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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Best Ways To Protect Children Online

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as the online world becomes more and more present in society, I check out the best ways to protect children online when they’re playing games or interacting with friends.

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Internet Access For Kids

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and with it, the way our children interact and explore the world. Games, social media, and online learning platforms have become an undeniable part of their lives and as much as I try to limit their access, I do feel like I’m fighting against a tidal wave.

Right now, I limit their online activity a lot. They’re not allowed any social media, I have the online community action disabled on their video games, and I don’t post their faces in online presence. However, I know that the older they get, the harder those restrictions will be to impose. More and more education is online, socialising online is a huge part of the youth experience now, and at some point, I have to let them go and exist in the world as adults.

As parents and caregivers, it’s our responsibility to navigate this digital frontier alongside our children, ensuring their online safety, so instead of pretending it isn’t happening, I want to go in with my eyes open and make sure healthy and safe habits are established early on.

In this blog post, I’ll delve into the best ways to protect children online. I’ll explore practical strategies you can implement, from fostering open communication to utilizing parental controls, to equip our children with the tools they need to be responsible and safe digital citizens.

To help me out, Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, the CEO and inventor of OnlineGames.io, sent over a list of top tips for how to keep your child safe from online abuse that I will explore.

Best Ways To Protect Children Online

Hide Your Child’s Personal Details  

Your child should create a nickname and use an avatar that has no connection to them, rather than displaying their real name and photo. They should never have any of their basic details (date of birth, school/college name, mobile number, and address) attached to their account, and they should never discuss them online. 

  • Protecting from Predators: Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet can attract malicious individuals. Sharing personal details like real names, addresses, or phone numbers can make children vulnerable to online predators who may try to contact them or gather information for harmful purposes.
  • Preventing Identity Theft: Personal details like birthdays, home addresses, or even pet names can be used by identity thieves to create fake accounts or steal information. Teaching children to be cautious about what they share helps safeguard their identities.
  • Combating Cyberbullying: Sharing personal details online can inadvertently provide ammunition for cyberbullies. By limiting the information readily available, children are less exposed to the risk of targeted online harassment.
  • Developing Healthy Online Habits: Instilling a sense of online privacy early on fosters responsible digital citizenship. Children learn to be discerning about the information they share and develop healthy online habits that protect them not just now, but throughout their digital lives.

Show Them How To Spot Unsafe Adults

Warn your child that adults can masquerade as children to obtain sexual pictures or arrange secret meet-ups. Try to have as open and honest communication with your children as possible so the moment anybody looks like they might be approaching that boundary, they feel safe to come to you for support.

Teaching your children “red flags” to watch out for empowers them to navigate online interactions safely. The goal isn’t to instill fear in your child, but to empower them to identify potentially risky situations.

  • Beware of Excessive Friendliness: Adults who shower children with compliments or gifts online are likely trying to gain their trust.
  • Adults asking for personal information: Explain that it’s never okay to share personal details like home addresses, phone numbers, or school names with strangers online.
  • Recognize Emotional Manipulation: Adults who try to make children feel bad about themselves or threaten them to keep secrets are potential threats.
  • Understand the Lure of “Exclusivity”: Adults who offer special favors or claim a “secret friendship” online are trying to isolate the child from trusted adults.
  • Uncomfortable conversations: Discuss the importance of respecting boundaries online. If someone asks questions or makes comments that make them feel uncomfortable, they should stop talking to them and tell you.

Cybercriminals often use in-game chats to perform their scams (e.g. offering fake loot boxes and downloads). Some try to get kids to give up their ‘skins’ (in-game cosmetic items) or in-app purchases by offering money. In some games, you can turn off the chat function to avoid these messages, but if you can’t, you should make sure your child is aware of the warning signs of a scam. 

  • Start Early: Don’t wait until there’s a problem. Begin conversations about online safety early, incorporating them into your regular discussions.
  • Create a Safe Space: Let your child know they can always come to you with any concerns or questions they have about their online interactions.
  • Focus on Feelings: Teach your child to be aware of their gut feelings. Explain that if something feels wrong or uncomfortable online, it probably is.

Also warn your child about behaviours known as trolling and griefing, where people deliberately play badly or do things that make games worse for their teams. Let them know that these people are out to provoke a reaction and the best thing they can do is ignore them.’

-Marin Cristian-Ovidiu

Create A Family Agreement

Discuss safety issues openly with your child, and encourage them to make an agreement with you about things they will and won’t do. This should cover points like how much screen time they’re allowed and an agreement to only play age-appropriate games. Encourage your child to tell you if there are issues, but monitor their games and conversations.

  • Gather the Family: Involve everyone in the discussion. This fosters a sense of ownership and accountability for the established rules.
  • Tailor it to Age: Consider your children’s age and maturity level. Younger children may need more specific guidelines, while teenagers may benefit from discussing broader topics like cyberbullying and online privacy.
  • Clear Expectations: It outlines agreed-upon boundaries for internet usage, including screen time, website restrictions, and responsible social media behavior.
  • Open Communication: The process of creating the agreement fosters open conversations about online safety concerns and potential risks.
  • Shared Responsibility: It establishes a collaborative approach to online safety. Parents set guidelines, while children understand the consequences of their online actions.

Block Them From Accessing Inappropriate Content 

Inappropriate online content can range from violence and pornography to gambling, and hate speech. Exposure to such content can be harmful to a child’s development and emotional well-being.

Creating a safe online environment for your children is an ongoing process. Technology evolves, and so should your approach. Stay updated on the latest online trends and threats, and adapt your strategies accordingly. By combining parental controls with open communication and media literacy education, you can build a sturdy digital fence that protects your children while allowing them to explore the wonders of the internet safely.

  • Parental Controls: Most devices and internet service providers offer parental control features. These tools allow you to:
    • Filter Content: Block access to websites with inappropriate content.
    • Restrict Applications: Limit or block access to certain apps that may not be suitable for children.
    • Monitor Activity: Gain insights into your child’s online activity, helping you identify potential risks.
  • Search Engine Filters: Activate SafeSearch settings in search engines like Google and Bing to filter out inappropriate results.
  • Security Software: Consider using security software with parental control features for an additional layer of protection.
  • Whitelisting: Explore “whitelisting” options if available on your device. This allows access only to pre-approved websites, ensuring your child can only visit safe sites.

You can adjust each game’s privacy settings so you have more control over your child’s access. You can also update console settings to set age restrictions, manage online interactions, filter content, and control online purchases. This will prevent your child from being able to download games that feature adult content.

-Marin Cristian-Ovidiu

Have A Gameplan For Dealing With Nasty Players

The world of online gaming can be a fantastic space for connection and fun. However, just like any playground, it can attract bullies who try to spoil the experience for others.

  • Gaming Bullies: Online anonymity can embolden players to engage in hurtful behavior like name-calling, threats, and exclusion. This can negatively impact your child’s self-esteem and enjoyment of the game.
  • Cyberbullying: If the bullying is persistent and severe, it can be classified as cyberbullying, a serious issue with potential emotional consequences.

Run your child through the steps of what they should do if someone becomes abusive or behaves suspiciously.

First, immediately block them. Secondly, game developers usually allow you to report these people by providing screenshots or chat logs, so make sure both you and your child know how you can report suspicious or abusive individuals. This will usually result in them getting banned from the game, meaning your child can continue playing in peace.

  • Open Communication: Create a safe space for your child to talk about their online experiences. Encourage them to come to you if they encounter bullying behavior.
  • Developing a Thick Skin: Explain that not everyone online will be nice, and some may try to get a reaction. Help them understand the difference between harmless teasing and true bullying.
  • Focus on the Fun: Remind them that the goal is to have fun while playing. Encourage them to find games with positive communities or play with friends who promote good sportsmanship.
  • Don’t Engage: The best response to most bullies is silence. Engaging with them can give them the satisfaction they seek and escalate the situation.
  • Mute and Report: Most games offer options to mute annoying players or report them to the game moderators. Encourage your child to utilize these features.
  • Take a Break: Sometimes, stepping away from the situation is the best solution. Encourage your child to take a break or switch to another game if needed.

Prevent Them From Maxing Out Your Card

Many games are now designed around in-game purchases, which usually charge huge amounts for cosmetic items or new characters. Charges from these purchases can stack up fast – in fact, most of these games are designed to tempt you into racking up a huge bill.

  • In-App Purchases: Many free games and apps offer in-app purchases that unlock new features, items, or levels. These can be tempting for children and lead to unexpected charges.
  • Subscriptions: Freemium models with hidden subscription fees can quickly become a recurring expense.
  • Digital Content: Virtual goods like clothing for avatars or special game features can be surprisingly costly.

The ease of online shopping can be tempting for kids, but unexpected charges can surprise parents. Here are some steps you can take to prevent unauthorized online spending:

  • Password Protection: Enforce password or fingerprint verification on all devices for purchases. This adds an extra step that discourages impulsive buys.
  • App Store Security: Utilize parental controls within app stores like Google Play or Apple App Store. These allow you to require passwords for all purchases, preventing accidental spending.
  • Disable Autofill: Web browsers often remember payment information for convenience. Turn off autofill features to prevent saved credit card details from being used for surprise purchases.
  • Separate Accounts: Consider prepaid debit cards with limited funds for your child’s online transactions. This teaches budgeting and avoids exceeding spending limits.
  • Virtual Cards: Services like Privacy.com offer virtual cards with specific spending limits. These can be created for individual purchases, providing extra control.
  • Open Communication: Talk openly with your child about online spending. Explain the value of money and responsible purchasing habits.

Make sure none of your cards or your bank account are attached to whatever device your child plays on so there’s no chance of them using your money to buy pixels!

-Marin Cristian-Ovidiu

About Online Games

OnlineGames.io is a free online gaming platform. It was initially published in 2020, in response to the belief that everyone should have access to free online entertainment. Since then, OnlineGames.io has had thousands of users around the world. The company has an exclusive collection of online browser games that are growing day by day. They elaborate their collection meticulously to maintain high-quality service for their users.

Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, a developer with 10+ years of experience in game design and game development, invented OnlineGames.io. Masked Forces, one of his best-known games, was published on multiple platforms.


The statistic about how many children play video games was taken from a paper by Daniel Alanko entitled The Health Effects of Video Games in Children and Adolescents.’ 

The statistic about how many gamers suffer abuse while gaming online was taken from Statista.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Best Ways To Save Money

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out top tips for the best ways to save money so I can try and feel more financially stable in my life.

