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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Keep Dogs Safe In A Heatwave

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the weather warms up, I check out top tips to keep dogs safe in a heatwave.

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As the mercury rises and the sun beats down, it’s crucial to keep our furry friends cool and comfortable. With summer in full swing, Molly and I are swapping our cozy winter walks for early morning adventures to avoid the heat. But as temperatures soar, it’s essential to be extra vigilant about protecting our pups from the dangers of a heatwave. So, let’s dive into some top tips to keep your dogs safe and happy during those scorching days.

To help me out, first aid experts at Skills Training Group have sent over their top tips for spotting the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs alongside some top emergency first aid tips that could potentially save your beloved pets life.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Heatstroke in dogs can occur at temperatures of just 16 degrees.
  • Certain breeds of dogs are at higher risk of heatstroke. 
  • Heatstroke occurs when the body overheats. In dogs, this is typically categorised as a core body temperature of 41 degrees celsius or higher. 

What is heatstroke? 

Heatstroke occurs when the body overheats. In dogs, this is typically categorised as a core body temperature of 41 degrees celsius or higher. At these elevated temperatures, the body is unable to function as needed, and begins to shut down.

Many cases of heatstroke in dogs are caused by physical exertion in hot weather, such as midday walks on summer days. However, heatstroke can also be caused by prolonged periods in hot environments, such as conservatories that have been heated by the sun all day, or hot cars. Under the Animal Welfare Act, owners can be charged with a criminal offence for leaving dogs in their vehicle.

Heatstroke symptoms in dogs: 

Heatstroke symptoms in dogs on the JJ Barnes Blog
Heatstroke symptoms in dogs

Heatstroke can occur in dogs at temperatures of just 16 degrees so knowing what to look for is essential even if the weather doesn’t feel too hot, some signs to keep an eye out for include:

·  Excessive breathing and heavy panting

·  Restlessness, pacing, or unusual anxious behaviour

·  Excessive drooling and sticky saliva

·  Changes to the gums, such as dryness, darkening, or bruising

·  Red tongue

·  Rapid heart rate

·  Vomiting or diarrhoea

As heatstroke progresses, dogs may begin to present with more severe signs, like…

·  Serious fatigue and lethargy

·  Confusion and dizziness

·  Weakness, balance problems, or collapse

·  Unconsciousness

·  Seizures

Some types of dogs are understood to be more susceptible to heatstroke than others. This includes flat-faced dogs, large breeds, long haired dogs, puppies and elderly dogs, and overweight dogs. However, any dog can experience heatstroke, which is why it’s so important to monitor behaviour during high temperatures.

4 steps to take if you think your dog may be affected by heat stroke: 

Step 1: Remove the immediate risk – The first step when heat stroke is suspected is to remove the dog from the hot environment and help to relax the body if the animal has been agitated and anxious. Seek shade, act calmly, and reassure the dog using soothing tones.

Step 2: Create a cool environment – Immediately try to cool down the air temperature of the space. This may include opening windows and doors to create a breeze, shutting blinds or curtains to block out sun, turning on air conditioning, or using a fan to circulate air around the dog.

Step 3: Cool the dog down – Try to remove as much heat from the dog’s body as possible. Encourage the dog to sit on a water-soaked towel, or gently pour cold water over the fur.

Alternatively, you can submerge their body in water, but only if they are used to being in water. It’s also extremely important to make sure they don’t inhale any water.

You can also try wrapping frozen veg or an ice pack in a towel and place it between your dog’s thighs.

Dogs can be provided with water to drink, but don’t force them to drink if they don’t want to.

Step 4: Contact a vet – Once the dog is in a safer environment, contact a vet and arrange for an emergency visit. Dogs should be kept as cool as possible during transport, with open windows and air conditioning if possible. An extra pair of hands may be necessary.

How you to prevent heat stroke in dogs: 

How you to prevent heat stroke in dogs on the JJ Barnes Blog
How you to prevent heat stroke in dogs

·  Avoid walks during the hottest time of the day

·  Ensure dogs always have access to a cool, shaded area

·  Do not encourage fun and games when it is very warm

·  Provide plenty of water throughout the day

·  Offer hydrating snacks, such as cucumber or dog-safe berries

·  Groom regularly to keep fur short

·  Utilise cooling mats and toys

·  Know the signs, and act quickly if heat stroke is suspected


Remember, every dog is different, so it’s important to observe your furry friend closely during hot weather. Molly and I are always learning new ways to stay cool and comfortable, and I encourage you to do the same. By following these tips and being mindful of your dog’s needs, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for your best friend.

JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

How To Get Children To Sleep In The Summer Holidays

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I love the school break, but bedtime is a battle ground of excitement and ice cream fueled energy, so I check out tips for how to get children to sleep in the summer holidays.

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Ah, the school holidays! The days are long, the sun is shining, and the kids are…bouncing off the walls with enough energy to power a small city. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for carefree days and epic ice cream feasts, but when bedtime rolls around and those little night owls are wide awake, well, let’s just say I’m ready to ask for help.

Sound familiar? If you’re nodding along (possibly while clutching a lukewarm cup of coffee), then you’ve come to the right place. Because let’s face it, summer nights were made for stargazing, not staring at the ceiling for hours willing a child to drift off to sleep.

So, in the spirit of maintaining our sanity (and maybe sneaking in a few extra winks ourselves), I’ve been diving into the world of summer sleep strategies. Buckle up, fellow parents, because with the help of bed furnishings expert Ashley Hainsworth of Bed Kingdom we’re about to explore some tips to help our little energizer bunnies finally hit the hay (and stay there!).

During your efforts this summer, don’t forget to remain confident. Your assertiveness can affect your child’s response tremendously.

Every child is different, so don’t lose hope if one method doesn’t work – simply try another. Bedtime success is achievable for everyone, but it can often be a case of trial and error to determine what works best for your child and your parenting style.

-Ashley Hainsworth of Bed Kingdom

How To Get Children To Sleep In The Summer Holidays

Consistency is key

The classic bath, book, and bed routine is an effective method and, when done consistently, eliminates fuss. By starting this tradition around the same time each night, your little ones will know what to expect and should respond positively. This routine can look different for every family, so do it your way and enjoy this quality time.

Make it fun! You can let your children use bath toys and pick their favourite books so that they can look forward to this time. As soon as your children view the bedtime routine as boring, making them comply is tough.

Remember, humans respond positively to routines, so whatever you choose to do, make it consistent.

Create the right environment

Little ones need a suitable area and bed for their needs; consider how comfortable your child’s mattress is and whether they have enough space in their bed for their books and toys.

Everyone has their own tendencies. Some people like just one pillow, while others like multiple layers of comfort.

Your child could find sleeping uncomfortable but may not be able to express why, so checking these factors should help you identify why your little one isn’t looking forward to bedtime. Communicate with your child to discover their preferences and how you can cater to them.

Dispel any fears

Children can often fear being alone, especially in the dark. If your child fears the dark, it is worth investing in a night light to ease any worries. A comforter such as a special blanket or soft toy will also help to soothe your child and ensure a blissful sleep.

Communication returns here, as not all fears are textbook. If your child has serious objections at bedtime, it is important to give them the opportunity to explain why.

Listening to your child should help you understand any issues you are facing.

Avoid too much screen time

Although it is tempting to place a screen in front of your child when you’re exhausted, try not to do this within the hour before their bedtime, as this may come back to bite you.

Bed Kingdom research has found that 33% of young children who use screens at night, are often not asleep before midnight. However, 2 out of 3 children whose bedrooms are screen-free at night are fast asleep before 9pm.

Do yourself a favour and avoid gadgets at nighttime; this will prevent a struggle when waking up your children and returning to the school routine.  

The bedtime story

Bedtime stories are an excellent way to make your child look forward to bedtime and settle. Not only can they inspire your child’s imagination, but they can also relax your little one as you read to them softly.

Bedtime stories are also a great way to maintain your child’s engagement in education while they are away from school.

Eliminate noise

Summer can be a noisy time. During the lighter nights, people tend to stay outside longer, and BBQs and street parties aren’t the ideal backdrops for your child’s slumber.

If your little one is particularly bothered by noise, investing in noise-cancelling headphones could be your answer. You could also experiment with white noise or sleep music this summer and see if a fan would distract your child from their bustling surroundings.

Let your child self-settle

During bedtime, attempt to leave the room before your little one nods off, as this will help them self-settle. Start by sitting on the end of the bed, moving a little more towards the door each night until you can say ‘goodnight’ and leave with confidence. This method will take some trial and error but is an excellent way to develop your child’s independence.

Ensuring your child is not dependent on your presence to fall asleep will give you time to attend to your own needs and to-do list. It will also prevent issues occurring in the future with sleepovers and babysitters.

Keep the bedroom cool

With the warmth of summer able to disturb even the deepest sleepers, it is important to keep your child’s bedroom cool to ensure a restful night. Sleeping patterns can be dictated by temperature, so ensure you don’t make it too cold when cooling your child’s room.

The optimum temperature for sleep is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit, which can be moderated with multiple methods. For summer, taking away unneeded blankets and opening windows is ideal. Switching off unnecessary electronics can also reduce a room’s temperature, and you could prioritize using your electricity for a fan.

Be sure to check in on your little one’s bedroom a few times before you go to bed yourself, to see if the temperature has changed.

Parents Rest Time!!

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting your kids to sleep during the long summer break. But by implementing a few of these strategies, establishing a consistent bedtime routine (even if it’s slightly later than usual), and staying patient (because let’s be honest, some nights will be trickier than others!), you can hopefully reclaim those precious night time hours.

So, put your feet up, grab a well-deserved cup of tea (or maybe something a little stronger!), and enjoy those quiet evenings (once the little ones are finally snoozing!). After all, a well-rested parent is a happy parent, and a happy parent is better equipped to handle all the summertime adventures that await. Now get out there and make some magical summer memories – with everyone feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day (and the night!).

