the details. Traditional mowers do a great job of the lawn, but often, the grass edges are left behind, which can leave your garden looking messy. Think of an untrimmed lawn like a shaggy haircut. Sure, it’s green and alive, but it lacks definition. Trimming the edges creates clean lines, like a crisp frame around your living canvas. Suddenly, your flowerbeds pop, your patio feels more inviting, and the entire space gains a sense of purpose. It’s like putting on makeup for your lawn – subtle, but impactful.

        While gardening can be exhausting, trimming the edges is a low-key workout with high-impact results. A quick once-over with a trimmer or even a trusty pair of shears goes a long way. Plus, unlike mowing the whole lawn, it’s easily tackled in bite-sized chunks, perfect for procrastinators and busy bees alike. Think of it as mini-gardening therapy, not a marathon sprint.

        For a versatile solution, you can pick up a handheld hedge trimmer, which you can pick up for just £20 on Amazon. Not only can they be used to keep your hedges neat, but they can quickly tackle the grass at the borders that mowers often miss.

        2. Save money by planting perennials

        Perennials are a great choice for those looking to add a splash of colour to their garden while keeping costs low, since they regrow every spring.


        This aromatic plant is a favourite for many garden enthusiasts. You can find lavender plants online, or opt for a pack of lavender seeds for an even cheaper option. When you consider that a lavender plant can last between 10 to 15 years, the cost per year is around 27p if you buy a plant or 13p if you grow them from seeds.

        Unlike some high-maintenance divas, lavender thrives on neglect. It’s drought-tolerant, sun-loving, and requires minimal pruning. Simply plant it in well-draining soil and let it blossom (literally and figuratively). It’s the perfect plant for busy bees who want maximum beauty with minimal effort.

        Buzzing with life, lavender’s nectar-rich flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, creating a vibrant ecosystem in your backyard. Not only does this look and sound delightful, but it also benefits your other plants by ensuring proper pollination. It’s nature’s win-win scenario! And say goodbye to unwanted guests! Lavender’s scent acts as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes, flies, and even some rodents. You can create fragrant borders to protect your outdoor seating areas or plant lavender near vegetable patches to keep pests at bay. It’s like having a built-in bug zapper, without the harsh chemicals.


        You can introduce these vibrant plants to your garden for around £2 a plant from stores like Homebase. While they provide consistent bursts of colour and charm for 2-3 years, they can become a bit woody and yield sparse blossoms as they age. Keeping geraniums for at least five years costs around 40p per plant per year.

        Unlike some prima donna plants, geraniums are low-maintenance charmers. They thrive in full sun, tolerate heat and drought, and rarely succumb to pests or diseases. Their vibrant blooms keep coming all season long, requiring minimal deadheading to maintain their show-stopping performance. Think of them as the effortlessly chic actresses of the garden, always looking their best with minimal fuss.

        These cheerful blooms aren’t just admired by humans; they’re a magnet for butterflies and other pollinators. Watching these delicate creatures flitting from flower to flower adds a touch of magic to any garden. Think of geraniums as nature’s confetti, attracting a vibrant cast of characters to your green space.


        Known for their daisy-like blooms, a 6-pack of young Echinacea plants can be acquired from garden centres for less than £5. Echinacea has a remarkable lifespan of up to 40 years in natural settings, which means these plants can cost as little as 2p per year if well cared for. Its advisable to divide Echinacea every four years in garden settings to ensure that they flourish.

        Don’t be fooled by their delicate appearance. Echinacea is a survivor, thriving in full sun, tolerating drought, and shrugging off pests and diseases with ease. They’re the low-maintenance royalty of the garden, requiring minimal fuss to keep them looking their best. Think of them as the warriors of the plant world, armed with beauty and resilience in equal measure.

        Forget fleeting blooms that fade in a blink. Echinacea offers a months-long parade of vibrant color, from fiery reds and sunny yellows to dusky pinks and cool lavender. Imagine a garden ablaze with these spiky stars, their petals catching the sunlight like stained glass windows. They’ll keep the show going from midsummer to early fall, ensuring your garden remains a vibrant oasis long after other flowers have bowed out.

        3. Embrace vertical gardens

        Consider adding hanging planters, vertical pallet gardens, or climbing vines in your smaller outdoor areas.

        Hanging baskets

        These can become mini gardens for various herbs, such as basil, rosemary, mint. Having them hanging by your window or on your balcony means fresh flavours are just an arm’s length away when cooking.