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Let’s face it, financial stress can cast a long shadow, dimming our enjoyment of life. For me, there is a nagging feeling of insecurity about the future just won’t go away, and as the Summer approaches I know that the idea of taking a vacation feels out of reach.

If you’re looking to gain control of your finances and build a more secure future, you’re not alone. The good news is, there are many strategies you can apply to your daily life to save money and achieve greater financial stability. For this blog post, financial experts at The Lazy Trader have sent over a list of the best money-saving hacks for 2024 to help you achieve financial stability, and I’ll share some actionable tips to help you implement them.

So, buckle up and get ready to discover how you can transform your financial outlook, one smart move at a time! Let’s take control of your finances and create a path towards a more secure and empowered future.

Best Ways To Save Money

Use a digital budget planner

It is very likely that you will be on the move at some point in the day, whether to work or on a trip to the shop, and your budget plan can easily be forgotten. A digital budget planner is the perfect solution to managing your finances throughout the day and staying within your spending limit. If you need to make any adjustments, it is also easy to change and can be modified to suit your needs.

A simple app on your phone or device is more accessible and saves on creating unnecessary clutter.

  • YNAB (You Need a Budget): YNAB takes a unique approach, focusing on assigning every dollar a job. This proactive approach fosters a sense of control and helps ensure you’re always moving towards your financial goals. YNAB offers a free trial, after which a subscription is required.
  • Goodbudget: This app utilizes a virtual envelope system, allowing you to allocate your income towards designated spending categories. Goodbudget offers a free basic plan with limited features, with premium features available through a subscription.
  • Mint: A perennial favorite, Mint offers a user-friendly interface and automatic account syncing. It provides a clear snapshot of your income, expenses, and overall financial health. Mint is completely free, making it a great option for budget beginners.
  • PocketGuard: This app simplifies budgeting by offering a quick visual overview of your finances. PocketGuard analyzes your spending and highlights areas where you can potentially cut back. It provides a free version with limited features, with premium features available through a subscription.

Use smash piggy banks

A smash piggy bank is all about discipline and consistency. Putting money away that you can’t get back without breaking your piggy bank can be daunting, especially if you are worried about your current financial situation. However, it is a great way to save money without even knowing it, and whether it be for a holiday or rent, it is impressive how far a few pennies can go.

A piggy bank is a constant reminder of your financial goals; even putting a penny a day away adds up to a lot of money over time. Investing in an inaccessible piggy bank where you cannot collect your money without smashing it will give you more determination to save until it is filled to the brim.

Start the 1p saving challenge

The 1p saving challenge is a money-saving method that lasts 365 days and involves saving an extra penny every day. This will start with 1p on the first day of the year and then increase by a penny every day; for example, 2p on the second day, 3p on the third, and so on until you reach the 365th day. 

This should equate to £667.05 after the course of a year which can contribute to whatever financial goal you have set out for yourself.

  • Effortless Start: Starting with just 1p is incredibly manageable, making it a great option for anyone, regardless of their current financial situation.
  • Habit Formation: The daily act of saving fosters a strong savings habit, making it easier to stick to a budget and prioritize saving in the long run.
  • Motivational Boost: Witnessing your savings grow steadily can be incredibly motivating, encouraging you to stay committed to the challenge.
  • Hidden Potential: By the end of the year, you’ll have saved a staggering £667.95 (or £671.61 in a leap year)! This unexpected windfall can be used towards a dream vacation, debt repayment, or simply adding to your emergency fund.

Avoid taking money out your savings

Although it can be tempting to take money out your savings for spontaneous purchases, remember that they are savings for a reason. Whether it be for future retirement, a mortgage, or your dream car, that money has been put aside so you can afford the luxuries you saved for. You may want some new trainers or a Saturday night out, but remind yourself that savings are there for long-term goals in life.

Invest in life insurance when you are young

Age is the most important factor when investing in life insurance as it determines whether you pay a high or low premium for your policy, as a younger person typically has better health than someone within the middle-aged and elderly bracket.

A 21-year-old is a lot more likely to pay a lower premium than someone older; the premium will stay consistent and not increase with age, making it much more affordable in the long run. Although it may not seem like an essential purchase for a young adult, it will also benefit relatives if anything were to happen to you as it provides them with more financial support in the case of an unforeseen event.

Shop smart at the supermarket

It can be very tempting to place unplanned items in the trolley when you’re at the supermarket, but you’ll unknowingly cause the total cost of your shop to shoot up; stick to your shopping list and try to find cheaper alternatives in the process. Supermarket brands are a great way to cut down on costs, especially for cupboard essentials like pasta and rice, as you don’t have to spend a fortune on necessities.

Supermarkets offer benefits from loyalty cards that can discount your shopping by huge amounts and are free to access if you ask staff or look online. As well as this, the reduced section is always worth a look, as plenty of fresh produce is suitable for home freezing and can save you a lot of money instead of paying full price.

Buying in bulk is also a great way to save money as, usually, the products work out individually cheaper and reduces the hassle of having to return to the supermarket for a stock-up.

Pay off your overdraft

An overdraft can work its way down the priority list when other finances come into play; it can be a great financial support network, but it must be paid back eventually due to its negative balance. After a certain amount of time, you will begin to get charged if the amount is not paid off, so pay off the overdraft as soon as you have the funds to avoid unnecessary added expenses.

Saving Money

Saving money provides a safety net for life goals that may be far into the future, but it is never too early to start saving. There are so many benefits to having money stashed away somewhere safe, and it will lift a weight off your shoulders knowing you have something to fall back on. These money-saving hacks are perfect examples of why you should start saving and the best ways to do it, so that the uncertainty of the future is not so daunting.

-A spokesperson from The Lazy Trader


By incorporating some of these simple yet effective strategies into your daily routine, you can make significant strides towards achieving your financial goals. Remember, consistency is key! Small changes, diligently applied over time, can lead to big results.

So, free yourself from the burden of financial stress, embrace mindful spending habits, and watch your savings grow! With dedication and the right tools at your disposal, you can build a secure financial future and unlock the freedom to pursue your dreams. Happy Saving!

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

What Do Celebrities Eat For Beautiful Skin?

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I discover what celebrities for beautiful skin, and how easy it will be to incorporate those foods into my own diet.

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Ever wondered how celebrities maintain that seemingly invincible, camera-ready glow? While access to top dermatologists and aestheticians might seem like a faraway dream, the secret to radiant skin might be closer than you think – it’s what’s on your plate!

Today, I’m diving into the world of celebrity skincare…through food! I’m learning about the surprisingly simple, delicious ingredients A-listers swear by for a healthy, vibrant complexion. Get ready to ditch the complicated routines and embrace the power of food – because beautiful skin can be as easy as your next grocery trip!

Food For Skincare

What you eat significantly affects your skin’s overall health and appearance. Consuming a diet high in processed foods, sugary snacks, and unhealthy fats can hurt your skin’s appearance. These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body, which may manifest as acne, redness, or dull skin. Additionally, diets lacking essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E and omega-3 fatty acids can result in skin issues such as dryness, wrinkles, and uneven tone. 

By prioritising a diet focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods, you can support your skin’s health from the inside out, leading to a more youthful and radiant complexion. With all this in mind, skincare experts at Supplement Doctor sent over a list of food celebrities eat for beautiful skin, and I’ve explored them further and how they help.

What Do Celebrities Eat For Beautiful Skin?

Meghan Markle Eats Nuts

Nuts are super-rich in various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are the go-to snack for many celebrities, including Meghan Markle.

According to an interview with Delish in 2016, the Duchess of Sussex confessed to eating whole almonds and gluten-free foods to get healthy glowing skin during her role in Suits. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which can help to protect your skin from UV rays, retain moisture, and repair skin tissue.   

A study by researchers at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) looked at the effects of almonds on skin health. It found that the daily eating of almonds may help reduce the severity of facial wrinkles in post-menopausal women. 

  • Vitamin E Extravaganza: Almonds are a champion source of vitamin E, often dubbed the “skin vitamin.” This antioxidant powerhouse combats free radicals, those pesky molecules that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles and dullness. A handful of almonds provides a significant portion of your daily recommended vitamin E intake, promoting healthy skin cell function and a youthful glow.
  • Moisture Magic: Dry, flaky skin? Almonds come to the rescue! They contain healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats, which help your skin retain moisture. This translates to a plump, hydrated appearance that keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
  • Zinc Power: Zinc plays a crucial role in skin health. It supports wound healing, protects against sun damage, and even helps combat acne. Almonds are a great source of zinc, giving your skin the internal support it needs to stay healthy and radiant.
  • Beyond the Basics: The benefits of almonds for skin go beyond these core nutrients. They also contain other essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B2, copper, and magnesium, all of which contribute to overall skin health and a healthy inflammatory response.pen_spark

 Victoria Beckham Eats Fish

Kate Middleton and Victoria Beckham are known to be big fans of eating fish.

Victoria Beckham’s diet has been reported widely for eating grilled fish and vegetables daily and rarely deviating from it. Kate Middleton opts for sushi regularly, including salmon teriyaki, a fantastic source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and nutrients, which helps protect the skin from oxidative stress, leading to anti-ageing and collagen-boosting benefits.  

  • Omega-3 Powerhouse: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are brimming with omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats are like superheroes for your skin. They have potent anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritation, redness, and even acne – perfect for those struggling with breakouts. Omega-3s also promote skin cell health and hydration, leading to a plumper, more youthful appearance.
  • Vitamin E Bonanza: Just like almonds, fish is another excellent source of vitamin E, the “skin vitamin.” This antioxidant warrior fights free radicals that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles and dullness. A serving of fish helps you reach your daily vitamin E needs, promoting healthy skin cell regeneration and a radiant glow.
  • Zinc’s Skin Shield: Zinc plays a vital role as a skin protector. It aids in wound healing, defends against sun damage, and even helps regulate oil production, potentially reducing the risk of acne breakouts. Fish, particularly shellfish like oysters and shrimp, are rich in zinc, providing your skin with the internal support it needs to stay healthy and resilient.
  • Hydration Hero: Dry, flaky skin can make your complexion look dull and tired. Fish comes to the rescue again! It’s a natural source of healthy fats, which help your skin retain moisture. This translates to a plump, hydrated appearance, keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay.

Megan Fox Eats Berries

Berries such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are collagen-stimulating and contain nutrients such as Vitamin C and ellagic acid, which helps provide a youthful glow and ease sun-induced UV skin pigmentation.