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top Tips For Summer Shoes SOS

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the summer heat intensifies, I check out top tips for Summer shoes SOS such as solutions for combating sweat, odour, and wear.

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As the summer sun blazes down, our feet often take the brunt of the scorching temperatures. Stuffed into shoes and socks, they can quickly become a sweaty, smelly battleground. Don’t resign yourself to a summer of discomfort! Today, I’m diving into some top Summer SOS shoe tips to combat sweat, odour, and premature wear and tear.

pair of shoes on meadow with blooming chamomiles
Photo by Saliha Sevim on Pexels.com

To help me out, Gabriel Miller, an expert at Gatsby Shoes, sent over some strategies to combat these pesky problems, ensuring that your summer footwear remains fresh, comfortable, and stylish throughout the hottest months of the year. From breathable materials to clever hacks, I’ll get your feet feeling cool, dry, and happy – all season long. So, kick off those sweaty sandals and step into a world of summer shoe bliss!

Top Tips For Summer Shoes SOS

Combating Sweat

As summer temperatures soar, our feet often become battlegrounds for sweat. This isn’t just an annoyance – it’s a multi-pronged problem with a few key culprits:

Heatwave Havoc: The scorching sun naturally increases our body temperature, and our feet, trapped inside shoes, are prime targets for sweat production.

Shoe Squeeze: Tight-fitting shoes restrict airflow and trap moisture, creating a perfect storm for sweaty feet. Opt for breathable, well-ventilated styles whenever possible.

Underlying Conditions: In some cases, excessive sweating can be a symptom of a medical condition like hyperhidrosis. If you experience chronic sweaty feet, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying issues.

The good news? You don’t have to suffer through summer with soggy socks and smelly shoes. By investing in the right gear, you can keep your feet cool, dry, and comfortable all season long!

To combat sweat, ditch those thick cotton socks! Instead, invest in breathable options made from natural fibers like merino wool, which wicks away moisture effectively while remaining odor-resistant. Synthetic materials specifically designed for moisture-wicking, like polyester blends, are another great choice.

Don’t forget your insoles! Opt for ones made from breathable materials like cork or bamboo, or consider moisture-wicking synthetic options. These will help absorb sweat and keep your feet feeling fresh throughout the day.

To combat sweat, it’s essential to invest in breathable socks and insoles that promote airflow and wick away moisture. Look for options made from natural fibres like cotton or wool or synthetic materials designed for moisture-wicking.

-Gabriel Miller

Home Remedies Vs. Deodorizing Products

Sure, sprinkling baking soda in your shoes or tossing in a tea bag might offer a temporary reprieve from summer foot funk. But for long-lasting freshness, it’s best to go beyond home remedies. Our feet are sweat factories in the summer, and those DIY solutions just can’t keep up with the relentless moisture production.

Instead, consider a dedicated arsenal of foot-fighting products! Look for foot powders specifically formulated for summer sweat. These often contain ingredients like talc or cornstarch to absorb moisture and keep your feet feeling dry.

Deodorizing foot sprays can provide a quick refresh throughout the day, targeting odor-causing bacteria.

Finally, consider insoles infused with antimicrobial agents that work double-duty: absorbing sweat and neutralizing odors before they even have a chance to develop. With this multi-pronged approach, you can say goodbye to stinky summer feet and hello to confident shoe-wearing all season long!

Look for foot powders, sprays, or insoles infused with antimicrobial agents that neutralise odours and inhibit bacterial growth.

-Gabriel Miller

Preventing Odour Build-Up Long-Term

Give your shoes a breather: Sweat is a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. Rotate your shoes daily, allowing them to dry out completely between wears. This disrupts bacterial growth and keeps your shoes smelling fresh.

Invest in moisture management: Ditch those thick cotton socks! Moisture-wicking socks made from merino wool or synthetic blends are your summer saviors. They’ll pull sweat away from your feet, keeping them cool and dry. Don’t forget your antiperspirant insoles! Opt for breathable, moisture-wicking options like cork, bamboo, or synthetic materials specifically designed to combat sweat.

Cleanliness is key: Regular cleaning and disinfection are essential for long-lasting freshness. Check the care instructions for your shoes and follow them carefully. Some shoes can be machine-washed, while others might require spot cleaning. Regularly disinfecting your shoes with a disinfectant spray can help kill bacteria and prevent odor build-up.

By incorporating these proactive strategies, you can keep your summer footwear fresh and your feet feeling confident all season long!

Protecting Shoes From Salt Stains And Sun Damage

Summer’s a double whammy for your favorite shoes. Sweat relentlessly attacks with salt stains, leaving unsightly white marks on leather and canvas. Meanwhile, the sun’s harsh rays unleash a barrage of UV damage, fading colors and cracking delicate materials. But fear not, fashion warriors! Here’s your arsenal to fight back:

Shoe Covers: For an extra layer of defense, consider using specialized shoe covers. These translucent shields are often made of breathable materials and can protect your shoes from both UV rays and the elements, including salt spray.

Protective Sprays: Treat your shoes to a force field! Shoe sprays specifically formulated for summer footwear create a barrier that repels sweat and salt, preventing those dreaded white stains.

Nourishing Creams: Leather shoes need extra TLC. Invest in leather creams that contain UV protectants and water-repellent properties. These will not only shield your shoes from sun damage and salt stains but also keep the leather supple and prevent cracking.

Gabriel’s Top Cleaning Tip

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your summer footwear. Gabriel notes.

Avoid submerging your shoes in water, as this can cause damage to the materials. After cleaning, stuff them with newspaper or a shoe tree to help them retain their shape as they dry.

If you notice excessive cracking, peeling, or separation of the soles, it’s time to invest in a new pair. Wearing shoes past their prime can lead to discomfort, potential injuries, and a less-than-stylish appearance.

-Gabriel Miller

About Gatsby Shoes

At Gatsby Shoes, you can purchase high-quality leather shoes crafted by professional shoemakers. They offer a range of business casual options known for their comfort and durability. Customers can enjoy benefits such as fast-tracked shipping, a 30-day guarantee, and regular discounts by subscribing to the Gatsby Shoes newsletter.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Best Ways To Dress In A Heatwave

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the weather heats up and the summer holidays arrive, I check out the best ways to dress in a heatwave so we can be comfortable and stylish while we enjoy the sunshine.

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Ah, summer! The days grow longer, the skies turn a vibrant blue, and… the temperature soars! As the heatwave rolls in and the school bell tolls its final ring, many of us are itching to soak up the sunshine and embrace those long-awaited summer holidays. But with the scorching temperatures can come a fashion dilemma: how to stay cool and comfortable without sacrificing style?

Today, I’m diving into the world of heatwave dressing, exploring tips and tricks to keep you cool, comfy, and looking your best all summer long. So, grab your shades, a refreshing drink, and let’s get started on crafting your perfect heatwave wardrobe!

To help me out, plus-sized fashion experts Zizzi Fashion have sent over their top tips for the best ways to dress in a heatwave.

T-Shirt Dresses

The humble T-shirt dress is a summer staple for a reason, and it goes way beyond just casual comfort. These versatile frocks offer a winning combination of style and practicality during a heatwave.

Cool Comfort: Made with breathable fabrics like cotton or jersey, T-shirt dresses allow for airflow, preventing you from overheating. The loose, relaxed fit keeps you feeling cool and prevents sweat from clinging uncomfortably.

Effortless Style: Throw on a T-shirt dress, and you’re instantly ready for the day. No need to agonize over outfit pairings – the dress does all the work! They come in a wide range of colors, patterns, and lengths, so you can find one that perfectly suits your taste.

Work to Weekend Versatility: Don’t be fooled by the casual nature of the T-shirt dress. This piece can easily transition from a relaxed weekend look to a work-appropriate outfit.

For the office, choose a T-shirt dress in a solid color with a knee-length or midi-length hem. Layer it with a lightweight blazer in a contrasting color and add a statement belt to cinch your waist and create a more polished silhouette. Voila! Instant office chic.

Accessorize for Added Flair: Elevate your T-shirt dress by playing with accessories. Add a pop of color with a chunky necklace or statement earrings. For a touch of sophistication, throw on a scarf or a long cardigan. Finish the look with sandals, flats, or even sneakers depending on the occasion.

Breathable Fabrics

By making smart fabric choices and embracing breezy silhouettes, you can conquer the heatwave in style.

Cotton: This classic fabric is a summer staple for a reason. Cotton’s natural fibers allow for excellent airflow, preventing heat from getting trapped close to your skin. This translates to cooler, drier comfort throughout the workday, keeping those embarrassing sweat patches at bay.

Stock up on cotton t-shirts, blouses, and trousers – they’re the perfect base for most occasions.

Linen: Made from flax plants, linen boasts superior breathability compared to cotton. This wonder fabric absorbs moisture exceptionally well, keeping you feeling fresh and cool even in the most stifling heat. Linen shirts are a versatile option.

Tucked into a skirt or worn unbuttoned as a breezy blouse, they offer a polished yet comfortable look. For added style points, experiment with linen trousers or blazers – you’ll be surprised by their coolness and drape.

Ditch the Synthetics: While tempting for their wrinkle resistance, synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon are your worst enemies during a heatwave. These materials trap heat and moisture against your skin, leading to discomfort, increased body temperature, and even heat rash. Stick to natural fibers like cotton and linen to ensure maximum breathability and comfort.

Light Layers

Who says layering is just for winter? During a scorching summer, strategic layering can be your secret weapon for staying cool and protected. Here’s how to make it work for the heatwave:

Lightweight Fabrics: Forget about bulky sweaters and heavy knits. The key to summer layering lies in choosing ultra-lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen. These natural fibers allow for air circulation, preventing heat from getting trapped. Think light vest tops, flowy blouses, and airy kimonos.

Chambray: Often mistaken for denim, chambray is a true summer gem. This thin, lightweight fabric boasts amazing heat-regulating properties. A chambray shirt jacket, playfully nicknamed a “shacket,” is the perfect layering piece.