        Hanging baskets aren’t just feasts for the eyes; they’re magnets for feathery friends like hummingbirds and butterflies. Picture these vibrant creatures flitting from blossom to blossom, adding a touch of magic to your outdoor space. Imagine watching bees buzzing cheerfully around a basket of lavender, their wings humming a gentle, pollen-laden melody. Hanging baskets become tiny ecosystems, buzzing with life and contributing to the natural world.

        Don’t be fooled by their vibrant show. Hanging baskets can be surprisingly low-maintenance. Choose the right plants for your climate and watering needs, and you’ll enjoy months of beauty with minimal fuss. Imagine enjoying your morning coffee on a sun-drenched patio, surrounded by colorful blooms that require watering every other day. Hanging baskets offer effortless beauty without the gardening sweat.

        Vertical planters

        For those with limited space, vertical gardens offer a nutritious solution. Use vertical planters for fruit like strawberries or herbs, as these usually grow happily in smaller areas. Vertical planters are also great for growing fruits and vegetables if you only have a balcony.

        Vertical planters aren’t just space-saving wonders; they’re sensory feasts. Imagine brushing past a living wall of lavender, its aromatic mist swirling around you like a calming spell. Picture a miniature jungle bursting with vibrant blooms, their colors dancing in the sunlight. Vertical planters bring the outdoors in, inviting you to touch, smell, and taste the verdant world. They’re miniature ecosystems, buzzing with life and reminding us of nature’s endless bounty, even in the heart of the urban jungle.

        Climbing vines

        For vibrant decor, consider climbing vines such as wisteria, available at DIY stores for less than £15, jasmine around £13, and honeysuckle for around £7. These climbers add beauty and an infusion of colour in smaller spaces while keeping things tidy.

        Vines do the heavy lifting for you, literally! They scramble, climb, and weave their leafy tapestry without demanding endless attention. Simply provide garden trellis for sturdy support, a bit of water, and maybe a sunny patch, and watch them paint your walls with verdant hues. Imagine morning glories unfurling their vibrant trumpets towards the sun, or fragrant honeysuckle weaving a perfumed curtain across your porch. Vines offer beauty that requires minimal input.

        Unlike finicky annuals, many vines are fast-growing champions, transforming bare walls into leafy havens in a remarkably short time. Clematis paints its vibrant stars within weeks, morning glories greet you with their colorful faces each dawn, and wisteria weaves its fragrant purple veil within a season.

        4. Add some potted plants

        Potted plants are the answer for those looking to introduce versatility and ease into their garden. They not only allow gardeners to play around with arrangements, but they also simplify tasks like weeding.

        The ability to move these pots means plants can always get optimal sunlight, and with less soil surface, there’s a reduced chance of weeds. This mobile feature also lets you revamp the look of your garden whenever the mood strikes.

        Potted plants demand minimal space and even less effort. Simply choose your green companions, find a sunny spot (or a shady haven, depending on their preference), and watch them thrive. Potted plants offer beauty that requires minimal input.

        5. Create your own mulch

        Mulch, a gardener’s secret weapon, is a material spread atop the soil. It is used to conserve moisture, improve soil health, and combat weed growth. Creating your own mulch is easier and cheaper than you think.

        Mulches are made from many things, such as straw, wood chips, plastic and even rubber, but an eco-friendly, cost-effective tip is to use banana peels. Place the banana peels on the soil and cover them with an organic mulch, such as compost or wood chips. As they decompose, they enrich the soil, boosting plant health and reducing watering frequency.

        Start a simple kitchen compost bin and toss in vegetable peels, egg shells, and coffee ground. Nature’s decomposers will work their magic, turning your scraps into dark, crumbly gold in a few months. Spread it around your plants for weed suppression, moisture retention, and a delicious dose of nutrients.

        6. Plant hardy shrubs

        Shrubs like boxwood or holly are like the reliable friends of the gardening world. These tough-as-nails beauties weather storms, tolerate neglect, and bloom with minimal fuss. Their robust nature means less time spent on maintenance, and their evergreen presence ensures the garden looks lush year-round.

        Unlike finicky annuals, hardy shrubs are champions of slow and steady growth, transforming bare corners into verdant havens within a season. Lilacs paint their fragrant show within a few years, hydrangeas unfurl their dramatic globes of color by summer’s end, and viburnums offer dazzling berries for feathered friends long into autumn. Imagine your patio evolving from sterile concrete to a leafy sanctuary, all thanks to the effortless magic of a well-chosen shrub.