In a 2017 interview with Business Insider, Megan Fox’s trainer Harley Pasternak stated she starts her day with egg whites or a ‘red smoothie’ that contains seasonal berries, chai tea, protein powder and a bit of almond milk.   

  • Antioxidant All-Stars: Berries are bursting with antioxidants, those powerful molecules that fight free radicals. Free radicals are like tiny vandals in your body, damaging skin cells and contributing to wrinkles, fine lines, and dullness. The antioxidants in berries neutralize these free radicals, protecting your skin from premature aging and promoting a healthy, youthful glow.
  • Vitamin C Vibrancy: Vitamin C is a superstar for skin health, and berries are a fantastic source of it. Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, the building block that keeps your skin firm and elastic. A diet rich in berries helps ensure your body has the necessary vitamin C to maintain a youthful, plump appearance.
  • Hydration Helpers: Dehydrated skin can look dull and tired. Berries come to the rescue! They’re a natural source of water and fiber, which help keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. This translates to a plump, dewy complexion that keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
  • Inflammation Fighters: Chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on your skin, leading to redness, irritation, and even acne breakouts. Berries are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds that help soothe and calm the skin, promoting a healthy, even-toned complexion.
  • Berry-licious Variety: The beauty of berries is their diversity! From blueberries and raspberries to strawberries and blackberries, each variety offers a unique blend of antioxidants and nutrients. This allows you to mix and match to create a delicious and skin-loving diet.

Zendaya Drinks Green Tea

Green tea is not only great for fat burning but is full of vitamins B2 and E, which help keep the optimum levels of collagen and aid in firming a younger-looking skin structure and developing new skin cells.

Zendaya’s Starbucks order went viral on TikTok after an employee shared the actress’s order on the social media platform. The order consists of a Venti Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte with Coconut Milk.   

  • Antioxidant Arsenal: Green tea is brimming with antioxidants, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These antioxidant warriors combat free radicals – harmful molecules that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles, fine lines, and dullness. By sipping green tea, you’re essentially providing your skin with a shield against premature aging, promoting a healthy, youthful appearance.
  • Sun Damage Savior: Sun exposure is a major culprit behind wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. Green tea comes to the rescue! Studies suggest that the EGCG in green tea may help protect your skin from sun damage. While it’s not a replacement for sunscreen, incorporating green tea into your routine can be a valuable addition to your sun protection regimen.
  • Acne Annihilator: Struggling with breakouts? Green tea might be your new best friend. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe redness and irritation, while its potential to regulate oil production can benefit those with oily skin, a common contributor to acne. Drinking green tea or using topical green tea products may help calm troubled skin and promote a clearer complexion.
  • Hydration Hero: Dry, dehydrated skin can look dull and lackluster. Green tea is a natural source of hydration, promoting healthy moisture levels in your skin. This translates to a plumper, more radiant appearance, keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
  • Beyond the Basics: Green tea offers more than just these core benefits. It also contains vitamins and minerals like vitamin B2, vitamin E, and zinc, all of which contribute to overall skin health and a healthy inflammatory response.

Kim Kardashian Eats Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens contain high levels of chlorophyll, which helps protect your skin from premature ageing and inflammation. The darker the leafy green, the more chlorophyll it contains. Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian have previously shown their fridges on their Instagram stories that are entirely devoted to green perishables.   

  • Vitamin A for the Win: Dark leafy greens are brimming with vitamin A, a crucial nutrient for skin health. Vitamin A plays a vital role in cell turnover, which helps keep your skin looking fresh and radiant. It also promotes collagen production, the building block that keeps your skin firm and elastic. Spinach, in particular, is an excellent source of vitamin A, providing a significant portion of your daily needs in just one cup.
  • Hydration Hero: Dehydrated skin can look dull and tired. Dark leafy greens come to the rescue! They’re packed with water and fiber, which help keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. This translates to a plump, dewy complexion that keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay. Spinach, with its high water content, contributes to this hydration boost.
  • Antioxidant Arsenal: While not as concentrated as berries, dark leafy greens offer a good dose of antioxidants. These powerful molecules fight free radicals, those harmful molecules that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles, fine lines, and dullness. By incorporating spinach and other leafy greens into your diet, you’re providing your skin with a layer of protection against premature aging and promoting a healthy, youthful appearance.
  • Vitamin K for a Flawless Finish: Dark leafy greens, including spinach, are a rich source of vitamin K. While lesser-known in the world of skincare, vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting and wound healing. This can be beneficial for those who experience redness or irritation, as it may help promote faster healing and a more even-toned complexion.
  • Beyond the Basics: Dark leafy greens offer more than just these core skin-loving nutrients. They’re also a good source of other vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin E, and folate, all of which contribute to overall skin health and a healthy inflammatory response.

Austin Butler Eats Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate on the JJ Barnes Blog
Dark Chocolate

Austin Butler revealed to GQ in 2022 that one of the things he couldn’t live without was dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants that help reduce dark spots on your skin and flavanol that can protect against sun damage. Since it is loaded with skin-healing nutrients, Austin Butler’s favourite treat can aid his skin in looking youthful.  

  • Cocoa’s Flavanol Powerhouse: Dark chocolate, particularly varieties with a higher cocoa content (70% or above), is rich in flavanols, a type of antioxidant. These powerful molecules act like tiny shields, protecting your skin from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage skin cells and contribute to wrinkles, fine lines, and a dull complexion. By incorporating dark chocolate into your diet, you’re essentially providing your skin with a layer of defense against premature aging, promoting a healthy, youthful appearance.
  • Sun’s Kiss, Not Sunburn: Sun exposure, while essential for vitamin D production, can also be detrimental to skin health. Here’s where dark chocolate might offer some protection. Studies suggest that consuming flavanol-rich cocoa can improve blood flow and increase skin density, potentially enhancing your skin’s natural defense against harmful UV rays. However, it’s important to remember that dark chocolate is not a substitute for sunscreen! Always wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher when spending time outdoors.
  • Hydration Hero: Dry, flaky skin can make your complexion look dull and tired. Dark chocolate, believe it or not, can contribute to keeping your skin hydrated. While not a direct source of water, the flavanols in dark chocolate may improve blood flow, which can help deliver essential nutrients and hydration to your skin cells. This translates to a plumper, more radiant appearance, keeping wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
  • Mood Magic (with a Skin Bonus): Chocolate is often associated with feelings of happiness and well-being. There’s some truth to this! Dark chocolate can promote the production of endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. While the connection between stress and skin health is complex, reduced stress can contribute to a healthier overall appearance. So, enjoying a square of dark chocolate might not only give your skin a boost, but also elevate your mood – a win-win for your inner and outer glow!

Sources: Delish, University of California, Davis (UC Davis), Business Insider, GQ, TikTok, Instagram.


By incorporating these celebrity-approved foods – almonds, fish, berries, green tea, dark leafy greens, and even the occasional square of dark chocolate – you can nourish your skin from the inside out. Some of these are more achievable for me than others; I’m vegetarian so I don’t eat fish and I can’t stand the taste of green tea, but I love eating spinach and nuts. But how about you?

Remember, beautiful skin is achievable, and it all starts with making conscious choices about what you put into your body. So, stock up on these skin-loving ingredients, embrace a balanced diet, and get ready to reveal your own inner glow!

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Have A Whale Of A Time With A Children’s STEAM Subscription Tinker Box

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I unleashed my daughters on the Tinkerer STEAM Subscription Tinker Box to build a whale piano and have crafting and scientific fun together!

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Tinker Box

Hey there, fellow parents of curious kids! Welcome to the Easter holidays and the time when you’re constantly asked why something is the way it is, what are we doing next, and can I have something to eat?

In my house the answer to what we re doing next is usually a crafting project, but to be honest I’m running out of ideas. My two daughters, Rose (11) and Buffy (7), are obsessed with all things creative and scientific, so keeping them engaged can be a challenge. Enter the Tinkerer STEAM Subscription Tinker Box, a monthly subscription box that’s is a total game-changer!

Tinker Box on the JJ Barnes Blog
Tinker Box

Build A Whale Piano

This month’s box, the Build A Whale Piano, complete with working keys that played actual musical notes. was a massive hit. Yes, you read that right. The girls were ecstatic – a project that combined their love of music and making noise, with the wonder of the ocean.

The girls dove right in, meticulously following the age-appropriate instructions in the included magazine. They worked together, fitting pieces together and figuring out the different instructions, and giggling as their majestic whale piano began to take shape. It was fascinating to see them collaborating – Rose, with her older-kid confidence took the lead, helping Buffy with the trickier bits (sometimes just doing them for her while Buffy wailed that she could do it herself!

The box came beautifully packaged, and unpacking it felt like a treasure hunt. Inside, we found everything we needed with pre-cut cardboard pieces, elastics and colorful craft supplies.

Tinker Box on the JJ Barnes Blog
Tinker Box

The magazine included in the box is fantastic, filled with fun facts about whales and clear explanations of the science behind sound waves. It wasn’t just about building a cool piano; they were learning as they went! Honestly, it was more than just a craft project – it was a full-blown learning experience. We talked about ocean conservation, the different types of whales, and how sound travels underwater.

By the time they finished, they had a beautiful, functional whale piano that actually played musical notes! The sense of accomplishment on their faces was priceless. Not only did it spark their imaginations (whale concerts became a nightly occurrence!), but it also opened the door to conversations about marine life and the physics of sound. Talk about a win-win!

About Tinker Box

  • Engaging activities: Each box comes with a new project that’s both creative and educational. It keeps the girls excited about learning and exploring new things.
  • Quality materials: All the supplies are high-quality and well-organized, making the whole process frustration-free (for both me and the kids!).
  • Perfect for different ages: The projects are available for different age groups. Our box is designed for children Buffy’s age, but it was still entertaining and challenging for Rose.
  • Less screen time: In our technology-driven world, the Tinker Box offers a welcome break from screens. It’s a fantastic way to encourage hands-on learning and imaginative play.
Whale Piano on the JJ Barnes Blog
Whale Piano


If you’re looking for a way to ditch the screens and ignite your child’s creativity and love of learning, then Tinkerer Odyssey Box is a winner. It’s more than just a craft – it’s a journey of discovery, delivered right to your doorstep. It’s the perfect blend of creativity, science, and fun, and it keeps the girls engaged and learning.

If you’re looking for enriching activities for your own little tinkerers, I highly recommend checking out Tinkerer – you won’t be disappointed! You can learn more and subscribe to their boxes at https://www.tinkererbox.com/.