Throw it on over a tank top and shorts for added sun protection and a touch of effortless style. Bonus tip: chambray comes in a variety of colors, so you can easily find one that complements your summer wardrobe.

Strategic Layering: Layering isn’t just about piling on clothes. It’s about creating a breathable, protective shield. Opt for loose-fitting silhouettes that allow air to flow freely.

A lightweight button-down shirt worn open over a tank top provides sun protection on your arms and shoulders without making you feel stuffy. Similarly, a breezy kimono adds a stylish layer while keeping you cool.

What to Avoid: While layering can be your friend during a heatwave, there are some definite foes. Steer clear of anything heavy or moisture-wicking, like tights, wool sweaters, or thick cardigans. These will trap heat and leave you feeling like you’re in a sauna. Remember, the goal is to stay cool and comfortable, not recreate winter in the middle of summer.

Embrace the Versatility: Layering offers a surprising amount of outfit adaptability. Start with a lightweight base layer and add or remove pieces as the temperature fluctuates throughout the day. This allows you to go from cool mornings to scorching afternoons with ease, all while maintaining a stylish and comfortable look.

Tackle Chafing 

Friction is the culprit behind the heatwave curse of chafing. When your skin rubs together repeatedly, especially during hot, sweaty weather, it can lead to raw, red sores. This is particularly common on the inner thighs, where skin rubs together during activities like walking, running, or even just strolling around in the summer heat.

Chafing Solutions: Luckily, there are several solutions to keep your thighs chafing-free.

Specialized Gear: Consider investing in a pair of anti-chafing shorts or leggings. These garments are often made with moisture-wicking fabrics and feature flat seams to minimize friction.

Chafing Creams: Many sporting goods stores and pharmacies offer specialized chafing balms and creams. These products typically contain coconut oil to reduce friction and soothe irritated skin.

DIY Powerhouse: For a simple approach, some folks swear by good old-fashioned petroleum jelly which creates a barrier between your skin, reducing friction and preventing chafing.


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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top Tips To Keep Children Safe On Social Media

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as my kids grow up and want more online access, and having always been a very protective parent when it comes to the internet, I check out top tips to keep children safe on social media.

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My children, once content with building forts and colouring pictures, are fast growing up and will soon be navigating a world of likes, shares, and endless scrolling. I’ve always been fiercely protective of their online experiences, banning access to games with online chat abilities and preventing them from having any social media, but those days are numbered as my oldest heads for high school this September. With their growing desire for social media, I knew it was time to trade my protective instincts for proactive strategies.

girl smiling while holding silver ipad
Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com

I don’t believe social media is all bad, and I certainly use it a lot myself. These platforms can offer opportunities for connection with friends and self-expression in interesting and creative ways, but they also come with inherent risks. As parents, I believe that it’s crucial to take proactive steps to safeguard our children’s online safety

Join me as I dive into the digital age, researching the best ways to keep my children safe while still allowing them to explore this vibrant online world. I’ll share tips, tricks, and resources to help you navigate the complexities of social media parenting with confidence.

To help me out, Trevor Cooke, Privacy Expert at EarthWeb, sent over five essential social media settings that can help protect kids online, along with guidelines for configuring them effectively.

Prioritising children’s online safety requires a multifaceted approach that includes both proactive parental supervision and leveraging the built-in safety features offered by social media platforms. By implementing these essential settings and guidelines, parents can create a safer and more secure online environment for their children to explore and connect with others.

-Trevor Cooke

Growing Concerns and Proactive Parental Supervision

As technology weaves itself ever more tightly into the fabric of our lives, the digital world has become a playground for both children and potential dangers. The rise of social media has brought with it a surge in concerns about cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and privacy violations.

A recent report by TikTok highlights the scale of the problem. In 2022, an alarming 37,798 videos per 100,000 users were removed due to content deemed harmful to minors. This stark figure underscores the urgent need for parental vigilance and proactive safety measures.

From the subtle dangers of cyberbullying to the more overt threats of online predators, the digital landscape can be a minefield for young users. It’s imperative that we equip our children with the knowledge and tools to navigate this complex environment safely and responsibly.

Identifying Key Settings and Features

Social media platforms offer a toolbox of safety features that parents can utilize to create a safer online environment for their children. From carefully adjusting privacy settings to implementing robust content filters, these tools can significantly reduce exposure to harmful content and unwanted interactions. For instance, parents can control who can see their child’s profile, limit direct messaging, and turn off location sharing.

Understanding and effectively using these features is crucial in empowering parents to make informed decisions about their child’s online safety. By taking advantage of the available tools and resources, parents can create a more secure digital landscape for their children to explore and learn.

Remember, parental involvement and ongoing communication with children remain essential components of online safety.

1. Privacy Settings: Safeguarding Personal Information

Understanding and utilizing privacy settings effectively, parents can significantly reduce the risks associated with social media. Platforms like Facebook offer a robust suite of privacy controls, allowing users to tailor their visibility and protect personal information.

Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  • Private Profiles: Encourage your child to set their profile to private, limiting who can view their posts, photos, and personal information.
  • Restricting Tagging: Help your child understand the implications of photo tagging and how to manage who can tag them.
  • Location Sharing: Disable location sharing to prevent strangers from knowing your child’s whereabouts.
  • Limiting Direct Messages: Consider restricting direct messages to friends only to reduce the risk of unwanted contact.

Remember, privacy settings are not foolproof. Regular monitoring, open communication, and ongoing education are essential components of a comprehensive online safety strategy. By working together with your child, you can empower them to make informed decisions and navigate the digital world with confidence.

2. Content Filters: Filtering Out Inappropriate Content

Content filters act as a crucial shield, protecting young users from harmful or explicit content. Platforms like Instagram offer customizable content filters that allow parents to tailor their child’s online experience based on age and sensitivity.

By carefully adjusting these settings, parents can create a safer digital environment. For instance, you can block content related to violence, hate speech, or explicit themes. Some platforms even allow you to filter content based on age-appropriateness, ensuring that your child is exposed to content that aligns with their maturity level.

Remember, content filters are not foolproof. It’s essential to maintain open communication with your child and regularly review and update these settings as they grow and their online habits evolve.

3. Account Restrictions: Managing Interactions and Features

Carefully adjusting account restriction settings to significantly reduce the risk of unwanted and inappropriate content. Platforms like Snapchat allow users to limit who can send them direct messages and friend requests, acting as a crucial barrier against strangers.

Empower your child by teaching them to utilize these features effectively. Encourage them to regularly review and update their privacy settings. By taking a proactive approach, you can help your child maintain control over their online experience and reduce the likelihood of falling victim to online predators or cyberbullying.

4. Location Sharing Controls: Protecting Privacy and Safety

Location sharing is a powerful tool, but it can also be a privacy risk. That’s why it’s crucial for parents to understand and utilize location sharing controls on social media platforms. Apps like Snapchat and Instagram offer features that allow users to share their location with selected friends, adding an extra layer of control.

By enabling these settings, parents can ensure that their child’s location is only shared with trusted contacts. This helps to prevent unwanted tracking and potential harm. It’s essential to have open conversations with your child about the importance of location privacy and the potential consequences of sharing their location with strangers.

5. Notification Settings: Staying Informed and Alert

Notification settings are your child’s online activity radar. They provide valuable insights into your child’s digital interactions, allowing you to stay informed and intervene when necessary. Platforms like Snapchat offer features that send alerts for new messages, friend requests, and even suspicious activity.

By enabling these notifications, parents can stay attuned to their child’s online world and address potential issues promptly. For example, if you receive an alert about a new friend request from an unknown account, you can step in to investigate and provide guidance.


Navigating the digital landscape with children can feel like a daunting task, but it’s essential for their well-being. By combining parental vigilance with the right tools and open communication, we can create a safer online environment for our children. Remember, it’s about finding a balance between protection and allowing them the freedom to explore and learn.

Stay informed, stay involved, and most importantly, stay connected with your child. Keep the conversation going about their online experiences, and be prepared to adapt your strategies as the digital world evolves. By working together, we can empower our children to be responsible and confident digital citizens.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Connect with other parents, share experiences, and learn from each other. Together, we can build a stronger and safer online community for our children.

About EarthWeb

EarthWeb helps you discover the best research guides and resources for tech and online privacy. Their mission is to help you simplify processes and make informed buying decisions. Trevor Cooke is the online privacy expert at EarthWeb. His personal mission is to help keep consumers safe by keeping them informed of privacy tips and common online scams


Data on TikTok violations was collected from Uswitch.

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Interior Design Tips To Improve Mental Health

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as I work on renovating my home with a focus on improving mine and my children’s lives, I check out top interior design tips to improve mental health.

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Hammer in hand, paint-splattered dreams swirling in my head – that’s the current state of affairs at my house! We’re deep in the throes of a renovation project, and while the chaos is enough to make anyone’s head spin, I’m determined to create a space that not only looks good but also fosters a sense of calm and well-being for myself and my little ones.

It’s no secret that our homes significantly impact our mental health. Studies, like a 2003 one on room layout and organization, have shown a direct link between our living spaces and our cognitive function, productivity, and even emotional well-being. But let’s be honest, between juggling work, keeping small humans alive, and the ever-present mountain of laundry, achieving inner peace within the whirlwind of renovation can feel like a distant dream.

To help me out, Danielle Mathews, co-owner of Reborn Renovations, sent over research into the science behind how different interior styles can influence our emotional state, and some expert interior design tips to improve mental health by curating living spaces that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

The Science Behind Interior Design And Mental Health

Interior design is a powerful tool that speaks directly to our subconscious. It taps into a wealth of psychological influences, weaving together our perceptions of color, nature, organization, light, space, and visual appeal.

When thoughtfully crafted, these elements can have a profound impact on our mental health and emotional well-being. Imagine a room bathed in calming blue hues that evokes feelings of tranquility, or a workspace overflowing with natural light that boosts your focus and creativity. Conversely, a cluttered environment can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm.