        7. Opt for gravel paths

        Gravel paths are not just about the rustic charm they bring to gardens. They offer a blend of aesthetics and practicality. Beyond visual allure, gravel stands out for its affordability and functionality.

        Gravel paths require minimal prep. Simply mark your path, lay a weed-suppressing membrane, and spread your chosen pebbles. No backbreaking digging, no delicate edging, just pure, unadulterated ease. Imagine winding paths of sun-warmed gravel meandering through your garden, inviting exploration without demanding endless toil.

        Rain or shine, gravel paths stand strong. Forget mud-caked shoes and soggy landscapes. Gravel drains like a dream, channeling water away from your precious plants and leaving you with firm footing all year round. Imagine strolling through your garden after a summer shower, your feet crunching on dry pebbles, while nearby flowerbeds bask in the post-rain sun. Gravel paths conquer the elements, ensuring your garden remains accessible and beautiful in any weather.

        8. Illuminate your garden with solar lights

        Solar-powered stake lights cast a gentle glow, and are ideal for outlining paths or flower beds. For a sprinkle of charm, opt for solar-powered string lights.

        Solar lights require minimal effort. Simply stick them in the ground, hang them on branches, or string them along fences, and voilà, instant ambiance! No electrician needed, no tangled wires to trip over, just pure, unadulterated ease. Imagine pathways illuminated by dancing fireflies, flowerbeds glowing with soft spotlights, and trees adorned with twinkling fairy lights. Solar lights offer beauty that requires minimal input, perfect for gardeners who prefer to relax, not wrestle with cords.

        Solar lights are nature’s answer to lazy gardeners’ prayers. They charge themselves, require no batteries, and demand minimal upkeep. Picture yourself sipping cocktails on a starlit patio, surrounded by lights that practically maintain themselves. Solar lights offer effortless ambiance without the constant chore of replacing batteries or tangled wires, perfect for those who appreciate a relaxed approach to garden decor.


        By leveraging these uncomplicated tricks and strategies, you can effortlessly transform your outdoor space into a picturesque haven that remains easy to care for. After all, a stunning garden shouldn’t require endless hours of hard work when simple hacks can make all the difference.

        About Modern Garden Rooms

        Specialising in bespoke garden rooms, Modern Garden Rooms provides a unique and efficient alternative to traditional home extensions, designed to cater to diverse needs, from workspaces to relaxation zones, all customised to fit individual homeowner needs.

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        Top Five Foods To Boost Your Immunity

        On the JJ Barnes Blog, I learn how to take on flu season with the top five foods to boost your immunity.

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        As January settles in for the long haul, the winter chill is in the air, we’re all layering on the thermals, and my children are bringing home cold and flu germs from the petri dish that is primary school. As we huddle under blankets, reach for tissues, and nurse hot drinks, I can’t help but wonder what I can do to boost our immunity so we can get through this snotty sneezy time as smoothly as possible.


        To help me out, Abi Roberts, Sports Nutritionist from Bulk.com, has sent over her advice for the top five foods to boost our immunity, and explains why we should all be consuming Vitamin C and Zinc during the winter months.

        Vitamin C paired with Zinc is also essential for flu season, as Abi explains: “Both vitamin C and Zinc are vital for a robust immune system.   

        Consuming these supplements during winter can help support your body’s defences against common winter ailments. Vitamin C is also important to maintain healthy skin, bones, and encourages wound healing. 

        -Abi Roberts, Sports Nutritionist from Bulk.com

        Top Five Foods To Boost Your Immunity

        1. Vitamin D  
        2. Turmeric 
        3. Echinacea  
        4. Citrus Fruits  
        5. Fermented Foods  

        Vitamin D – to combat reduced natural sunlight  

        • Immune System Booster: Vitamin D acts as a trainer for your immune cells, making them stronger and more vigilant against invaders like viruses and bacteria. This translates to fewer sniffles, less flu, and a happier, healthier you.
        • Mood Master: Ever feel grumpy when the sun disappears? Vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating mood-boosting chemicals in your brain, helping you combat the winter blues and maintain a sunny disposition (even when the sun is nowhere to be seen).
        • Bone Builder: This superhero strengthens your bones, preventing osteoporosis and ensuring you can dance through the snow with confidence.
        • Muscle Mender: Vitamin D helps your muscles recover from exercise faster, making those winter workouts even more rewarding.