Happy crafting (and learning)!

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Protect Your Skin From Hay Fever

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as Spring arrives in the UK, I discover how to protect your skin from hay fever.

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Hay Fever

After enduring months of harsh cold and central heating drying out our skin, the UK is now bracing for a pollen surge this April as pollen counts steadily rise each day. Freezing temperatures, strong winds and indoor heating are a combination prone to drying out the skin because they disrupt the skin barrier. However, as we are now heading into hay fever season, eczema flare-ups, itchy eyes, and runny noses are the next challenge. 

Around 44 per cent of all British adults are impacted by allergies, and hay fever is one of the most common allergies, reportedly affecting up to 49 per cent of the UK population.

Grass pollen is the most common allergen, which normally is at its strongest from May to July. However, trees are mainly prone to causing the allergic reaction we know to be hay fever, at its strongest from February to June.

Allergies cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to swelling and skin irritation. When an allergen enters your system, the immune system overreacts and prompts the release of histamine, causing symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing.

However, that reaction inside your body can impact your skin, and most of the time, skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and hives are likely to flare up at the same time your allergies do. This is because they are all connected to the immune system.

This flare-up will cause dryness, redness, irritation of the skin and sometimes puffiness around the eyes.

-A spokesperson for beauty and wellness marketplace, Fresha

To help us prepare for the months ahead, the experts at Fresha sent over their top tips on allergy-proofing your skin during the hayfever season.

Protect Your Skin From Hay Fever

Can you allergy-proof your skin?

Of course, you can allergy-proof your skin by reducing symptoms, but you need to do more than just take an antihistamine. 

Keeping skin hydrated

Preventing dryness is key to reducing red, itchy, cracked symptoms. Therefore, moisturising at least twice daily, once in the morning and once at night, is recommended.

Depending on your skin type and sensitivity, if you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema (including contact and atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, or rosacea, you should avoid any products containing fragrance or alcohol.

Anything labelled with ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and alcohol denat is ultra-drying for the skin. 

Normally, the ingredients that are at the beginning of the label indicate the main ingredients the product is made up of. For example, E45’s main ingredient is white soft paraffin, which helps soften dry skin and soothe sores, lesions, and psoriatic scaling.

Also, try to opt for products with fewer active ingredients. The National Eczema Association recommends you look for moisturising lotions containing these substances:

Cleansing is key

Cleansing your skin is extra important during allergy season, and you should do it in the morning and at night. 

This is because you need to get rid of any pollen particles that could have landed on your face or body. 

However, over-cleansing can dry your skin out, especially for those with dry, sensitive skin. Therefore, it is important to cleanse the right way and pick your cleanser wisely.

Ideally, you want a mild, gentle cleanser with no harsh chemicals. CeraVe and Cetaphil have some great options and also La Roche Posay

Also, avoid cleansing with piping hot water, as this doesn’t just strip your skin of natural oils but can also damage or burst capillaries.

If you don’t have a suitable cleanser, don’t moisturise or use skin protection you leave your skin exposed to free radicals, like UVA rays and pollen. 

Your skin’s immunity is then going to be naturally low and the side effects will be much greater compared to those people who have the same condition but have prepared themselves beforehand.

-Alex Sena, CEO & Medical Practitioner of Our Skin Clinic

Wash your bedding and clothes regularly and dry them indoors

Pollen sticks to your clothes easily and can easily be transferred to your skin and bedding. Therefore, washing them very regularly will help to avoid contact.

Also, during this time of year, it is recommended you wear non-abrasive fabrics that are gentle on your sensitive skin. 

Avoid synthetic materials and stick with skin-friendly materials such as 100 per cent cotton, linen, bamboo or silk. 

Also, dry your clothes and bedding indoors rather than outdoors, where pollen particles are more likely to make a home in your laundry.

Try not to stress

Sometimes, it’s easier said than done, but stress is one of the biggest triggers of skin problems.

When stressed, your body releases ‘stress hormones’, such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones impact different bodily functions, including the flow of blood to your skin. 

Typically, a common sign of stress is skin irritation or a rash. Therefore, to prevent skin problems, try to do stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, reading, listening to music or socialising with friends.

What to do if your skin flares up?

If your skin does become inflamed, try the following treatments:

Step 1- Antihistamine

If you haven’t already, taking an antihistamine is recommended. As it says in the name, antihistamine helps to decrease your body’s natural production of histamine, which occurs when an allergen comes into contact. 

Antihistamines, such as fexofenadine and diphenhydramine, can help relieve itching and are a standard treatment for hives. The majority of antihistamines can be bought over the counter. 

Step 2- Cooling compress

For red, itchy and inflamed skin, try to cool it by applying either a cold flannel, aloe vera or calamine lotion

If none of these work, try a colloidal oatmeal bath. Research has shown oatmeal baths can have potent anti-inflammatory, anti-itch, and antioxidant benefits for the skin, and the only thing you need is colloidal oatmeal.

Step 3- Topical steroid creams

If the skin is still inflamed, over-the-counter products such as hydrocortisone, desonide and clobetasol creams are most commonly used to treat eczema and allergic contact dermatitis.

All topical steroids should be used sparingly on your face, which is normally the most sensitive part of the body, and avoid applying around the delicate parts of your eyes.

Step 4 – Allergen avoidance

For further flare-ups, if you know for sure you have specific allergies, avoid them, as this could significantly reduce your hay fever symptoms.

If you suspect you have more allergies apart from hay fever, you should go for allergy testing with your local GP.


By incorporating these simple tips into your routine, I hope you can keep your skin happy and irritation-free. Remember, a little vigilance goes a long way in minimizing the impact of pollen on your skin. So, embrace the sunshine, breathe deeply (well, maybe not too deeply!), and enjoy the beauty of spring with confidence!

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How VR Headsets Improve Your Health

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out research into how VR Headsets can improve your health, and wonder whether I should invest in one!

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VR Headsets

Let’s face it, the allure of virtual reality (VR) is undeniable. The ability to be transported to fantastical worlds, conquer epic challenges, or even scale Mount Everest (virtually, of course) has captured our imaginations for years. But lately, I’ve been hearing whispers of something even more intriguing: VR as a tool for health and well-being.

Apparently, these immersive headsets aren’t just for gamers anymore. Research suggests VR can hold the key to everything from pain management to phobia reduction, and even exercise motivation.

Intrigued (and maybe a touch skeptical), I decided to delve deeper into this world of virtual health. Could a VR headset become my secret weapon in the quest for a healthier lifestyle? Join me as we explore the fascinating science behind VR and its potential to revolutionize how we approach health and fitness.

Perhaps, by the end of this journey, I’ll be ready to invest in my own virtual reality escape – or maybe I’ll discover the truth is far too fantastical to be real. Either way, this exploration promises to be an eye-opening (or should I say, virtual eye-opening?) adventure!

To help me out, online gaming information site Indivisible Game has sent over research into the ways that VR headsets can bring physical and mental benefits to players. 

When enjoyed in moderation, VR headsets and gaming experiences provide various physical and mental benefits to players all over the globe. It is recommended to spend no more than 15 minutes at a time using a VR headset, ensuring you set boundaries to limit play and enjoy real-life experiences.  

While VR headsets do pose various risks like injuries from your surroundings, motion sickness, and eye strain, this technology has also proved useful in recreational, educational, and medical settings.

-A spokesperson from Indivisible Game

How VR Headsets Improve Your Health

VR for chronic pain relief 

While gaming of any capacity can immerse the player in various captivating worlds, VR gaming can provide gamers with the most immersive experience possible.

A report from the Virtual Reality Medical Institute found that these virtual environments crafted in games and entertainment experiences can help relieve chronic pain, drawing attention away from your brain and reducing the amount of conscious pain you experience. VR has been adopted by many hospitals to help ease the pain of patients who have recently undergone surgery, given birth, or been through cancer treatment.  

VR for burning calories

Virtual reality has ushered in a new way of gaming that allows players to be more physically active when playing some of their favourite titles. Rather than sitting on the sofa for a gaming session, VR headsets encourage gamers to be active, using their body and motion controls to explore various virtual locations.

Data from the VR Health Institute revealed players can burn up to 13 calories per minute playing VR games, depending on your weight and the extent of movement. 

VR for social isolation and anxiety 

While spending too much time wearing a VR headset can certainly result in headaches, eye strain, and even motion sickness, VR gaming can provide a plethora of mental health benefits to gamers. The immersive nature of these devices can even reduce levels of depression and social isolation.

A scientific report conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic found that virtual reality experiences were effective in reducing ’lockdown loneliness’ and supporting people who struggle with social isolation, depression, and social anxiety.  

VR for phobias

Medical professionals have successfully adopted VR technology as a tool to help tackle and reduce phobias. Patients can be exposed to some of their greatest fears (spiders, crowded spaces, heights, etc.) in a safe, controlled environment.

While this immersive exposure therapy is authentic enough to work as a treatment, the awareness that this is a virtual space allows participants to feel comfortable taking on their fears. The scope of VR means a wide variety of phobias can be gradually introduced to patients, providing them with coping mechanisms to tackle their phobias in real life.  

VR for motor skills and cognitive abilities 

Popular VR games like Beat Saber not only serve as a form of physical exercise, they can also provide excellent mental stimulation for adults and children alike. Benefits include improved focus, enhanced cognitive abilities, and better memory. Games like these encourage players to problem-solve, memorize patterns, and stay attentive, keeping your mind more alert and active.  


So, after diving into the world of VR health applications, the verdict is in: VR holds immense promise for the future of well-being. From pain management and physical therapy to phobia reduction and even exercise motivation, VR offers a unique and engaging approach to healthcare.

However, it’s important to remember that VR is still a developing technology. While research is ongoing and the results are encouraging, more studies are needed to fully understand the long-term impact of VR on health. Additionally, VR headsets can be a significant investment, and content specifically designed for health purposes might still be limited.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

I Learn The Taylor Swift Workout

On the JJ Barnes Blog, in my ongoing request to look and feel healthy, and in dedication to my love of Taylor Swift, I decided to learn about the Taylor Swift workout!

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Hey Swifties and fitness enthusiasts alike! For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a devoted Taylor Swift fan, belting out her lyrics like nobody’s business, usually while I’m dancing around my kitchen. Her music has soundtracked everything from heartbreak to epic life moments. But lately, I’ve been inspired by Taylor in a whole new way – her dedication to health and fitness.