By understanding these psychological connections, we can design spaces that nurture our minds and spirits, creating a haven that reflects not just our personal style, but also our desire for well-being.

The Effects

The colours, textures, and organisation of our living spaces can either promote feelings of relaxation or contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress.

-Danielle Mathews

Interior Design Tips To Improve Mental Health


Colors aren’t just visual elements; they’re powerful mood influencers. Cool colors like blue, green, and lavender act like visual tranquilizers. Imagine a serene ocean or a lush forest – these calming colors can translate into your home, creating a peaceful atmosphere that reduces stress and anxiety. Think of a spa or a meditation room – they often incorporate cool colors for a reason!

On the other hand, warm colors like red can energize a space. Picture a vibrant sunrise or scarlet poppies – these fiery hues can bring a similar energy boost to your home.

Red can be ideal for a workout room or a creative workspace, where you want to feel motivated and focused. However, it’s important to use warm colors strategically, as an excess of red can become overwhelming.

The key is to find the right balance. Consider the function of each room and the mood you want to cultivate. Do you crave a calming retreat in your bedroom? Opt for cool blues or lavenders. Need a space to jumpstart your creativity in your home office? A touch of energizing red might be the answer.

Remember, color is a powerful tool, and using it intentionally can significantly impact the way you feel within your own home.


Our connection to nature is a fundamental human need, and it turns out, bringing the outdoors in isn’t just about aesthetics. Studies have shown that exposure to natural elements can significantly reduce stress levels and promote feelings of relaxation. Here’s how you can harness the power of nature through interior design:

Embrace the Greenery: Plants are more than just decorations; they’re living air purifiers that can boost your mood and reduce stress. From a cascading spider plant on a bookshelf to a stately Fiddle Leaf Fig in the corner, greenery adds life and vibrancy to any space.

Material Matters: Natural materials like wood and stone bring a sense of grounding and tranquility to a room. Think exposed wooden beams, a cozy stone fireplace, or even woven furniture accents. These elements evoke feelings of stability and connection to the earth.

Nature’s Palette: Bring the outdoors in through your color scheme. Earthy tones like beige and sage green create a calming atmosphere, while pops of turquoise or seafoam blue can evoke the serenity of the ocean. Nature-inspired patterns, like floral prints or organic textures, can also add a touch of the natural world.

Lighten Up: Natural light is a powerful mood booster. Maximize window space and consider sheer curtains to allow sunlight to bathe your rooms in a warm, inviting glow.

By incorporating these elements, you can transform your home into a haven that promotes relaxation and well-being. Imagine stepping into a space filled with lush greenery, warmed by natural light, and accented with calming earth tones. It’s a little slice of nature, right inside your own walls.


Ever walk into a room so overflowing with stuff you can barely navigate? That feeling of overwhelm isn’t just a hunch; it’s science. Clutter and disorganization can significantly increase stress levels and contribute to feelings of anxiety. Why? Because visual clutter bombards our brains with stimuli, making it harder to focus and relax.

On the other hand, an organized space is like a sigh of relief. When everything has its designated spot, it creates a sense of order and control over your environment.

Imagine walking into a kitchen where all the pots and pans are neatly tucked away, or a living room where books are cozily shelved instead of piled precariously on the coffee table. This visual calm translates into a mental calm, reducing stress and promoting feelings of peace.

The key is functionality. An organized space isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a system that works for you. Invest in storage solutions that fit your needs, whether it’s sleek shelving units, decorative baskets, or under-bed storage bags.

Declutter regularly, getting rid of items you no longer use or love. By creating a space that’s both visually pleasing and functionally organized, you’ll not only reduce stress but also free up mental space to focus on what truly matters.


Natural light isn’t just about illumination; it’s a key player in our mental and physical well-being. Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight has a significant impact on our mood, vitality, and even sleep quality. Compared to relying solely on artificial light, natural light can:

Boost Your Mood: Sunlight exposure triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. Imagine stepping into a room bathed in warm sunlight – it naturally feels more uplifting and inviting.

Increase Energy Levels: Natural light helps regulate our circadian rhythm, the internal clock that controls our sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to sunlight during the day keeps us feeling energized and focused, while the absence of it in the evening can signal to our bodies that it’s time to wind down.

Improve Sleep Quality: Darkness is crucial for a good night’s sleep. By maximizing natural light during the day, we create a clearer distinction between day and night, allowing our bodies to produce melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep.

So, how can you harness the power of natural light in your home? Here are a few tips:

Maximize Window Space: The more windows you have, the more natural light can flood your rooms. Consider removing heavy drapes or blinds that might be blocking the sunlight.

Light-Reflecting Surfaces: Opt for light-colored walls, floors, and furniture, and make use of mirrors. These surfaces reflect natural light, further brightening up your space.

Strategic Furniture Placement: Avoid placing furniture directly in front of windows to ensure natural light can reach different areas of the room.

Task Lighting: While natural light is ideal, strategically placed task lamps can provide focused illumination for specific activities like reading or working on your computer.

By incorporating these strategies, you can transform your home into a sun-drenched haven that promotes not just a brighter environment but also a brighter mood, improved energy levels, and better sleep.

Interior Styles for Improved Mental Health

Thoughtfully curating the living spaces in our homes can create environments that can promote relaxation, minimise stress, and enhance our overall mental well-being.

-Danielle Mathews

Minimalism: Embracing Serenity

Minimalist design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a philosophy that can significantly improve your mental well-being. Imagine a space free from clutter, boasting clean lines and a soothing color palette. This isn’t just a magazine spread; it’s a haven of calm waiting to be created in your own home.

Declutter Your Way to Clarity:

Visual clutter bombards the brain, making it difficult to relax and focus. By decluttering your surroundings, you’re essentially decluttering your mind.

Invest in stylish storage solutions like woven baskets or furniture with hidden compartments to tuck away belongings without sacrificing aesthetics.

The Calming Power of Neutrals:

Ditch the bold patterns and embrace the serenity of neutral tones. A palette of beige, white, and gray creates a sense of spaciousness and tranquility.

Consider a washable linen duvet cover in a calming light gray for your bedroom, or a plush, neutral-colored rug to ground your living room space.

Nature’s Tranquility Brought Indoors:

Natural materials like wood and stone add a sense of grounding and warmth.

Introduce a chunky wooden coffee table or a reclaimed wood shelving unit to add a touch of rustic charm.

Remember, minimalism is a journey, not a destination. Start by decluttering one room at a time, and gradually incorporate elements that promote a sense of calm and well-being. By embracing the power of “less is more,” you can transform your home into a haven of peace and tranquility, creating a space that reflects not just a clean aesthetic but also a clear and clutter-free mind.

Biophilic Design: Connecting with Nature

Bringing nature indoors has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. “Exposure to nature improves mood and cognitive function.

-Danielle Mathews

Biophilic design, a concept that integrates elements of nature into the built environment, taps into our inherent connection with the natural world. Imagine transforming your home from a sterile space into a calming oasis, all through the power of biophilic design.

Here’s how you can harness nature’s restorative influence to elevate your mood and create a haven of well-being:

Welcome the Greenery Indoors: Plants are more than just decorations; they’re living air purifiers that can significantly reduce stress and boost your mood. Breathe life into your space with a variety of greenery. Here are some ideas:

Low-Maintenance Marvels: For beginners, consider a trusty snake plant; it thrives on neglect and adds a touch of modern flair to any room.

Hanging Gardens: Liven up vertical spaces with a hanging pothos plant. This cascading beauty thrives in indirect sunlight and adds a touch of whimsy to your décor.

Urban Jungle Vibes: Create a mini indoor jungle with a statement monstera deliciosa. This lush plant purifies the air and adds a bold, tropical touch to your space.

Natural Materials: A Grounding Effect: Nature’s palette offers a sense of tranquility and grounding. Incorporate natural materials like wood and stone to create a calming atmosphere:

Warmth Underfoot: Invest in a beautiful woven jute rug. This natural material adds warmth and texture to your space, while also being soft and comfortable underfoot.

A Touch of the Forest: Bring the outdoors in with a reclaimed wood accent wall.

Nature’s Canvas: Opt for furniture crafted from sustainable wood, stylish and functional pieces that celebrate the beauty of natural wood grains.

Embrace Nature’s Patterns: You don’t need a literal forest to evoke feelings of calm. Nature-inspired patterns can create a subtle connection to the outdoors:

Flowing Fabrics: Drape your windows in curtains adorned with a calming leaf motif.

Serene Serenity: Adorn your walls with nature-inspired artwork featuring calming landscapes or captivating close-ups of nature’s wonders.

Organic Touches: Introduce throw pillows or blankets with organic textures like cable knit or woven wool. These tactile elements add a touch of cozy comfort and evoke a sense of the natural world.

By incorporating biophilic design principles, you can transform your home into a space that nurtures your connection to nature and promotes feelings of peace and well-being. Imagine a space bathed in soft, natural light, adorned with lush greenery and warmed by the textures of natural materials. This isn’t just a house; it’s a refuge, a place where you can reconnect with the calming power of the natural world, right within your own walls.

Scandinavian Style: Focusing on Simplicity

Scandinavian design isn’t just an aesthetic; it’s a philosophy that promotes harmony and well-being. Imagine a space free from clutter, boasting clean lines and a soothing color palette. This isn’t just a magazine spread; it’s a haven of calm waiting to be created in your own home.

Here’s how to harness the power of Scandinavian design to transform your environment into a sanctuary of peace:

Form Follows Function: Scandinavian design prioritizes practicality. Every piece of furniture serves a purpose, with clean lines and uncluttered silhouettes ensuring a sense of spaciousness. Think sleek sofas with hidden storage compartments or minimalist dining tables with extendable leaves for effortless entertaining.