        Where to get Vitamin D:

        • Sun exposure: Grab your coat and catch some rays, even if it’s just for 15-20 minutes a day. Remember, even cloudy days offer a Vitamin D boost.
        • Food friends: Salmon, tuna, eggs, and mushrooms are all champions of Vitamin D. Make them your allies in the fight against the winter blahs.
        • Fortify your fortress: Look for fortified foods like milk, yogurt, and cereal – they’re like Trojan horses delivering Vitamin D goodness.
        • Supplement savvy: If you’re still struggling, consider a Vitamin D supplement after consulting your doctor.

        Turmeric – has anti-inflammatory properties   

        • Inflammation Fighter: Colds and flu often bring with them the uncomfortable troops of inflammation – sore throats, achy muscles, and that general “blah” feeling. Turmeric’s star ingredient, curcumin, acts like a tiny firefighter, dousing the flames of inflammation and bringing relief. This translates to potentially less pain, quicker recovery, and a happier, healthier you.
        • Immune System Booster: Curcumin also gives your immune system a much-needed pep talk. It helps your white blood cells, the frontline defenders, become more alert and efficient at battling invaders. This means you’re more likely to intercept those pesky viruses before they take hold and turn your nose into a waterfall.
        • Antioxidant Champion: While battling the bad guys, turmeric also wields its antioxidant shield. These warriors scavenge free radicals, those mischievous molecules that can damage your cells and weaken your defenses. With turmeric on your side, your cells have a better chance of staying strong and resilient.

        Where to get Tumeric:

        • Warm Spiced Latte: Ditch the sugary coffee and sip on a comforting turmeric latte – warm milk, honey, a dash of cinnamon, and your golden champion.
        • Golden Stir-Fry: Infuse your winter veggies with a turmeric glow and reap the flavor and health benefits in one delicious bite.
        • Honey, My Hero: Mix turmeric with honey to create a soothing syrup for those scratchy throats.

        Echinacea – protects against winter illnesses  

        • The Spiky Symphony: Echinacea isn’t a single herb, but a whole orchestra of prickly plants. Each species brings its own unique blend of bioactive compounds, but the star of the show is echinacea purpurea. This purple warrior contains a diverse range of chemicals, including alkamides, chicoric acid, and polysaccharides, all working together to boost your defenses.
        • Immune System Booster: Imagine echinacea as a boot camp for your white blood cells, those frontline defenders against viruses and bacteria. This botanical badass helps these cells work more efficiently, recognizing and attacking invaders with greater zeal. The result? Potentially a shorter fight against those wintery foes.
        • Inflammation Foe: Not only does echinacea help your body fight the enemy, it also helps clean up the battlefield. By reducing inflammation, echinacea can ease those aches and pains that often accompany a cold or flu. This translates to feeling better, faster, and getting back to enjoying the season’s festivities.

        Where to get Echinacea:

        • Dried herb: Steep it in hot water for a warming tea or add it to soups and stews. Remember, heat reduces its potency, so consider adding it after cooking.
        • Tinctures: Concentrated liquid extracts in alcohol or glycerol. Follow dosage instructions carefully, as they can be potent.
        • Supplements: Convenient and pre-measured supplements, but check the label for fillers and additives.
        • Lozenges: Soothe scratchy throats while potentially boosting your defenses. Opt for sugar-free options.

        Citrus fruits – a good source of vitamin C  

        • Vitamin C Champs: The crown jewel of citrus fruits is, of course, vitamin C. This potent antioxidant is like a tireless soldier in your immune system’s army, helping your white blood cells fight off invaders and repair your body’s defenses. Just one juicy orange packs enough vitamin C to meet your daily needs, making citrus fruits your ultimate shield against winter woes.
        • Antioxidant All-Stars: But vitamin C isn’t alone. Citrus fruits are bursting with other antioxidant warriors, like flavonoids and phenolic acids. These tireless soldiers scavenge free radicals, those mischievous molecules that damage your cells and weaken your defenses. With citrus on your side, your cells have a better chance of staying strong and resilient, ready to repel any viral attack.
        • Hydration Heroes: Let’s face it, winter air can be unforgivingly dry. This can parch your throat and weaken your immune system. Enter citrus fruits, nature’s hydration heroes. Packed with water and electrolytes, these juicy wonders replenish your fluids, keeping your body and defenses functioning at their peak.
        • Beyond the Orange: While oranges might be the poster child of citrus, don’t underestimate the power of variety! Grapefruits offer a sweeter-tart punch, lemons and limes bring their zesty kick, and mandarins provide a delightful burst of flavor. Explore the rainbow of citrus options and discover your personal immunity-boosting favorites.