Let’s be honest, rocking those high-energy performances and dazzling outfits takes serious physical strength and stamina. And as I’m on a mission to look and feel my healthiest, I knew I had to learn more about the “Taylor Swift Workout.” As searches for ‘Taylor Swift workout’ have increased by a staggering 659%, according to Google Trends, it looks like I’m definitely not alone.

Fitness experts at Bulk.com, found that searches for the artist’s workout plan have increased by 659% over the past five years, reaching their highest point in the past five years during the first week of February. With this in mind, Bulk have outlined the routine that Taylor Swift employs to maintain her fitness whilst on tour, and how you can complete a similar workout at the gym or from the comfort of your own home. 

So, buckle up, because I’m diving headfirst into the world of T-Swift fitness! Join me as I explore the details of her workout routines, from the rumored “Eras Tour” treadmill challenge to her strength training secrets.

The Taylor Swift Workout

1. Cardio  

Taylor’s cardio routine involved running, jogging, and walking on a treadmill while singing aloud the entire Eras tour setlist. She explains that she runs for the fast songs and jogs or fast walks for the slower songs. You don’t have to perform the entirety of the Eras tour setlist to maintain an effective and straightforward cardio regime. 


If you have a home treadmill or your gym has a treadmill, start with a brisk walk for around 10 minutes to warm up, you can also increase the inclination to better engage your legs and glutes.  

Slowly increase the speed until you are at a comfortable pace, then run for 10-15 minutes. Increase or decrease the speed on the treadmill according to the song that is playing. 

Go back to walking at an incline for the final five to ten minutes of your workout. If you haven’t run or jogged in a while, it is best to build up the duration of the runs instead of running for an intensely long period.   


Cardio doesn’t have to be done on a treadmill. Going for a walk can be just as effective and beneficial for your mental health. Increase the distance and duration of your walks each time. Create a playlist of all your favourite Swift songs to help pass the time and keep you motivated.  

Dance fit

Taylor underwent three months of dance training to perfect the choreography for the Eras tour. Dance is a great way to stay fit as it improves cardiovascular health, flexibility, balance, and it is also a good way to improve your overall mental well-being. Whether dancing around your home or signing up to Dancefit classes, dance is an excellent form of cardio exercise.  

2. Strength and Conditioning 

With a total of 151 tour dates across five continents, and each show lasting more than three hours, Taylor needed to find a workout that not only improved her stamina but also increased her strength.  

Strength and conditioning training can help build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of injury, burns calories, and improves your balance and flexibility.  

Here are some strength and conditioning exercises inspired by Taylor that you can try at home: 


Squats improve bone strength, whilst also improving posture and mobility. Not only does squatting work your muscles in your legs, but they are also very effective at strengthening your core.  

Stand with your feet hip width apart with your feet slightly turned out, brace your core and chest up. When squatting, hips should sink back and your knees should travel in line with your toes.  

Perform two sets of 12-15 reps. 

Glute bridges 

Glute bridges tone the glutes, abs and legs.  

Lie on your back with your legs bent and two fit firmly on the floor. Using your heels, push your hips upwards, squeezing your glutes and engage your core. To make this exercise more challenging, try using one leg to push off the floor, raise your other leg and alternate. You can also try to toe tap with the raised leg.  

Perform two sets of 8-12 reps. 


Push ups improve your upper body strength, flexibility, posture, mobility, and injury prevention.  

Start in a plank position with your hands firmly placed just outside the shoulders, then lower your chest to the floor without touching it. As you are lowering your chest, make sure your elbows are tucked in and your hips do not drop out of position.  

To begin with, perform two to three sets of five to six reps and increase accordingly.  


Planks strengthen your arms, glutes, and core, whilst improving posture and helping with back pain.  

Lift your body off the ground by using your forearms and toes, making sure your elbows are aligned with your shoulders. Your back and legs should be as straight as possible with your core engaged, to maintain the plank position. 

Try and aim for a 60 second plank and slowly increase the duration over time. 

With Taylor Swift continuing her epic worldwide Eras tour, many are interested in knowing the exercises Taylor has incorporated into her fitness regime to both prepare and maintain her energy and strength for this lengthy tour. 

Many of us do not have access to the best personal trainers and exercise equipment that Taylor has, but this does not mean her fitness routine is unattainable. In fact, cardio and the strength and conditioning workouts can all be adapted so that they can easily be replicated in the comfort of your own home. 

Each exercise is meant to suit everyone, with the option to increase or decrease difficulty where needed.  

-A spokesperson for Bulk.com


After diving into the world of Taylor Swift’s workout routines, I’ve learned a valuable lesson: there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, even for Swifties! While the “Eras Tour” treadmill challenge might be a fun way to incorporate some cardio (and sing your heart out!), it’s important to find a workout plan that aligns with your own fitness level and goals.

The good news? Taylor’s dedication to health and fitness is truly inspiring. She shows us that prioritizing exercise and feeling strong is empowering, and that’s a message worth celebrating.

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

The Best Sleeping Positions For Back Pain

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I learned the best sleeping positions for back pain so I can get a better night sleep and hopefully feel less discomfort when I’m awake too.

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Back Pain

For anyone who’s ever woken up feeling like they wrestled a bear in their sleep (without the bragging rights), you know the struggle is real. Back pain can be relentless, stealing precious sleep and leaving you feeling stiff and achy throughout the day.

Determined to break free from this cycle of discomfort, I embarked on a mission to discover the holy grail of a pain-free slumber. My quest led me down a rabbit hole of sleep research, ergonomic advice, and some surprising discoveries about the best sleeping positions for back pain.

Back pain has become more widespread in recent years, with 540 million people worldwide suffering from back pain at any given time. This is also highlighted by the gradual increase in searches for ‘back pain’ over the last 20 years worldwide, as shown by Google Trends. 

Join me as I explore the fascinating world of sleep positions, debunk some myths, and uncover the secrets to a night of restful sleep that translates into a pain-free day. To help me out, the experts at NJ Spine & Orthopedic have sent over answers to the Internet’s most common questions, including how to sleep with lower back pain.

The Best Sleeping Positions For Back Pain

How to sleep with lower back pain? – 10,000 monthly global searches 

For those suffering with lower back pain, quality of sleep is crucial. Opting for the correct sleeping position can make a considerable difference in relieving pain, enabling you to enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. 

Ultimately, sleeping on your side, especially with a pillow between your knees, is the best option for those dealing with back pain as it is beneficial for aligning the hips and reducing pressure on the lower back, helping maintain the natural curvature of the spine.

Alternatively, sleeping in the fetal position can be beneficial for those suffering with back pain. By curling up in a fetal position, there is typically less pressure on the discs between the vertebrae, potentially alleviating discomfort. 

Conversely, the sleeping position that tends to worsen back pain the most is sleeping on your stomach as this position can strain the natural curvature of the spine, putting additional pressure on the lower back. 

What causes lower back pain in females? – 27,000 monthly global searches 

Ultimately, lower back pain can stem from a range of conditions, affecting individuals regardless of sex. However, factors solely affecting women, such as menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, or endometriosis, may play a role in contributing to lower back pain. Research suggests that women over 30 years old are the most at risk of developing chronic pain in the lower back. 

Premenstrual syndrome, often known as PMS, can be a frequent source of lower back discomfort in women. It’s believed that uterine contractions during PMS may extend to the lower back, while increased inflammation might contribute to back pain. 

Lower back pain can also be linked to menopause. Back pain can be associated with menopause due to decreased hormone production, leading to lower bone density. Research has linked lower estrogen levels post-menopause to increased lumbar disc degeneration and back pain, especially compared to men of similar age. Menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes can also disrupt sleep and therefore worsen existing back pain. 

Back pain is also common during pregnancy. This occurs as your center of gravity shifts, you gain weight, and your hormones relax your ligaments in preparation for giving birth. Typically, back pain surfaces between the fifth and seventh months of pregnancy, although it can begin earlier, especially impacting women with existing lower back issues. 

Endometriosis, found only in females, can also lead to lower back pain. It involves tissue similar to the uterine lining growing outside the uterus, causing symptoms like painful menstrual cycles, severe abdominal pain, and chronic lower back pain. 

How to relieve lower back pain? – 18,000 monthly global searches 

Effective relief for lower back pain includes targeted exercises, proper posture, and mindful movement throughout the day. 

Poor posture is the leading cause of lower back pain, so making a conscious effort to maintain better posture can help relieve lower back pain long-term. Good posture distributes the weight of your body more evenly, reducing strain on your muscles and joints, so by practicing proper posture, you can align your spine correctly, support its natural curves, and alleviate pressure on your back muscles. 

A 2019 study suggested that certain types of low-impact exercise can improve both posture and lower back pain long-term, including yoga, Tai chi, pilates, swimming and aerobic exercise. 

Heat Pads

Use heating pads or ice packs for 15-20 minutes at a time to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Heat has a way of melting away tension by loosening tight muscles that can be pinching nerves and causing pain. Think of it as an internal massage, easing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

Heat therapy also dilates blood vessels, bringing a rush of oxygen and healing nutrients to the sore area. This improved circulation helps reduce inflammation, a major contributor to back pain.

Most heating pads come with adjustable heat settings, allowing you to customize the intensity to your preference. Additionally, they often feature auto-shutoff functions for added safety.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can help relax tense muscles and reduce stress, which may contribute to lower back pain. 

They might sound simple, but deep breathing exercises are powerhouses for pain relief. Focus on slow, diaphragmatic breaths, inhaling through your nose and expanding your belly, not your chest. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, feeling tension melt away with each breath. Try practicing this for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

Ergonomic Support

Invest in ergonomic supports such as lumbar cushions or pillows to provide additional support for your lower back while sitting or sleeping. 

The foundation of good back health is a supportive chair. Look for an ergonomic chair that offers adjustable features like lumbar support, armrests, and seat height. This allows you to customize your seating position to maintain a healthy spinal alignment, reducing strain on your back muscles.

The position of your monitor can significantly impact your posture. Your monitor should be at eye level to prevent you from hunching or straining your neck, which can lead to back pain. Adjustable monitor arms allow you to achieve the optimal viewing height.

Supportive Shoes

Cushioned Insoles on the JJ Barnes Blog
Cushioned Insoles

Wearing supportive shoes with cushioned insoles to provide support for your feet and lower back. 

The right shoes provide proper arch support, which helps distribute your weight evenly and maintain proper foot posture. This translates to a positive impact on your entire body, including your back. Flat feet or high arches can lead to imbalances that cause back pain, so having shoes that address your specific arch type is crucial.