Less is More: Embrace the mantra of minimalism. Avoid visual clutter by opting for clean lines and unfussy furniture. Declutter your surfaces and prioritize statement pieces that combine functionality with aesthetics.

Natural Materials: Scandinavian design draws inspiration from the beauty of the natural world. Incorporate light wood tones like ash or beech to create a sense of warmth. Consider woven textures like rattan or jute rugs to add a touch of organic texture underfoot.

Light and Air: Natural light is a cornerstone of Scandinavian design. Maximize the light in your space by using light-filtering curtains and strategically placed mirrors. Consider furniture with open backs or legs to enhance the feeling of spaciousness.

Neutral Color Palette: Create a calming atmosphere with a neutral color palette. Think soft whites, beiges, and grays, with pops of color sparingly introduced through artwork or throw pillows. This color scheme evokes a sense of serenity and allows the natural beauty of the wood tones to shine.

Beyond the Basics: While light wood tones, neutral colors, and natural light are key elements, Scandinavian design isn’t a rigid formula. Don’t be afraid to personalize your space with pops of color, vintage finds, or unique artwork that reflects your personality. The essence of Scandinavian design lies in creating a space that is both functional and calming, a true reflection of your desire for peace and tranquility.

Bohemian Chic: Evoking Comfort

Bohemian chic, or boho-chic for short, isn’t just a trend; it’s a state of mind. It’s about rejecting the ordinary and embracing a world of vibrant colors, eclectic patterns, and a touch of the unexpected. Imagine a space that feels like a well-traveled soul’s haven – a haven you can create right at home.

Here’s how to weave the magic of bohemian chic into your surroundings:

Embrace the Mix: Bohemian style thrives on a harmonious blend of seemingly disparate elements. Don’t be afraid to combine vintage finds with modern pieces, global textiles with bold patterns, and unexpected textures like macrame with smooth leather poufs.

Travel the World Through Décor: Boho-chic draws inspiration from cultures around the globe. Think colorful Moroccan poufs, intricately woven Turkish rugs, or a hand-carved Indian side table. Let your décor reflect your wanderlust or spark your curiosity for new adventures.

Textiles Tell a Story: Bohemian design is all about creating a layered, inviting atmosphere. Introduce a variety of textures through throw pillows adorned with ethnic patterns, chunky knit blankets draped over armchairs, or a luxurious sheepskin rug warming the hardwood floor.

More is More (But Edited): While layering is key, avoid clutter. Bohemian style isn’t about overwhelming the senses. Instead, curate a collection of meaningful pieces that tell a story and create a sense of lived-in comfort.

Welcome the Greenery Indoors: Plants are more than just decorations; they’re living additions to your bohemian sanctuary.

Fill your space with lush greenery – a cascading monstera plant in a woven basket, a vibrant spider plant hanging from the ceiling, or a collection of succulents displayed on a vintage windowsill.

Natural Materials Create Grounding: Bohemian design embraces the beauty of natural materials. Opt for furniture crafted from sustainable wood, or incorporate woven baskets and jute rugs to add a touch of organic warmth.

About Reborn Renovations

Reborn Renovations is Calgary’s renovation contractor of choice. Specialising in all aspects of home renovations and remodels, whether you’re looking for a more complex project like adding more square footage with a home addition, bringing the heart of your home into this decade by giving your kitchen a modern update, or a complete overhaul with a full interior or main floor renovation, the Reborn team has the experience, know-how and track record to show you that we’re your best choice when it comes to modernising or improving your home.


The 2023 study on the effects of interior design on home environments was taken from the National Library of Medicine.

If you would like to use this story, please give a direct link to Reborn Renovations, who provided this information. This allows us to continue creating stories you may find useful.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the Summer holidays approach, I check out five summer drinks to boost your immunity so we can have a happy and healthy break and make the most out of the sunshine.

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Sunshine, barbeques, and endless fun – summer holidays are just around the corner and I am ready! But amidst the excitement, staying healthy can sometimes fall by the wayside. This year, it’s time to ditch the fizzy pop and embrace delicious summer drinks that not only quench your thirst but also give your immune system a welcome boost.

Join me as I explore five refreshing drinks packed with vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for keeping you cool, energized, and ready to conquer all the adventures summer throws your way!

To help me out, Richard Smith-Bernal from The Juice Smith sent over five drinks you have to try this summer to stay energised and fresh while boosting your immunity.

Five Summer Drinks To Boost Your Immunity

Hemp & Cashew Milk

Ditch the cow’s milk this summer and swap it for hemp or cashew milk, both loaded with zinc, a mineral vital for fighting off infection.

Why zinc? Zinc helps your body produce immune cells, keeping you healthy and ready to conquer summer adventures.

How to incorporate it? It’s easy! Substitute hemp or cashew milk wherever you use cow’s milk. Blend it into a refreshing smoothie, add it to your cereal, or simply enjoy a chilled glass on its own. These creamy, plant-based alternatives keep you hydrated and cool, all while giving your immune system a lift. So go forth, enjoy the sunshine, and sip your way to a healthy summer!

Both these milks are rich in plant proteins and healthy fatty acids, which will help your skin, heart, and brain health.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Lemon Ginger Tea

This delicious beverage isn’t just a delightful sip; it’s a natural immune booster packed with goodness.

Why lemon ginger tea?

Antioxidant Powerhouse: Fight inflammation and keep your body healthy with the antioxidant punch in every cup.

Vitamin C Superstar: Give your immune system a boost with a dose of Vitamin C, naturally found in lemons.

Ginger Power: This wonder root not only supports your immunity but also aids in digestion, keeping you feeling your best.

Hot or cold, lemon ginger tea is a perfect companion. Sip on a steaming mug for a cozy winter warmer or a refreshing glass on a hot summer day. Hydrate and feel good knowing you’re giving your body a natural wellness boost.

Similarly, green tea contains one of the highest concentrations of immune-boosting antioxidants. Just make sure you skip the sugar to avoid counteracting the health benefits.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Blended Fruit Juice

There’s nothing quite like a freshly blended fruit juice to rehydrate and revitalize you on a warm day.

Citrus Superstar: Think refreshing orange juice or a tangy grapefruit cooler. These vitamin C powerhouses are your first line of defense against those pesky summer colds. Vitamin C helps protect your cells from harmful invaders, which is why many people reach for it at the first sign of a scratchy throat.

Watermelon Wonder: But citrus isn’t the only summer fruit hero! Watermelon, with its vibrant color and refreshing taste, is also a natural source of Vitamin C. Plus, it boasts Vitamin A, magnesium, and arginine – all superstars for keeping your immune system strong.

Ready to create a taste explosion? Richard suggests a delicious and hydrating summer treat:

  • Blend together a medium-sized watermelon
  • Add a handful of fresh mint leaves for a touch of coolness
  • Squeeze in the juice of half a lime for a zesty kick

This vibrant concoction is not only refreshing but also packs a powerful immune-boosting punch. So grab your blender and get ready to sip your way to a healthy and happy summer!

From berries to citrus to green veggies, the possibilities of what you could concoct in your blender are endless. However, not everyone has the time to get creative in the kitchen, so reaching for a 100% fruit concentrate bottled juice is perfectly acceptable–so long as it does not contain any added sugars like high fructose corn syrup.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

Fermented Drinks

Kerfir is a cool, creamy probiotic drink boasts a delightful yogurt-like texture and packs a powerful punch. Here’s why you should add kefir to your routine:

Probiotic Powerhouse: Kefir is loaded with Lactobacillus kefiri, a friendly bacteria that keeps your gut happy and healthy. A happy gut is linked to a stronger immune system, making you more resistant to illness.

Vitamin D Defense: This essential vitamin acts like a shield, helping your body fight off infections. Kefir is a natural source of Vitamin D, giving your immune system an extra boost.

Kefir is a Versatile Champion:

Enjoy a refreshing glass of kefir on a hot afternoon for a cool pick-me-up. Feeling peckish? Kefir makes a fantastic breakfast too! Simply pour it in a bowl, top it with some granola and fresh fruit, and you’ve got a gut-friendly and delicious meal that will leave you feeling energized.

Fermented drinks like kombucha and kefir are rich in probiotics which contribute to your overall gut health. Introducing new microbes into your gut through fermented food and drinks diversifies your gut microbiome. According to a Stanford School of Medicine study in 2021, a diverse gut microbiome is important because it is better equipped to defend against various pathogens.

-Richard Smith-Bernal


It might sound simple, but water is your ultimate summer BFF! Staying hydrated is crucial all year round, but especially during the hot summer months.

How much water do you need? The Mayo Foundation recommends around 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women daily. Remember, about 20% of that comes from food, so factor that in.

Plain water not your jam? No worries! Here are some ways to jazz it up:

Sparkle it Up: Liven things up with sugar-free sparkling water for a bubbly twist.

Fruity Fusion: Infuse your water with slices of citrus fruits like lemon, lime, or orange for a refreshing and subtly flavored drink.

Air Up Bottles: Air Up uses scent pods that fit into the bottle’s spout. While you take a sip, you breathe in the refreshing aroma of your chosen flavor, like juicy watermelon or tangy lime. It tricks your senses into thinking you’re drinking flavored water, all while you’re actually enjoying the health benefits of pure hydration.

Water is essential for immune function because it aids in the absorption of vitamins, antioxidants, and many other nutrients humans need for a healthy, well–maintained immune system. It helps deliver these nutrients throughout the body and is also vital for flushing toxins.

-Richard Smith-Bernal

The Juice Smith

The Juice Smith is a health-focused company founded by Richard Smith-Bernal in 2013 with a mission to promote wellness through unprocessed, natural foods. They offer a diverse range of products, including cold-pressed juices, raw treats, dehydrated snacks, and wellness items, all made in-house using high-quality ingredients. Committed to quality, craftsmanship, and community, The Juice Smith emphasises organic sourcing, cold-press juicing, and a collaborative approach to health and sustainability.