        Where to get Vitamin C:

        • Citrus Fruits: The classic champions! Oranges, grapefruits, mandarins, lemons, limes – they’re all bursting with vitamin C. Aim for at least one serving per day.
        • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and kiwis are nature’s candy, packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. Enjoy them fresh, frozen, or in smoothies.
        • Bell Peppers: Red, yellow, and orange bell peppers are vitamin C powerhouses. Add them to salads, stir-fries, or enjoy them raw with hummus.
        • Broccoli: This cruciferous wonder is not only delicious but also rich in vitamin C. Roast it, steam it, or toss it into soups and stir-fries.
        • Tomatoes: Fresh or cooked, tomatoes are a versatile source of vitamin C. Enjoy them in salads, pasta sauces, or even on toast with avocado.
        • Other Fruits and Vegetables: Don’t forget melons, pineapple, papaya, mango, leafy greens like kale and spinach, and even potatoes – they all contribute to your daily vitamin C intake.
        • Sprouted grains and seeds: Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and sprouted lentils offer a good dose of vitamin C alongside other nutrients.
        • Fortified foods: Some plant-based milk, yogurt, and breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin C, making them convenient options.
        • Herbal teas: Rosehip and hibiscus teas are naturally high in vitamin C and offer a warming winter beverage.

        Fermented foods – promotes a healthy gut   

        • The Gut Garden: Imagine your gut as a lush garden, teeming with microorganisms. Good bacteria, also known as probiotics, are the hardworking gardeners, keeping bad bacteria at bay and nurturing your overall health. Fermented foods are like fertilizer for this garden, providing probiotics a delicious place to thrive and multiply.
        • Immune System Shield: A healthy gut garden translates to a stronger immune system. By giving your good bacteria a boost, fermented foods help your body build its defenses against viruses and bacteria that might cause those winter sniffles and sneezes. It’s like training an army of tiny soldiers within your own body, ready to fight off the invaders.
        • Inflammation Foe: Chronic inflammation is a sneaky enemy, linked to various health issues, including some winter woes. Fermented foods can help tame this internal fire by reducing inflammatory markers and promoting a calmer gut environment. This translates to potentially less aches and pains, leaving you feeling energized and ready to conquer the day.

        Where to get Fermented Foods:

        • Kimchi: This spicy Korean wonder is packed with probiotics and vitamins. Enjoy it with rice, soups, or even scrambled eggs.
        • Sauerkraut: Tangy and versatile, sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish perfect for salads, sandwiches, or as a side dish.
        • Yogurt: Choose plain, unsweetened yogurt with live and active cultures. It’s a great source of probiotics and calcium, perfect for breakfast or a healthy snack.
        • Kefir: This effervescent fermented milk drink is packed with probiotics and nutrients. Enjoy it plain, blended into smoothies, or used in baking.
        • Miso: This savory fermented soybean paste adds umami depth to soups, stews, and marinades.
        • Kombucha: This bubbly fermented tea drink offers probiotics and antioxidants. Choose from various flavors to satisfy your taste buds.
        • Pickled vegetables: Cucumbers, carrots, and other vegetables fermented with spices and herbs offer probiotics and a tangy snack.


        So, there you have it! The top five food warriors to keep you healthy and happy all winter long. From citrus sunshine to fermented feasts, each bite is an investment in your body’s natural defenses. Remember, a strong immune system isn’t built in a day. It’s a journey of healthy choices, vibrant flavors, and a sprinkle of culinary curiosity.

        Embrace these delicious allies, but don’t forget the other pillars of winter wellness: adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a healthy dose of laughter. Together, they’ll create an impenetrable fortress against the sniffles and sneezes, leaving you free to enjoy the cozy nights, snowy adventures, and all the joys that winter brings.

        So, ditch the tissues, grab your fork, and embark on a delicious journey to an immune-boosted you. Let your plate be your battlefield, and these top five foods your loyal companions. Remember, a healthy body and a happy heart are the ultimate weapons against any winter woe.

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