Cushioned insoles can be a game-changer, especially for shoes that lack proper arch support or shock absorption. Insoles come in a variety of materials and shapes to address specific needs. Gel or memory foam insoles provide additional cushioning, while arch support insoles help distribute weight more evenly.

What causes lower back pain? – 14,000 monthly global searches 

Lower back pain can be caused by a number of factors, including muscle or ligament strains, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, osteoporosis, or sciatica. Injuries, sprains or strains to soft tissues are typically the primary culprits behind lower back pain. 

A sprain happens when a ligament is overstretched or torn, while a strain occurs when a tendon or muscle undergoes the same stress. These injuries can arise from overuse, sports activities, twisting awkwardly, or lifting heavy objects improperly. Symptoms may include swelling, tenderness, and muscle spasms. 

How to relieve neck pain? – 11,000 monthly global searches 

For mild to moderate neck pain, it is usually possible to treat symptoms at home with solutions like over-the-counter pain relievers, applying heat or ice, or stretching the neck. 

Alternatively, one simple hack to relieve neck pain fast is to sleep on the opposite side than you usually do. If you have neck pain that only affects one side of the neck, sleeping on the opposite side can relieve the pressure that may be causing the pain. 

Another unconventional way to relieve neck pain is to quit smoking. Smoking can contribute to the deterioration of cervical discs, hinder proper healing and prolong recovery from neck injuries. Therefore, quitting smoking can be beneficial for reducing neck pain and promoting overall spinal health. 

If you experience severe neck pain lasting for weeks or months, so much that it limits your head movement, consider seeing a doctor who can recommend muscle relaxants or physical therapy. 

How to get rid of neck pain? – 7,500 monthly global searches 

The daily usage of tablets and computer screens, and the recent growth in remote working has caused an outbreak in ‘tech neck’, due to people often sat for long periods of time in unfavorable positions, often putting pressure on their neck. 

Consequently, searches for ‘tech neck’ have gradually increased to their highest on record, increasing 245% since 2004. Tech neck can lead to immediate pain, stiffness, and discomfort, but also cause more detrimental issues, such as headaches, lower back pain, and even herniated discs in more serious cases (slipped or bulging discs). 

In order to prevent tech neck and get rid of neck pain altogether, try incorporating some minor changes to your daily life, such as: 

  • Position your devices at eye level to reduce the need for tilting your head downward and bending your neck. 
  • Download a posture reminder app for regular notifications. 
  • Take frequent breaks from using electronic devices. Ensure you take breaks every half-hour to alleviate tension in your neck muscles. 
  • Ensure your screen is always 20-30 inches away from your eyes. 
  • Engage in daily neck stretches and exercises to help relieve tension. 


Conquering back pain isn’t just about daytime strategies. A good night’s sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, and the right sleeping position can make a world of difference for your back.

Remember, the “best” sleep position isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Experiment with the different options, listen to your body, and find what provides you with the most comfort and pain relief. Don’t be afraid to use pillows and props strategically to support your natural curves and maintain proper spinal alignment.

In addition to sleep position, remember the importance of a supportive mattress and a comfortable sleep environment. Make your bedroom a haven for relaxation, and prioritize a consistent sleep schedule for optimal rest.

So, dim the lights, fluff your pillows, and embrace the sleep position that ushers in a night of pain-free slumber. With a little experimentation and the knowledge you’ve gained here, you can wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer your day.

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How To Sound Confident In Work Emails

On the JJ Barnes Blog, as someone who has always struggled with self esteem but wants to succeed in business, I check out top tips for how to sound confident in work emails.

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Let’s face it, work emails can be a battlefield. Between juggling deadlines, navigating complex projects, and oh yeah, the pressure to appear competent and professional, it’s easy to feel your confidence shrink to the size of a “reply all” nightmare.

I can personally relate. For years, self-doubt haunted my inbox. Every email felt like a tightrope walk – one wrong word and my credibility would come crashing down. But guess what? I wasn’t destined to be a prisoner of my own “imposter syndrome” and I’ve learned some powerful tricks that can transform your written communication from timid to terrific. I no longer stare at my ever full inbox with fear, but see it as an opportunity. I know I do a good job, I know I work hard, and I know how to communicate that when I talk to clients.

So, if you, like me, ever found yourself staring at a blank email feeling like a wide-eyed intern instead of the capable professional you are, fear not! This post is for you. I’ll be diving into actionable tips that will help you craft clear, confident emails that get results – all without sacrificing your authenticity. Let’s conquer that inbox and show the world the amazing professional you truly are!

To help me out out, Joe D. from FATJOE sent over a guide to crafting assertive work emails with the top errors to avoid because they undermine your confident image. 

How To Sound Confident In Work Emails

Overusing Softening Phrases

Common Mistake: Starting emails with phrases like “I’m just writing to…” or “I just wanted…” These words can undermine the importance of your message, and make it seem like you’re unsure of your input.

Suggestion: Be direct with your language. Start with “I’m writing to follow up on…” or ‘’I’m writing to ask/check…’’.

Top Tips For Using Direct Language

Be Clear About Your Purpose: Before hitting “compose,” take a moment to define your email’s objective. Are you requesting information, proposing an idea, or following up on a task? Knowing your purpose allows you to structure your email and choose assertive language that drives action.

Replace Softness with Strength: Instead of “just wondering,” state your question directly: “I’d like to confirm…” Similarly, swap “maybe we could” for “I propose we…” This shift in tone demonstrates initiative and ownership.

Focus on Action: Opt for action verbs that leave no room for ambiguity. Instead of “I was hoping you could send…,” use “Please send…” This shift clarifies expectations and keeps the email moving forward.

Express Gratitude with Confidence: Appreciation is essential, but avoid phrases like “Thanks in advance.” Instead, express your gratitude in a way that conveys your confidence in the recipient: “Thank you for your attention to this matter.”

Embrace Ownership: Use phrases that demonstrate your confidence: “I recommend…” or “I believe…” This shows you’ve thought through your message and are ready to move forward.

Proofread for Softness: Before hitting send, give your email a final review. Look for those sneaky soft phrases that might have slipped in and replace them with stronger alternatives.

Apologising Unnecessarily

Common Mistake: Saying sorry when no mistake has been made. Phrases like “Sorry to bother you” or “Sorry for asking” can imply that you feel unworthy of the recipient’s time.

Suggestion: Only apologise when it’s warranted. If you need something, be straightforward and respectful. Use phrases such as, “Thank you for your time” or “I appreciate your assistance with…”. These let the other person know you appreciate their help and time, without making you sound like you lack confidence.

Top Tips To Avoid Apologising Unnecassarily

Know Your Worth: Remember, you deserve to be in that inbox! You bring value, and your requests and ideas are important. Acknowledge your contributions and approach your emails with that mindset.

Frame Requests as Assertions: Instead of “I’m sorry to bother you, but could you…?” , reframe your request as a clear statement: “I’d appreciate it if you could…” This direct approach shows respect for their time while confidently stating your need.

Express Gratitude with Strength: Appreciation is key, but ditch phrases like “Sorry for the inconvenience, but…” Instead, try “Thank you for your understanding as I…” This conveys gratitude without diminishing your request.

Focus on Ownership: Use phrases that demonstrate you’re taking charge: “I’d like to request…” or “I recommend we…” This shows initiative and avoids the apologetic undertone of phrases like “Would it be possible…?”

Highlight Value, Not Burden: Instead of “Sorry this might be a lot, but…” focus on the value your request brings. Try “This information will be crucial for…” This shift in focus positions your request as a necessary step, not an inconvenience.

Proofread for Apologies: Before hitting send, give your email a final scan. Look for those sneaky “sorrys” that might have snuck in and replace them with more confident alternatives.

Hedging With Uncertain Language

Common Mistake: Using phrases like “I think” or “It might be” too frequently can make you seem like you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.

Suggestion: Present your ideas confidently. If you’re making a recommendation, say, ‘’I suggest” or ‘’I recommend.’’ Be bold! 

Top Tips For Using Certain Language

Be Clear About Your Purpose: Before hitting “compose,” take a moment to define your objective. Are you requesting information, proposing an idea, or following up on a task? Knowing your purpose allows you to structure your email and choose assertive language that drives action.

Replace Uncertainty with Authority: Instead of “I think we should…” state your idea confidently: “We should consider…” This shift in tone positions you as a thought leader and encourages action.

Speak in Facts, Not Possibilities: Replace “maybe” with “based on…” or “considering…” These phrases sound more grounded and confident than possibilities.

Express Confidence in Your Abilities: Ditch “I’ll try my best” for “I can assure you…” or “I’m confident that…” This demonstrates initiative and ownership of your work.

Embrace Ownership with “I”: Statements like “It would be great if…” lack conviction. Replace them with “I would appreciate it if…” This assertive approach conveys ownership and clarity.

Use Active Voice for Stronger Impact: The passive voice can sound wishy-washy. Instead of “The report could be finished by tomorrow,” write “I will finish the report by tomorrow.” This active voice construction strengthens your message.

Proofread for Uncertainty: Before sending, do a final review. Look for hidden hesitations and replace them with confident alternatives.

Undermining Your Requests

Common Mistake: Phrasing requests as if you expect them to be declined. For example, “You probably won’t have time for this but…” makes it easy for the recipient to say no.

Suggestion: Be clear and assertive when asking for something. Use positive and confident phrases like “Could you please” or “I would appreciate your help with…”. The people you’re speaking to are (presumably) all adults; they can say no if it’s really required. 

Top Tips For Using Positive Phrases

Focus on the Positive: Instead of “I’m not sure if this is the right time, but…” start with a positive statement: “Following up on our discussion…” This sets a constructive tone and gets the recipient engaged.

Frame Requests as Opportunities: Shift from “I need you to…” to “This information will be crucial for…” Highlighting the value your request brings positions it as a necessary step, not an inconvenience.

Embrace “We” Language: “We need to finalize the proposal” sounds more collaborative than “I need you to finish the proposal.” This fosters a sense of shared responsibility and encourages teamwork.

Express Confidence in Others: Instead of “Do you think you could…?” , try “I’m confident you can handle this by…” This shows trust in their abilities and motivates them to deliver.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Phrases like “Thank you in advance for your help” can come across as presumptuous. Opt for “I appreciate your support in getting this done.” This acknowledges their future contribution without assuming it.

Highlight Achievements and Solutions: Instead of focusing solely on problems, showcase successes and propose solutions. “While we faced a delay, I’ve already started on…” demonstrates initiative and a problem-solving mindset.