The statistics about daily water intake came from:


About fermented foods and the boost they provide to your immunity:


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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top SEO Tips For Small Business

On the JJ Barnes Blog, to help support and encourage my fellow entrepreneurs, I share top SEO tips for small business owners, and the SEO myths that you should ignore.

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Running a small business is a whirlwind – you’re the head chef, marketing guru, and tech wiz all rolled into one. But in today’s digital age, online visibility is crucial for success. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in, but SEO can feel like a complex maze filled with confusing myths and conflicting advice.

Myths and fallacies surrounding SEO can easily mislead businesses, resulting in squandered resources and the implementation of fruitless strategies. To truly excel in SEO, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction and embrace evidence-based practices. 

In this post is your guide, I’ll share actionable SEO tips specifically designed for small business owners like me. I’ll debunk the SEO myths that hold you back and equip you with strategies to get your website ranking higher in search results thanks to help from Matthew Woodward, director of Search Logistics.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Remember those clunky websites from the early days of the internet, riddled with the same keyword repeated a dozen times in a single paragraph? That’s keyword stuffing, a black hat SEO tactic that’s as outdated as dial-up. Back then, search engines relied heavily on keyword density to determine relevance. Today, however, search engines are much more sophisticated.

Imagine a conversation where someone injects the same phrase into every sentence. It’s unnatural and off-putting. Your website content should be engaging and informative, not a keyword graveyard.

Google and other search engines are onto these tricks. Stuffing your pages with keywords can actually lower your ranking, pushing you further down the search results rabbit hole.

Instead of keyword stuffing, focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally incorporates your target keywords. Think of your keywords as spices, adding flavor to your content without overpowering the dish.

Here’s how to strategically use keywords for SEO:

  • Target the right keywords. Research keywords that your ideal customers are actually searching for.
  • Sprinkle keywords throughout your content. Include them in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and naturally within the body text, but avoid overuse.
  • Write for humans, not robots. Content should be informative, engaging, and provide value to your readers. Google can identify content written solely for search engines.

By creating valuable content that speaks to your audience and uses keywords strategically, you’ll attract more visitors, improve your search ranking organically, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally incorporates keywords in a user-friendly manner. Use keywords strategically in important on-page elements like titles, headings, and meta descriptions, but avoid overuse.

-Matthew Woodward

Focus On More Than Just Meta Keywords

There’s a persistent SEO myth that’s been hanging around longer than parachute pants: stuffing your meta keywords tag with a laundry list of relevant terms will magically propel your website to the top of search results. Unfortunately, this is about as effective as using smoke signals to order pizza. Major search engines like Google officially declared meta keywords irrelevant for ranking purposes way back in 2009.

So why the disconnect? Back in the early days of SEO, meta keywords were a primary factor search engines used to understand a webpage’s content. However, webmasters quickly exploited this system, jamming irrelevant keywords into the tag to manipulate rankings. Search engines responded by devaluing the meta keywords tag altogether.

While meta keywords hold no weight with search engines, they’re not entirely useless. Some lesser-known search engines might still consider them. Additionally, they can provide a glimpse into what keywords you think are relevant to your content. However, focusing your energy here is a major case of diminishing returns.

Here’s where to place your SEO efforts instead:

  • High-Quality, Keyword-Rich Content: Search engines prioritize websites that offer valuable, informative content that naturally incorporates relevant keywords. Focus on creating content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your target audience.
  • Strategic Keyword Use: Research keywords with high search volume and low competition. While meta keywords aren’t considered, strategically using these keywords in your title tags, headings, meta descriptions, and throughout your content can still improve search relevance.
  • Technical SEO: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and has a clean, crawlable structure. Technical SEO factors play a significant role in search engine ranking.

By ditching the meta keyword myth and focusing on these strategies, you’ll create a website that not only ranks higher but also provides a fantastic user experience, ultimately attracting more qualified traffic and boosting your business.

Rather than wasting time on meta keywords, optimise other on-page elements that do impact SEO, such as title tags, headings, image alt text, and quality content. These elements provide context to search engines and users.

-Matthew Woodward

Create A Crawlable Website

Remember the days of manually submitting your website to every search engine hoping they’d magically find you? Thankfully, those days are long gone. Today’s search engines, like Google, employ powerful web crawlers that tirelessly scour the internet, constantly discovering new websites and content.

Here’s how it works:

  • The Mighty Web Crawlers: Imagine a fleet of digital librarians constantly exploring the vast library of the internet. These are web crawlers, sophisticated algorithms that follow links from one webpage to another, discovering new websites and indexing them.
  • Indexing for Visibility: Once a web crawler discovers your website, it analyzes the content and adds it to a massive index. This index is like a giant library catalog, allowing users to find your website when they search for relevant keywords.

While search engines are fantastic at finding new websites, there are a few situations where manually submitting your sitemap (a file that lists all your website’s pages) to search engines like Google Search Console can be beneficial:

  • Brand New Website: If your website is brand new and hasn’t gained many backlinks (links from other websites), submitting your sitemap can give search engines a nudge in the right direction, helping them discover your content faster.
  • Large or Complex Websites: For websites with a massive amount of content or a complex structure, submitting a sitemap ensures all your pages get properly indexed.

Focus on Creating Great Content

While submitting a sitemap can be helpful in certain cases, it shouldn’t be your primary SEO focus. Search engines prioritize websites that offer valuable, informative content. By creating high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks, you’ll ensure your website gets discovered and ranked organically.

Bonus Tip: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and easy for search engine crawlers to navigate. This will significantly improve your chances of getting indexed quickly and comprehensively.

Focus on creating a crawlable website structure with an XML sitemap to help search engines efficiently index your pages. Ensure your site loads quickly and is mobile-friendly for an optimal user experience.

-Matthew Woodward

Create Shareable Content

Social media has become an undeniable force in the digital landscape. But when it comes to SEO, many entrepreneurs wonder: do likes, shares, and comments directly impact search rankings? The answer is: not quite. While social media can’t directly manipulate search engine algorithms, it can be a powerful indirect ally in your SEO efforts. Here’s why:

  • Brand Awareness Boost: Social media platforms are fantastic for getting your brand name out there. The more people see your brand on social media, the more likely they are to search for it directly on search engines. This increased brand awareness can translate to more organic traffic and potentially higher rankings.
  • Referral Traffic Powerhouse: Engaging social media content can drive valuable referral traffic to your website. When people share your content on their networks, it exposes your website to a wider audience, potentially leading them to click through and explore your offerings. This influx of referral traffic can send positive signals to search engines, indicating valuable content that resonates with users.
  • Building Trust and Authority: Social media allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level, fostering trust and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. Search engines consider user engagement and brand sentiment as ranking factors, so positive interactions on social media can contribute to an overall positive perception of your brand.

While social media offers these indirect SEO benefits, it’s important to remember that chasing vanity metrics like likes and shares won’t directly boost your search rankings. Search engines prioritize high-quality content that provides genuine value to users.

Here’s how to leverage social media for SEO the right way:

  • Create Shareable Content: Focus on crafting informative, engaging content that people naturally want to share with their networks. This could be blog posts, infographics, videos, or anything that resonates with your target audience.
  • Be Consistently Active: Regularly post valuable content and interact with your followers. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in relevant conversations. This organic engagement builds trust and encourages people to follow you for valuable insights.
  • Promote Your Valuable Content: Share your website content on your social media platforms, driving traffic back to your website and encouraging further engagement.

By using social media strategically to build brand awareness, drive referral traffic, and foster trust, you’ll create a powerful SEO support system that complements your efforts to create high-quality, search-engine-optimized content. Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistent, audience-centric engagement is key to building a loyal following that fuels your SEO success.

Rather than chasing social signals, prioritise creating high-quality, shareable content that provides value to your audience. Build an engaged social following organically by being consistently active and responsive.

-Matthew Woodward

High Quality Backlinks

In the early days of SEO, the mantra was simple: the more backlinks you had, the higher you’d rank. This led to a wild west of link-building tactics, with webmasters amassing massive quantities of backlinks, regardless of their source. But those days are long gone. Today’s search engines, like Google, are far more sophisticated and can easily distinguish between high-quality and low-quality backlinks.

Here’s why focusing on quantity over quality backfires:

  • The Google Quality Filter: Imagine a bouncer at an exclusive club. Google’s quality filter acts similarly, scrutinizing backlinks to ensure they come from reputable sources. Low-quality backlinks from spammy websites or irrelevant directories are essentially denied entry, offering no SEO value and potentially harming your ranking.
  • The Panda Penalty Party Crash: Low-quality backlinks can trigger Google’s Panda penalty, a nasty consequence that can significantly decrease your website’s search ranking. This penalty targets websites with thin content and a poor user experience, often associated with sites that prioritize quantity over quality backlinks.

So, how do you build a backlink profile that actually helps your SEO? Here’s the golden rule: focus on quality over quantity.

Here are some strategies to get you started:

  • Create Link-Worthy Content: The best way to attract high-quality backlinks is to create content so valuable, informative, and engaging that other websites naturally want to link to it. This could be industry reports, in-depth guides, or original research that other websites would find beneficial for their own audience.
  • Guest Blogging on Reputable Sites: Contributing guest posts to high-authority websites in your niche can earn you valuable backlinks. Focus on creating high-quality guest posts that resonate with the target audience of the host website.
  • Build Relationships with Influencers: Connect with industry influencers and thought leaders in your niche. By providing valuable insights or collaborating on projects, you can organically earn backlinks from their websites.

By focusing on these strategies, you’ll build a backlink profile rich in quality links from relevant and authoritative websites. This, in turn, sends strong signals to search engines about the credibility and value of your website, ultimately boosting your search rankings in a sustainable way. Remember, it’s better to have a handful of high-quality backlinks than a mountain of spammy ones.

Focus on earning high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative and trusted sources through tactics like content marketing, outreach, guest posting, and building relationships. A few high-authority backlinks are far more valuable than thousands of low-quality ones.

-Matthew Woodward

Embrace Data-Driven SEO Strategies

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, there’s no shortage of conflicting advice and outdated tactics. But what truly separates SEO success stories from frustrated also-rans? The answer: a data-driven, user-centric approach. Here’s why ditching the guesswork and embracing evidence-based strategies is the key to maximizing your SEO performance:

Unveiling the User Journey:

Search engines like Google prioritize websites that deliver a positive user experience. But how do you know what users actually want and how they interact with your website? This is where data becomes your secret weapon. Tools like Google Analytics and Search Console provide a wealth of insights into user behavior, including:

  • Traffic Sources: Identify where your website traffic originates from, allowing you to tailor your content strategy to different audiences.
  • Top Performing Content: See which content resonates most with your visitors, informing future content creation and optimization efforts.
  • User Engagement Metrics: Analyze metrics like bounce rate and time on page to understand how engaged users are with your content. This can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure your website offers a smooth and satisfying user experience.

By analyzing this data, you can gain a deep understanding of your audience’s needs and tailor your website accordingly. This might involve optimizing page load speed for mobile users, simplifying navigation for better user flow, or creating content that addresses their specific search queries.

Prioritizing Value Over Fluff:

Data also helps you identify what content actually drives results. Forget chasing trends or keyword fads – focus on topics that genuinely interest your target audience and provide them with value. Here’s how data can guide your content creation:

  • Keyword Research with Real Data: Utilize keyword research tools that go beyond search volume, providing insights into user intent and search behavior. This ensures your content targets the right keywords and delivers the information users are actively seeking.
  • Content Performance Tracking: Monitor how your content performs in search results. See which pieces attract organic traffic, generate leads, or convert visitors into customers. This data helps you refine your content strategy and prioritize topics that resonate most with your audience.

By creating data-driven content that provides genuine value to users, you’ll establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry. This not only improves user experience but also sends positive signals to search engines, ultimately boosting your search ranking organically.

SEO is a Journey, Not a Destination:

The beauty of a data-driven approach is that it allows for continuous improvement. By constantly analyzing user behavior and content performance, you can refine your SEO strategy over time. This iterative process ensures you stay ahead of the curve, adapting to changing user preferences and search engine algorithms.

In conclusion, ditching the guesswork and embracing data-driven SEO empowers you to make informed decisions based on user behavior and real-world results. By prioritizing user experience and value through data analysis, you’ll create a website that thrives in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization.

Ditch the myths and outdated tactics in favour of a holistic approach centred around high-quality content, technical optimization, mobile-friendliness, and authoritative link building.

-Matthew Woodward

About Search Logistics

Search Logistics operates as an SEO Agency specialising in tailoring strategies to meet the specific needs, goals, and budget of each client. Boasting an elite team of SEO experts, the agency’s core mission centres around effectively increasing search traffic. Beyond client projects, the experts are actively engaged in mentoring at the UK’s top universities, delivering insights on international conference stages, and contributing to Matthew’s SEO blog. Prioritising staying ahead of industry trends ensures clients receive the highest standard of service. Partnering with Search Logistics guarantees a dedicated team committed to maximising online presence.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

When Should You Get A New Mattress?

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I ask when should you get a new mattress, and the top signs it’s time to throw your old one out.

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We all know the feeling: tossing and turning, fighting for comfort, and waking up with aches and pains. But before you blame a restless night on work stress or one too many late-night snacks, consider the silent culprit lurking beneath you – your mattress.

Mattresses, like all good things, don’t last forever. They lose their support, their comfort wanes, and eventually, they can even start affecting your sleep quality and overall health. So when should you get a new mattress?

In this post, I’ll delve into the top signs it’s time to ditch your current mattress with help from Brian McDaid, from Eagle Dumpster Rental.

When Should You Get A New Mattress?

Obvious Damage

Just like a trusty car needs a regular once-over, your mattress deserves a thorough inspection every few months. Here’s what you should be looking for:

  • Rips, Tears, and Holes: These are battle scars that tell a story of nightly wear and tear. Even small tears can become bigger over time, creating uncomfortable dips and bumps. Not to mention, they can become havens for dust mites and allergens.
  • Lumpy Landscape: Is your once-smooth surface now a topographical marvel of lumps and valleys? This unevenness indicates a breakdown in the mattress’s support system, and it’s definitely time for an upgrade.
  • The Saggy Story: Flop down on your mattress. Does your body sink in like you’re entering a memory foam quicksand? Excessive sagging is a major sign that the mattress can no longer properly support your spine, which can lead to back pain and muscle tension.

Dust Mite Detectives: These microscopic critters love to feast on dead skin cells, and unfortunately, your mattress can become a prime feeding ground. While you can’t see them with the naked eye, keep an eye out for signs of their presence, like itchy red bumps on your skin or increased allergy symptoms. Regularly vacuuming your mattress with an upholstery attachment and using allergen-proof covers can help keep these unwanted guests at bay. However, if you suspect a full-blown dust mite infestation, a new mattress might be the best solution.

They’re hard to ignore. These imperfections aren’t just uncomfortable, they can harbour allergens and dust mites – the ultimate sleep saboteurs.

-Brian McDaid

Lumpy Or Saggy

One of the sneakiest ways a mattress betrays your trust is through the development of sags and lumps. Over time, the materials inside your mattress break down, losing their ability to provide consistent support. Imagine your once-proud mattress as a once-mighty fortress, slowly succumbing to the relentless siege of nightly use. These dips and bumps aren’t just sleep disruptors; they can wreak havoc on your spine’s natural alignment.

Think of your spine as a marvel of engineering – a series of curves that work together to distribute weight evenly and maintain proper posture. Now, picture that perfect balance thrown into disarray by a lumpy mattress. As you settle into sleep, your body tries to compensate for the uneven support, causing your spine to curve unnaturally. This misalignment can lead to a cascade of problems, including:

  • Back pain: The most common culprit, back pain can manifest in a variety of ways, from dull aches to sharp shooting pains. Without proper support, your spine’s muscles are forced to work overtime to maintain posture, leading to fatigue and discomfort.
  • Neck pain: The misalignment in your spine can travel upwards, affecting your neck and shoulders. This can lead to headaches, tension headaches, and difficulty turning your head comfortably.
  • Joint pain: The uneven pressure on your body can put stress on your joints, especially your hips and knees. This can exacerbate existing conditions like arthritis or lead to new ones.

Here’s the kicker: these problems might not show up immediately. The effects of a sagging mattress can be gradual, sneaking up on you over time. You might wake up feeling a little stiff one morning, attribute it to a bad night’s sleep, and simply move on. But the discomfort can worsen, leading to chronic pain and disrupting your overall sleep quality.

It’s a bit like a relationship that’s lost its spark!

-Brian McDaid

Lacking Back Support

The key to a truly restorative sleep experience lies in proper spinal alignment. Your spine is a marvel of engineering – a complex structure of vertebrae that curves naturally to distribute weight evenly and maintain good posture. Think of it as a suspension system for your body, ensuring everything stays balanced and aligned.

Here’s where your mattress comes in. A good mattress acts as a supportive partner, cradling your body in a way that maintains this natural spinal alignment. Imagine a perfectly flat, supportive surface that allows your spine to rest in its ideal, neutral position. This ensures:

  • Even weight distribution: Your mattress shouldn’t create pressure points on your shoulders, hips, or lower back. Instead, it should distribute your weight evenly across its entire surface, preventing muscle strain and promoting relaxation.
  • Reduced stress on joints: Proper alignment takes pressure off your joints, allowing them to rest comfortably throughout the night. This is especially important for those who already suffer from conditions like arthritis.
  • Improved blood circulation: When your body isn’t contorted in unnatural positions, blood can flow freely throughout your body. This promotes better oxygen delivery and helps you achieve a deeper, more restful sleep.

If you wake up with back, neck, or shoulder pain, your mattress might be the culprit. 

-Brian McDaid

Allergic Reactions

For allergy sufferers, a good night’s sleep can feel like a distant dream. Stuffy noses, itchy eyes, and incessant sneezing can turn even the most comfortable bedroom into a battleground. But did you know your mattress could be a hidden culprit contributing to your woes?

Over time, mattresses become a breeding ground for allergens. Here’s why replacing your mattress can be a game-changer for allergy sufferers:

  • Dust Mite Oasis: These microscopic critters love to feast on dead skin flakes, and unfortunately, your mattress can become a prime feeding ground. Their droppings and body parts are major triggers for allergies, causing itchy eyes, runny noses, and even asthma attacks. Regular cleaning can help, but a well-worn mattress can harbor dust mites deep within its layers.
  • Mold and Mildew Menaces: Warm, moist environments are ideal breeding grounds for mold and mildew. Spilled drinks, sweat, and even humidity can create the perfect conditions for these allergy triggers to flourish. Replacing your mattress eliminates the risk of inhaling mold spores that can exacerbate allergy symptoms.
  • Trapped Allergens: Even if you’re diligent about cleaning your sheets and bedding, dust, pollen, and other allergens can become trapped within the mattress itself. Over time, these allergens accumulate, creating a concentrated zone of irritation for your sensitive nose and airways.

Don’t underestimate the power of a fresh start! Replacing your mattress with a new, allergen-resistant option can be a simple yet highly effective way to breathe easier, sleep sounder, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Consider investing in your sleep sanctuary and enjoy the multitude of benefits that come with a clean, allergen-free sleep environment.

Replacing your mattress can significantly reduce exposure to allergens, helping you breathe easier and sleep soundly.

-Brian McDaid


Over time, even the most luxurious mattress can become a silent sleep disruptor. Here’s how a worn-out mattress can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle:

  • The Painful Pushback: A lumpy, sagging mattress throws your body out of alignment, creating pressure points on your shoulders, hips, and lower back. This discomfort can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, leading to tossing and turning throughout the night.
  • The Temperature Tango: Old mattresses can lose their breathability, trapping heat and causing you to feel hot and sweaty. This rise in body temperature can disrupt your sleep cycle, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • The Noise Nightmare: Does your mattress creak and groan with every movement? These unwelcome sounds can jolt you awake or keep you from falling asleep in the first place. A noisy mattress disrupts the peaceful environment needed for a good night’s rest.