End on a Positive Note: Conclude your email with a forward-looking statement: “I look forward to hearing from you soon” or “Let’s discuss this further on Monday.” This keeps the conversation moving and fosters a positive working relationship.

Closing Weakly

Common Mistake: Ending your email with phrases like “Just let me know” or “Whatever you think” sounds wishy-washy.

Suggestion: Finish with clear and decisive language, such as “I look forward to your feedback” or “I would appreciate your response by [date].”

Top Tips For A Strong Closing

Match the Tone: Consider the overall tone of your email. For a formal request, a classic closing like “Sincerely” or “Regards” is appropriate. If your email is more collaborative, a friendly closing like “Best regards” or “Thanks” works well.

Action Calls and Next Steps: If your email requires a response or action from the recipient, incorporate a clear call to action in your closing. For example, “Please let me know if you have any questions” or “I look forward to your feedback by Friday.”

Availability and Proactiveness: Subtly indicate your availability for further communication. Phrases like “Please don’t hesitate to reach out” or “I’m happy to discuss this further” show openness and a willingness to collaborate.

Confidence and Ownership: Project confidence in your closing. Instead of “Hope this works for you,” opt for “I’m confident this approach will be successful.” This showcases your expertise and initiative.


Don’t say ‘’I’m no expert but…’’ or ask too many questions in one email. Use active rather than passive voice, and don’t water down your message. With the right best practices and etiquette, you can inspire confidence in your work capabilities.

-Joe D. from FATJOE

FATJOE was founded in 2012 and has become one of the world’s largest providers of outsourced link-building, digital PR, SEO services, content creation and design, and video services. They’re changing the game with their productized link-building and SEO services –  helping SEOs, marketers, and agencies to scale and thrive.


Mastering the art of confident work emails isn’t about faking it till you make it. It’s about replacing self-doubt with clear communication strategies. By ditching the soft phrases, uncertain language, and unnecessary apologies, you’ll craft emails that project professionalism and get results.

Remember, clear and confident communication is a superpower in the workplace. So, put these tips into practice, and watch your inbox transform from a battlefield into a launchpad for your success.

Now get out there and conquer those emails with confidence!

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JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes author, JJ Barnes Filmmaker, JJ Barnes Writer, JJ Barnes Shop, JJ Barnes Artist, JJ Barnes Siren Stories, JJ Barnes The Table Read, Books by JJ Barnes, Films by JJ Barnes, JJ Barnes Blog, Lifestyle, Family, Entertainment, Women's Interest, Blogger, Blogging, JJ Barnes Blogs

Top 10 Most Popular Flowers And How To Care For Them

On the JJ Barnes Blog, I check out the top 10 most popular flowers for home gardeners, and advice on how to care for them.

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Do you crave a vibrant, flourishing garden bursting with colour and life? You’re not alone! Home gardening has become a beloved pastime, offering a chance to connect with nature and create a personal haven. But with countless flower options available, choosing the right ones can feel overwhelming.

As a total novice on all things green fingered, today, I’m checking out research into the top 10 most popular flowers for home gardeners, along with expert tips to ensure they thrive in your personal green space.

UK plant nursery Ashridge Trees used Google Keyword Planner to analyse the number of monthly searches over the past year for 20 common flowers to determine their popularity among home gardeners.  The keywords measured included flower terms relating to gardening, such as ‘grow roses’, ‘plant geraniums’, ‘how to grow orchids’, ‘hyacinth seeds’ and ‘when to plant poppy seeds’. 

Top 10 Most Popular Flowers

      Rank      Flower      Combined average monthly searches 
     1.     Rose     126,909 
     2.     Sunflower     112,567 
     3.     Poppy     111,677 
     4.     Hydrangea     85,428 
     5.     Peony     81,013 
     6.     Daffodil     73,302 
     7.     Tulip     65,718 
     8.     Lavender     61,432 
     9.     Daisy     57,336 
     10.     Iris     55,684 


The rose was identified as the UK’s favourite flower for gardeners, attracting 126,909 monthly searches on average, and as it is also the name of my first daughter, it feels like the perfect flower for me.

Roses are known for their distinct petal shape and thorny stems, and come in a variety of colours, such as red, pink, yellow and white. They can be high maintenance compared to other flowers, requiring regular watering, pruning and fertilizing to prolong their health. 

  • Sunshine is Key: Roses crave sunlight! Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sun a day for optimal growth and flowering.
  • Location, Location, Location: Plant your roses in a spot with good drainage. Roses dislike soggy roots, so avoid low-lying areas or clay-heavy soil.
  • Watering Wisely: Deep watering is essential. Aim for the equivalent of 1 inch of rainfall per week, delivered directly to the soil (not the leaves) to encourage strong root development.
  • Feed for Success: Roses are hungry feeders! Regularly fertilize them during the growing season with a rose-specific fertilizer to promote vibrant blooms.
  • Pruning Power: Prune your roses in early spring to remove dead, diseased, or weak canes. This will encourage healthy new growth and bountiful flowers.
  • Disease Defense: Keep an eye out for common rose diseases like black spot and powdery mildew. Natural solutions or organic fungicides can help keep these issues at bay.


Following in second place was the sunflower, averaging 112,567 searches per month. 

Sunflowers have a striking appearance, with tall stems and large, vibrant yellow petals that frame a dark centre.

They are relatively low maintenance provided they’re positioned in a sunny spot and given room to grow as much as they need. 

  • Sun Seeker: The name says it all! Plant your sunflowers in a location with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Spacious Surroundings: Sunflowers are not fans of crowding. When planting, provide ample space between plants according to variety. Taller varieties may need 3-4 feet of space, while shorter ones can thrive with 1-2 feet.
  • Water Wisely: While sunflowers are somewhat drought-tolerant, consistent watering is key, especially during dry spells and for younger plants. Water deeply at the base of the plant, aiming for the soil to be moist but not soggy.
  • Staking Support: For taller sunflower varieties, staking is crucial to prevent them from toppling over under the weight of their impressive flower heads. Gently secure the stem to a stake as the plant grows.
  • Feeding Frenzy (Optional): Sunflowers are generally not heavy feeders, but if your soil is lacking nutrients, a slow-release fertilizer can give them a boost for even bigger blooms. Opt for a fertilizer high in potassium, like tomato feed.
  • Deadheading Delights: To encourage continuous flowering, deadhead your sunflowers by removing spent blooms. This will signal the plant to produce more flowers.


In third place was the poppy, which generated an average of 111,677 monthly searches. 

Poppies are a comparatively small species and have delicate petals that are often red but can be other colours such as orange or pink. Once planted they are easy to maintain as they don’t require a lot of attention and can thrive regardless of soil type. 

  • Light Up Their Lives: Poppies crave sunshine! Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day for optimal growth and flowering.
  • Drainage Matters: These low-maintenance beauties thrive in well-drained soil. Avoid planting them in areas that tend to get waterlogged, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Watering Wisdom: Poppies are surprisingly drought-tolerant once established. Water them regularly when young, but as they mature, they’ll be happy with occasional deep watering, especially during dry spells.
  • Less is More with Feeding: Poppies are not big fans of fertilizer. In fact, too much nitrogen can lead to leggy plants with fewer flowers. Opt for a light touch with fertilizer, or skip it altogether if your soil is average.
  • Deadheading for Double Duty: Removing spent flowers (deadheading) is a great way to encourage your poppies to produce more blooms throughout the season. This also prevents them from setting seed, which can lead to unwanted self-sowing in the following year.
  • Embrace Self-Seeding (or Not): Poppies are prolific self-sowers, meaning they readily drop seeds that germinate the following year. This can be a delightful surprise, or it can lead to poppies popping up in unexpected places. If you prefer to control their spread, deadhead promptly before the seed pods form.


Ranking fourth was the hydrangea with an average 85,428 monthly searches. 

Hydrangeas have big, rounded petals that produce a sypherical shape and can be found in a range of colours, such as blue or white. They are relatively easy to care for, although they thrive best in moist soil and partial shade.  

  • Finding the Perfect Spot: Hydrangeas prefer the sweet spot between sun and shade. Aim for an area with morning sun and afternoon shade, especially in hotter climates. Too much direct sun can scorch the leaves and flowers. North-facing walls are a great option.
  • Hydration is Key: The name “hydrangea” is a giveaway! These plants love consistent moisture. Water deeply at the base of the plant, aiming for the soil to be evenly moist but not soggy. During hot weather, you may need to water more frequently.
  • Soil Secrets: Hydrangeas prefer slightly acidic, well-drained soil. If your soil leans alkaline, consider adding amendments like peat moss or coffee grounds to lower the pH and keep those blooms blue.
  • Mulch Magic: A layer of mulch around the base of your hydrangea will help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weeds. Opt for organic mulch like wood chips or shredded bark.
  • Feeding Frenzy (But Not Too Much): Hydrangeas benefit from light feeding during the growing season. A balanced fertilizer or one formulated specifically for acid-loving plants can be applied once a month. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of blooms.
  • Pruning Prowess: Timing is everything when it comes to pruning hydrangeas. Most varieties flower on old wood, so prune in late winter or early spring before new growth emerges. Remove dead, diseased, or weak stems, and lightly shape the plant if desired.


Rounding out the top five was the peony, commanding 81,013 searches per month. 

Peonies are one of the most romantic flowers, with lush, full blooms that are most popular in shades of pink. They are hardy, low effort plants but need regular watering.  

  • Location, Location, Location: Peonies crave sunshine! Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Morning sun is ideal, with some afternoon shade in hotter climates to prevent flower scorching.
  • Planting Perfection: Don’t bury your peonies too deep! The “eyes” (buds) on the rootstock should be no more than 1-2 inches below the soil surface. Planting too deep can hinder flowering.
  • Drainage is Crucial: Peonies dislike soggy feet. Choose a well-drained planting site with loose, fertile soil. Amending the soil with compost or aged manure before planting can improve drainage and provide essential nutrients.
  • Watering Wisely: While peonies are somewhat drought-tolerant once established, consistent watering is key during their first year and during dry spells. Water deeply at the base of the plant, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Fertilizing for Success: Peonies are not heavy feeders. A light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring can be beneficial, but avoid over-fertilizing as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of blooms.
  • Staking Support (Optional): For varieties with particularly large blooms, staking can be helpful to prevent the stems from flopping over. Use a sturdy support ring and loosely tie the stems to it as the flower buds develop.
  • Deadheading Delights: Once the blooms fade, remove the spent flower heads to encourage the plant to focus its energy on healthy foliage growth. However, leave a few seed pods on the plant if you’d like them to self-seed (be aware this may take several years to produce flowers).
  • Pruning Power: Peonies require minimal pruning. Simply cut back the stems to ground level in late fall or early winter, after the foliage has died back completely.