A worn-out mattress can disrupt your sleep cycle and lead to poor sleep. Imagine the frustration – tossing and turning all night, yearning for the peaceful slumber you once shared with your mattress.

-Brian McDaid

Benefits Of A New Mattress

Prioritise good sleep hygiene and replacing your mattresses when needed, paving the way for a more energised and fulfilling relationship with yourself and maybe even a new sleep partner!

-Brian McDaid

About Eagle Dumpster Rental

Eagle Dumpster Rental provides reliable and efficient dumpster rental services across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, and Washington DC. With over 25 years of experience, they offer timely delivery and pick-up of roll-off containers for various needs, from large-scale construction projects to small residential cleanups. Committed to transparency, they provide clear and detailed quotes without hidden fees. Their customer service team is dedicated to ensuring a hassle-free experience, offering same-day delivery and pick-up to meet customer demands.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Tips To Get The Most Out Of A Small Garden This Summer

On the JJ Barnes Blog, with Summer finally being here, I check out top tips for how to get the most out of a small garden so that no matter the size of the space, we can enjoy outdoor living in the sunshine!

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Summer’s here! Time to soak up the sun and enjoy the outdoors. But what if your backyard feels more like a closet than a relaxing retreat? As the average urban garden in the UK measures around 16m2(1), many are turning to TikTok for small garden ideas this summer, with #smallgardendesign and #outdoorliving trending at 309.7 million views2.

So we can make the most out of gardens, no matter the size, I’m sharing tricks and tips to turn your garden into a summer hangout you’ll love.

To help me out, Ali Wooldridge, co-founder of luxury garden furniture company, Gardenesque, sent over her top design tips to get the most out of a small garden this Summer.

Tips To Get The Most Out Of A Small Garden This Summer

Divide the space.

Divide your garden space and unlock its hidden potential! Here are some creative ways to create distinct zones that maximize both function and beauty:

Frame Your Entrances

Usher yourself into different areas with dramatic flair. Plant fast-growing climbers like clematis or morning glory around archways or entrances. Alternatively, use a collection of large terracotta pots overflowing with colorful blooms to create a welcoming and visually striking division.

Dine Under the Sky

Carve out a dedicated patio space perfect for al fresco dining or social gatherings. Lay down paving stones or wooden decking to create a solid foundation for your outdoor furniture. This defined area will instantly make your small garden feel more organized and spacious.

Gravel Gardens for Low Maintenance Fun

Don’t shy away from using gravel! A designated gravel area can provide a low-maintenance solution for walkways, social spaces, or even a small fire pit area. Add outdoor furniture and throw pillows for instant comfort and voilà – a charming spot for conversation and stargazing!

Bamboo Screens: Privacy and Tranquility

Bamboo screens are a fantastic way to create separate zones within your garden. These lightweight and natural-looking dividers can be used to create a secluded reading nook, hide unsightly areas, or simply add a touch of privacy. Let your imagination run wild and section off different areas to suit your needs!

A trick in landscape design is to divide a garden into zones to make the overall space seem larger.

-Ali Wooldridge

Make use of pots and planters.

Don’t let limited space or challenging conditions cramp your gardening style! Pots and planters are your secret weapons for creating a flourishing mini-garden, no matter your situation. Here’s why they’re perfect for small space gardening:

Patio Powerhouses

Living in an apartment with a balcony? Pots are your best friends! They allow you to transform your balcony into a vertical oasis. Line your railings with hanging plant pots with cascading herbs, overflowing flower boxes, or even miniature trees. They add pops of color, soften the concrete jungle vibe, and create a sense of privacy.

Decking Delights

If your garden boasts a lovely decked area, pots and planters can add another dimension. Group colorful planters of varying sizes to create a vibrant focal point. Use hanging baskets overflowing with trailing plants to add a touch of whimsy and soften the edges of your deck.

Soil Savior

Worried about poor soil quality in your garden? Pots offer the perfect solution! Fill them with fresh, high-quality potting mix specifically formulated for optimal plant growth. This allows you to bypass the challenges of amending existing soil and cultivate a thriving haven for your favorite flowers, herbs, or vegetables.

Digging Dilemma? No Problem!

If your garden has features like underground pipes or cables that make digging tricky, pots are your lifesaver. Simply place them on your patio, walkways, or even directly on existing grass (be mindful of drainage!). This flexibility allows you to create mini gardens anywhere you desire, maximizing your usable space without worrying about what lies beneath the surface.

Cluster large pots with smaller containers to add interest and create a plant display with height and structure. Tall stemmed Echinops plants with their globe blue flowerheads pair well with the spike shaped veronicastrum. If space allows, you can also add tall grasses to create a feeling of fullness.

Container gardening is also great for the generation of house movers who can simply pick up the pots and move on.

-Ali Wooldridge

Plant upwards.

When your precious outdoor space is measured in square feet, not acres, maximizing every inch is crucial. Enter vertical gardening, your secret weapon for transforming walls, fences, and even unused corners into lush green havens! Here’s why planting upwards is a game-changer for small spaces:

Defying Floor Space Limitations

Vertical gardening allows you to completely bypass the limitations of floor space. Walls, fences, and even railings become potential canvases for your botanical creativity. Utilize hanging planters, wall-mounted pockets, or vertical herb gardens to cultivate a flourishing display without sacrificing precious ground space.

Creative & Eye-Catching

Vertical gardens aren’t just functional, they’re stunning! Cascading vines, vibrant flower arrangements, or a cascading herb wall add a unique and eye-catching element to your small space. This design trick creates a sense of lushness and visual interest, making your tiny garden feel more expansive and inviting.

Perfect for Sun-Seeking Plants

Many herbs, vegetables, and flowering plants thrive in ample sunlight. Vertical gardens allow you to position your plants strategically, maximizing their exposure to the sun. This is especially beneficial for small gardens with limited sunlight availability, ensuring your plants receive the light they need to flourish.

A Boon for Small Balconies

Living in an apartment with a tiny balcony? Vertical gardening is your best friend! Hanging planters overflowing with colorful blooms or cascading greenery can instantly transform your balcony into a vibrant escape. Utilize vertical space to create a private oasis, perfect for enjoying a cup of coffee amidst the greenery.

Planting upwards not only maximises space, but it can also create privacy and shade in terraced housing where gardens are often overlooked. Utilise climbers, plant supports or obelisks to grown your plants upwards.

This design trick is perfect for green thumbs who love to garden and grow fruit and veg but are limited in space for veg patches.

-Ali Wooldridge

Use foldaway furniture.

Traditional bulky furniture can quickly eat up valuable real estate, hindering the functionality and flow of your outdoor oasis. Here’s where foldaway seating and dinner sets come in as heroes for space-conscious gardeners.

These clever furniture solutions fold down flat when not in use, allowing you to easily reclaim your patio or balcony when the sun sets or guests depart. This flexibility is a game-changer for smaller gardens – you can have dedicated dining or lounging areas without sacrificing precious space for other activities like gardening or sunbathing.

Foldaway sets come in a variety of styles and materials, ensuring you can find options that complement your personal taste and garden aesthetic. So, invest in a set of foldaway chairs and a matching table – you’ll be surprised at how much more functionality and enjoyment you can squeeze out of your compact urban garden!

You can store the furniture away if need more floor space for gardening, but can bring it out for social occasions, such as garden parties or BBQs over summer. This is also a great option to protect your garden furniture from the harsher elements over autumn and winter months to uphold its quality.

-Ali Wooldridge

Brighten the space.

Feeling hemmed in by the limitations of your small garden? Don’t despair! A few clever tricks with lighting and mirrors can create the illusion of a brighter and more expansive space, making your little haven feel like a hidden oasis.

Harness the Power of Light

Strategic lighting can work wonders in a small garden. String lights hung overhead twinkle like captured stars, instantly adding a touch of magic and ambiance. Solar-powered lights are a trendy and eco-friendly option – perfect for illuminating pathways, highlighting key features, or creating pockets of light for late-night entertaining.

Up-lights placed around the base of plants or trees can dramatically alter the perception of space, drawing the eye upwards and creating a sense of height. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different lighting colors and intensities – warm white lights create a cozy atmosphere, while cooler tones can evoke a more contemporary feel.

Outdoor Mirror on the JJ Barnes Blog
Outdoor Mirror

Mirrors, Mirrors on the Wall

Mirrors are another secret weapon in the small garden arsenal. A strategically placed mirror can reflect light and greenery, instantly doubling the visual impact of your garden and creating the illusion of additional space.

Lean a large mirror against a fence bordering a narrow walkway, or hang one on a wall opposite a vibrant flower bed. The reflected image will give the impression of a more extensive and visually interesting space.

Installing a mirror along a garden wall or fence will reflect both the plant foliage and the sky, creating the illusion of a bigger and extra space.

Outdoor lighting plays a significant role in the appearance of your garden, too. It can create a sense of depth and highlights architectural features in the evening. Placing your lights below plants and bushes can highlight greenery or emphasise the height and silhouettes of garden structures.

-Ali Wooldridge

About Gardenesque

Ali founded Gardenesque five years ago from a desire to transform her London city garden into a more artistic, rich and exotic green space. Inspired by the Gardenesque design movement, the brand grew out of the belief that every garden can be brought to life by beautiful gardenware that accentuates the natural beauty of your plants, and creates an organic extension to your home.

For more small garden inspiration, go to Gardenesque’s blog: https://www.gardenesque.com/blogs/the-garden-journal/how-to-make-the-most-of-a-small-garden


1.   https://www.chessingtongardencentre.co.uk/blog/urban-gardening/

2.  TikTok data – true as of 30/05/2024

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