In sixth was the daffodil with an average of 73,302 monthly searches. 

A springtime favourite, daffodils typically have bright yellow petals engulfing a trumpet-shaped middle. They can thrive in lots of conditions and don’t need much attention, making them ideal for beginner gardeners. 

  • Planting Power: Daffodils prefer a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Avoid planting them in waterlogged areas, as this can lead to bulb rot.
  • Planting Perfect Depth: Plant daffodil bulbs in the fall, ideally 6-8 weeks before the ground freezes. A good rule of thumb is to plant them at a depth of two to three times the height of the bulb.
  • Watering Wisely: While newly planted bulbs appreciate consistent moisture, established daffodils are fairly drought-tolerant. Water them during dry spells, especially in spring when they are actively growing.
  • Fertilizing for Success (Optional): Daffodils are not heavy feeders, but a light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring can give them a boost. Alternatively, you can sprinkle some bone meal around the base of the plants in fall.
  • Let the Leaves Linger: Resist the urge to cut back the daffodil foliage after the flowers fade. The leaves help the bulb replenish its energy for next year’s blooms. Allow the leaves to die back naturally before removing them.
  • Deadheading Delights: Once the blooms fade, remove the flower head (deadheading) to prevent the plant from putting energy into seed production. However, leave the stem and foliage intact.
  • Dividing for Density (Optional): Over time, daffodil clumps can become overcrowded, leading to fewer flowers. Every 3-5 years, you can dig up and divide the clumps in fall to create new plantings.


Following in seventh was the tulip, which generated an average of 65,718 searches per month. 

Tulips are known for their classic cup shape and can be found in different colours such as red, yellow, pink and purple. They’re easy to look after and as perennial flowers, you can enjoy their beauty for several years.  

  • Planting Powerhouse: Tulips are all about fall planting. Aim to plant them 6-8 weeks before the ground freezes, allowing them time to develop roots before winter.
  • Sun Seeking Souls: These springtime stars crave sunshine! Choose a location with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
  • Drainage Matters: Tulips dislike soggy feet. Opt for a well-drained planting site with loose, fertile soil. Amending the soil with compost or aged manure before planting can improve drainage and provide essential nutrients.
  • Planting Perfect Depth: A general rule of thumb is to plant tulip bulbs at a depth of two to three times their height.
  • Watering Wisely: Newly planted bulbs appreciate consistent watering during fall and early winter. However, established tulips are fairly drought-tolerant once spring arrives. Water them during dry spells, especially when they are actively growing and flowering.
  • Fertilizing for Success (Optional): A light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring can give your tulips a boost. Alternatively, you can mix some bone meal into the planting hole before setting the bulbs.
  • Deadheading Delights: Once the blooms fade, remove the flower head (deadheading) to prevent the plant from putting energy into seed production. However, leave the stem and foliage intact as they help the bulb replenish its energy stores for the following year.
  • Enjoying the Show: Tulips are typically grown as annuals, meaning they flower in the spring and then die back. After the foliage has completely withered and turned brown, you can remove the bulbs from the ground. However, some tulip varieties may naturalize and return year after year, especially in cooler climates.
  • Winter Storage (Optional): If you’d like to try saving your tulip bulbs for replanting the following fall, carefully dig them up after the foliage has died back. Allow them to dry thoroughly in a cool, well-ventilated spot before storing them in a paper bag or mesh basket over winter.


Ranking eighth was lavender, averaging 61,432 monthly searches. 

Lavender has a distinct appearance, with clusters of tiny purple flowers on each stem – but they are equally beloved for their calming scent. They can be maintained easily, making them the ideal choice for a hassle-free harden. 

  • Sun Seeker: Lavender hails from the Mediterranean and thrives in sunshine. Aim for a location with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. This will promote healthy growth, abundant blooms, and the strongest fragrance.
  • Drainage Champion: Excellent drainage is key to happy lavender. These plants dislike soggy roots, so avoid planting them in clay-heavy soil or low-lying areas prone to waterlogging. Raised beds can be a great option.
  • Soil Secrets: Lavender prefers poor to moderately fertile soil, and even thrives in slightly alkaline conditions. Amending the soil with sand or gravel can improve drainage in heavier soils. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.
  • Watering Wisely: Newly planted lavender needs consistent watering during its first summer to establish a strong root system. Once established, these drought-tolerant plants require minimal watering. Water deeply at the base of the plant during dry spells, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
  • Pruning for Perfection: Regular pruning is essential for maintaining a healthy, bushy lavender plant and encouraging continued flowering. Prune lightly after the first flush of blooms in early summer, and again in late summer or early fall to remove spent flowers and promote bushier growth. Avoid pruning into old wood, as lavender flowers on new growth.
  • Deadheading Delights: Throughout the flowering season, deadhead spent blooms by pinching them off just below the flower head. This will not only improve the overall appearance of the plant but also encourage it to produce more flowers.


In ninth place was the daisy, which generated 57,336 searches per month. 

Daisies have a simple appearance, with delicate white petals surrounding a bright yellow centre – and they are one of the smallest flower varieties. They’re also easy to maintain as they can grow in many different conditions.  

  • Sunshine Seekers: Daisies crave sunshine! Aim to plant them in a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. This will ensure vibrant blooms and healthy growth. Some varieties can tolerate partial shade, but expect fewer flowers.
  • Drainage Matters: While daisies enjoy consistent moisture, they dislike sitting in soggy soil. Choose a well-drained planting site with loose, fertile soil. Amending the soil with compost or aged manure before planting can improve drainage and provide essential nutrients. Raised beds are a great option if your soil is heavy clay.
  • Watering Wisely: Water your daisies regularly, especially during hot and dry periods. Aim for the soil to be evenly moist but not soggy. Newly planted daisies will need more frequent watering until they establish a strong root system.
  • Feeding for Success (Optional): Daisies are not heavy feeders. A light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring can give them a boost, but avoid over-fertilizing as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.
  • Deadheading Delights: Once the blooms fade, remove the spent flower heads (deadheading) to encourage the plant to produce more flowers throughout the season. This also prevents the plant from putting energy into seed production.
  • Dividing for Density (Optional): Over time, daisy clumps can become overcrowded, leading to fewer flowers. Every 3-5 years, you can dig up and divide the clumps in spring or fall to create new plantings.


Completing the top ten was the iris, which attracted an average 55,684 monthly searches. 

Iris flowers have stunning wilted petals that create a unique shape, and are  found in a range of colours, with purple arguably the most common. They survive best in well-drained soil and full sunlight. 

  • Sunshine and Space: Irises are sun worshippers! Aim for at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day for optimal growth and flowering. They also prefer good air circulation, so avoid planting them too close together or crowded by other plants.
  • Drainage is Key: These beauties dislike soggy feet. Choose a well-drained planting site with loose, fertile soil. Raised beds can be a great option if your soil is heavy clay. Amending the soil with compost or aged manure before planting can improve drainage and provide essential nutrients.
  • Rhizome Royalty: Irises grow from fleshy underground structures called rhizomes. When planting, position the rhizomes horizontally on the soil surface, with the roots and fans of leaves pointing upwards. Avoid burying them too deeply, as this can hinder flowering.
  • Watering Wisely: Newly planted irises need consistent watering to establish a strong root system. Once established, they are fairly drought-tolerant. Water deeply at the base of the plant during dry spells, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Avoid overhead watering, as this can promote fungal diseases.
  • Fertilizing for Success: Irises are not heavy feeders. A light application of a balanced fertilizer in early spring before new growth emerges can be beneficial. Avoid over-fertilizing, especially with high-nitrogen fertilizers, as this can encourage excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.
  • Deadheading Delights: Once the blooms fade, remove the spent flower stalks (deadheading) to improve the overall appearance of the plant. However, leave the foliage intact as it helps the rhizome store energy for next year’s blooms.
  • Dividing for Density (Optional): Over time, iris clumps can become overcrowded, leading to fewer flowers. Every 3-5 years after flowering, you can carefully dig up and divide the rhizomes to create new plantings. Look for healthy, firm rhizomes with new growth emerging.

Favourite Plants

The rose being crowned the nation’s number one flower for home gardening may come as no surprise to avid gardeners. They’re adored for their beauty, fragrance and symbolism of love, which is why they are often considered the most romantic choice for Valentine’s Day. 

Alongside personal preference, choosing the right plant for your garden and the time of year also matters. When deciding which flowers to grow, it’s important to consider the type of flower and the environment it thrives in best to determine whether it’s the right time to plant.  

Most flowers are best planted in spring or autumn due to mild temperatures and moisture in the ground. However, some prefer cooler or warmer climates. The sunflower is a popular choice due to its striking size and vibrant colour, which blooms beautifully during late summer. 

Poppies, on the other hand, can be planted during early spring, especially the California, Iceland and Oriental varieties, all of which thrive in mild or cooler climates, and can even tolerate some frost. 

Other flowers that are ideal choices to be planted in spring include tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, irises and peonies. If you’re planning to grow your garden, these are perfect choices as they love the cooler temperatures but will appreciate the extra sunlight as the days begin to get longer. 

If you’re a beginner, it’s a good idea to start small with a low maintenance flower such as marigolds. Ensuring that the soil is well-drained and enriched with organic matter, as well as maintaining a regular watering schedule, will allow them to grow to their fullest potential. 

Flowers make a fresh addition to any green space and are the perfect option for brightening up a garden after the dull winter months. Just remember that different flowers have different needs. Check guidelines for any flower you might want to plant, and when in doubt, you can always consult your local garden centres or wider gardening community.

-Julian de Bosdari, CEO of Ashridge Trees


A list of 20 common flowers was created after researching the most common varieties online and compiling the most popular choices on Google Trends. Search terms relating to the flowers were input into Google Keyword Planner to provide national and regional search volumes from the past 12 months. These terms were ‘plant sunflowers’ ‘grow sunflowers’ ‘sunflower seeds’ ‘how to grow sunflowers’ and ‘when to plant sunflower seeds’ with ‘sunflower’ replaced with each flower type. The search terms were calculated to provide a total and then divided by 12 to produce a monthly average. This was scaled to per 100,000 people within the UK population. 

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